Author Topic: There really is something wrong with this stuff.  (Read 1074 times)

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Offline Anna

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There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« on: December 06, 2012, 12:52:56 AM »

I'm very happy to see that someone in the media is finally addressing this problem.Symptoms
and side effects range differently on each subject from the mild to the psychotic.
But for the ones where it effects the neurotransmitters of the brain the effects can be dramatic.
The hallucinations that can occur from this sometimes are even far worse than what is seen
with methamphetamine abuse. This stuff is more likely to cause the real kind of horror story's
that were once associated with marijuana use. I am no real fan of Mary Jane, but we have
villainised a relatively misunderstood substance and allowed this poison to take its place

I'm only saying this so you guys can be watching for it, kids are swapping, buying andselling this trash in our public schools now days. It's cheap, and its barely regulated except
in a few states. Soma ( carisoprodol ) is another one that's showing up lately and people buy
it online. Mix this stuff with alcohol and watch out, and people will argue with you about its
legality to possess or its true effects in large doses. This crap can KILL you, any unseen or
unknown heart condition can surface real fast while useing this one. Usually mixed with Loratab ( hydrocodone ) people are fooling themselves into a spot at the local morgue.

And by the way, all of this is available from shady pharmacies that operate online.   

Offline Mikey

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2012, 01:06:40 AM »
If it would help clean out the gene pools then I suggest making it available in the inner cities and to obama supporters.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2012, 01:31:07 AM »
In a neighboring county, a couple came home to find their teenage son dead from synthetic MJ.
for a while it was legal, but our state legislature fixed that real quick.
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Offline Anna

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2012, 12:58:43 AM »
It isn't illegal here yet, but people are lining up at the smoke shops that are selling it to get some.
It's going under the name of potpourri and is labeled not for consumption. But this stuff is not even
close to what pot does to people and that is a misconception to think that it does.
All people are not the same, especially where this trash is concerned. It can land them in a straight
jacket for a few days or in some cases perminetly. We have a teenage girl here that smoked some
of this that was laced with meth. It screwed her up worse than Chinese arithmetic, she can not
control her saliva or her basic bodily functions now. We are trying,but I can't see that she will ever
come out of this. And her medical bills are starting to go through the roof.

Offline yellowtail3

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2012, 01:18:38 AM »
thank the gov't for this, Anna. Perfectly safe & natural cannabis would be a much better choice, but then you have to worry about some LE scoundrel arresting you and then finding the state your adversary, and your life turned upside down.

that's why. Thanks a lot, War on (some) Drugs..
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Offline PowPow

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2012, 01:49:50 AM »
Hope they don't quit making carisoprodol and hydrocodone.
Got a prescription to take one each every 4 hours when the muscles in my old man back or neck decide go on strike.
Doesn't happen often, but when it does, I am done for the day.
Never got enlightened from it, but if I take them at bed time, I can count on some strange dreams.

The difference between people who do stuff and people who don't do stuff is that the people who do stuff do stuff.

Offline Doublebass73

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2012, 03:14:19 AM »
I am no real fan of Mary Jane, but we have
villainised a relatively misunderstood substance and allowed this poison to take its place

Good post Anna. Every time the government sticks it's nose into something the law of unintended consequences rears it's ugly head. MJ is the most benign of all recreational drugs, by prohibiting it the government has forced the creation of a dangerous, deadly synthetic substitute.
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

---- William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

Offline oldandslow

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2012, 03:14:23 AM »
Hope they don't quit making carisoprodol and hydrocodone.
Got a prescription to take one each every 4 hours when the muscles in my old man back or neck decide go on strike.
Doesn't happen often, but when it does, I am done for the day.
Never got enlightened from it, but if I take them at bed time, I can count on some strange dreams.

When you get a little older you can enjoy strange dreams without any chemical help. I have a few years on you and I have some real doozies now.  It seems I have quite an imagination when I'm asleep.  :o

There was an article in yesterday's local paper about the county making it illegal to sell the stuff since the state hasn't acted yet. The legislature meets in it's long session starting next month and something might get done then, hopefully.

Offline Empty Quiver

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2012, 03:38:13 AM »
thank the gov't for this, Anna. Perfectly safe & natural cannabis would be a much better choice, but then you have to worry about some LE scoundrel arresting you and then finding the state your adversary, and your life turned upside down.

that's why. Thanks a lot, War on (some) Drugs..
I have to agree.
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Offline Anna

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2012, 01:29:22 PM »
thank the gov't for this, Anna. Perfectly safe & natural cannabis would be a much better choice, but then you have to worry about some LE scoundrel arresting you and then finding the state your adversary, and your life turned upside down.

that's why. Thanks a lot, War on (some) Drugs..

