Something we all enjoy; breakfast.
My formula is 1 or 2 eggs, oil, buttermilk (lots at high altitude), a litttle sugar, a bit of corn meal, whole wheat flour or buckwheat depending on mood, and unbleached white, baking soda, baking powder, a pinch of salt. Sometimes I also add some apple sauce into the mix.
Lots of butter, real maple syrup if you can afford it, (this years is not real good). My usual syrup is brown sugar and Maple flavoring, as that what I grew up on. Put it on hot. I know some of you will have your own tops, depending on who raised you and where. Another favorite is to make apple syrup from the peelings from pie apples, that way little is wasted. Blueberries, or blackberries also make a good syrup.
I put any extras in the fridge and then take them to work, along with an egg, one each day.