Hi YT3, like I said I'm no fan of weed either, but in my position I can't condone just a whole lot.
But I will say this, I have never had to institutionalize, confine, or deny services for a pot head.
Nor have I ever had any trouble out of one unless something else was involved like harder drugs or
alcohol. Sure I've had them come to us after being arrested and called every drug addict name in
the book. But from my chair I sign them off as not being any hazard to the public unless they were
driving, what LE does with them after that I have no control over.

All I have ever found with a pot head is self induced paranoia that is not a factor unless they are
stoned. In other words it is not a psychosis, and contrary to belief they do not experience any forms
of withdrawal. I do however find them to be mush heads in many cases that shirk off responsibility
or spoiled little rich kids. If I want the drug war to continue its only because of the nightmare
consequences that occur with any drug trades with the Mexicans and their cartels.
Saying that pot leads to other more dangerous drugs is like saying that guns fire themselves.

People do that not substances or inanimate objects. Marijuana of itself is not a physically addictive substance, it is a desired lifestyle and that is it. Most people grow out of it at an early age and never
look back even if it were legalized. You can not say that about nicotine or alcohol that in my opinion
are far worse. I have seen a nicotine overdose and it was not a pretty picture. Going cold turkey off
alcohol can kill you, where quitting pot smoking just might be what some of these pot heads need
to lose weight.   ;D

Offline jlwilliams

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2012, 01:54:34 PM »
  In a country where one adult in twenty is taking a prescribed mind altering drug, our 'leaders' have the nerve to say we have a 'war on drugs'.  It's fine for people to be dependent on Haldol, Zoloft or Valuum; but if the smoke pot they must be hippy, commie scumbags.  People actually believe that crap.  Educated adults that we collectively  hire to represent us craft the laws that give teeth to that belief structure.  Take pills for anxiety and you are treating your health, smoke a joint to relax and your a doper.  ???
  Marijuana is a schedule one controlled substance.  That means that the gubmint has determined in all their wisdom, after extensive research and evaluation, that it has a high probability of addiction and abuse and no medicinal value. "Synthetic marijuana substitutes' are classified as 'nutritional supplements' which is how they evade regulation.  Who was smoking what when they came up with that one?

Offline Swift One

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2012, 03:47:26 PM »
K2 is no doubt a killer- unlike it's natural counterpart- maijuana- which is nothing like K2.  I really think it's important that the difference between the two is known.  I know in my neck of the woods people are looping the two together as far as symptoms and deaths go and this just is not the case.  Yet, another reason to legalize the real thing.  I mean, who in the hell wants to drink synthetic rum, when the real deal is out there and legal?
It's all a hot mess...........

Offline Anna

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2012, 05:21:15 PM »
No kidding swift one excellent post. And you are right about the misinformation that's being put out
there about this stuff and marijuana. The two are in no way the same, we are going back to a time
of hysteria over pot like we saw in the reefer madness days. This stuffs lab name is SALVIA, and its
flooding the streets like a wildfire. Like meth took center stage over crack, this stuff is taking the
spotlight over all of it. Because its cheap and very available, but as I said. I have not seen near the
problems with pot abuse that I have with everything else. Look at a yellow sheet when you buy a gun,
look at the mad dog drug test that company's make their employees take. And it's always do you
smoke pot ? Never mind these new drugs that are out of your system in 48 hours, do you smoke pot?
This is what we are doing to ourselves and we are paying for it with drugs like this .

Offline Anna

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2012, 05:39:29 PM »
So in a nutshell what have we done ? We have taken a relatively harmless substance and made it
into the poster child of all drug abuse. Now what signal does this send to those who are curious?
Well I'll tell you what that says, if those who try pot find out they have been lied to about its effects.
Then why wouldn't they think they had also been lied to about everything else out there ?
Pot does not lead to stronger drugs, misinformation does. This is what most reformed attics of those
stronger street drugs tell us. That all pot did was make them raid the refrigerator, so why not go out
and see if all that other stuff is just as harmless. By then it's to late, thank you mr gov for your
ignorance and help.

Offline facetious

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2012, 10:32:29 PM »
The stuff you are talking about  is close to being pot but is not . Do a Google search on it. I may be wrong but I think it started in the Netherlands by a chemist who changed the chemistry of a number of drugs so that thy would not test positive when tested but still have the same effect as the real thing. Some can be shipped in parts with out limits then be mixed together later. They ran a story about this in the news paper a year or two.

Offline Anna

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2012, 12:55:42 AM »
Most of it is coming in from Mexico thus the name SALVIA. And it is in no way like pot, and is no longer
intended to be any kind of a substitute. It may have started out that way but due to its popularity
its taken on several different blends and potency. It's flavored now and can produce a lot of different effects. Hallucinations are just some of them and some people who have tried it say they
would never do it again. When you have a seasoned meth head or a person hooked on opiates
telling you this stuff is bad its best that you listen to them. Its to early now to tell. and the playing
field changes with this stuff to quickly to pin down a whole lot about the long term use of this on the
human body. But we are getting tons of data on the mental effects.

The combination of drugs like you have stated is correct, some of them produced without any thought
as to what that combination might cause. At times producing a prototype that takes time to identify.
Or is never identifyed before a new type arrives on the scene. Paying no attention to the type of
medium it appears as, sometimes a hash looking substance or a dried plant mimicking pot or
a fragrant potpourri. That is only the delivery system, its what it is laced with that matters.
So don't be fooled by its catchy names or its appearance, that mistake is where we are going wrong
with this substance. By the time a state nails down a certian combination to make that illegal it
changes on you.

You can legally smoke any number of harmless plants and call it what you want. But I work with
things like this and I go by what Lab Corps tells us to go by. It is NOT pot, but it hides itself behind
simple weed while being something else. No wonder as people have pointed out here we are experiencing a resurgence of refer madness. I can not condone anything and I have said that, but
the members here have been very accommodating about the rules they know I have got to follow.
And many here seem to get the hint on where I stand on this, my personal feelings about pot are not
the issue here. My public stance on these problems and how I present that opinian is,until something

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2012, 02:18:37 AM »
I saw it referred to here as a "recreational drug".  I thought recreation was hunting, fishing, ball games, camping, BBQing, picnicing with the family, smooching on the little woman etc.
now it's laying around smoking mind-altering-drugs.
what in the world is wrong with people?  why would you want to get stoned and call it recreation?
I'll stay in charge of my faculties thank you....
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Offline guzzijohn

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2012, 03:02:02 AM »
Quote from BUGEYE:
"I saw it referred to here as a "recreational drug".  I thought recreation was hunting, fishing, ball games, camping, BBQing, picnicing with the family, smooching on the little woman it's laying around smoking mind-altering-drugs.
what in the world is wrong with people?  why would you want to get stoned and call it recreation?" is not work and people do it for fun, at least in their mind so it must be recreational. ;D

Offline Swift One

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2012, 03:47:25 AM »
Bugeye, you probably dont drink booze either becuase it does alter the mind.  But that's OK though.  Recreational drinking is not for everyone.  I think the big pic here is that why are so many darned folks doing time over a drug that is pretty much the equivelent to getting drunk?  Im telling ya.  If you legalize it, tax it, and regulate it like alchohol, i think you will find that it is the same as some jack daniels.  Except you will giggle alot more and not want to fight the world.
And with this post, people are going out and finding a legal alternative to the real thing, and it's getting them killed.  So, legalize the real thing.
It's all a hot mess...........

Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2012, 10:05:49 AM »
I mean, who in the hell wants to drink synthetic rum, when the real deal is out there and legal?

Hmm? I had no idea that rum occurred "naturally"!  :o
Smokeless is only a passing fad!

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Offline Swift One

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2012, 01:07:15 PM »
LOL, I think you know what I am talking about my friend.......
It's all a hot mess...........

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2012, 02:08:08 PM »
Bugeye, you probably dont drink booze either becuase it does alter the mind.  But that's OK though.  Recreational drinking is not for everyone.  I think the big pic here is that why are so many darned folks doing time over a drug that is pretty much the equivelent to getting drunk?  Im telling ya.  If you legalize it, tax it, and regulate it like alchohol, i think you will find that it is the same as some jack daniels.  Except you will giggle alot more and not want to fight the world.
And with this post, people are going out and finding a legal alternative to the real thing, and it's getting them killed.  So, legalize the real thing.
alcohol is legal, regulated and taxed and it still breaks up families and causes roughly 75000 deaths per year in the USA.  over 40000 are highways deaths, mostly innocents...
why not make alcohol illegal and make the penalties for harming someone by its use severe enough to make people think.  same goes for drugs.
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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2012, 02:56:14 PM »
Bugeye, you probably dont drink booze either becuase it does alter the mind.  But that's OK though.  Recreational drinking is not for everyone.  I think the big pic here is that why are so many darned folks doing time over a drug that is pretty much the equivelent to getting drunk?  Im telling ya.  If you legalize it, tax it, and regulate it like alchohol, i think you will find that it is the same as some jack daniels.  Except you will giggle alot more and not want to fight the world.
And with this post, people are going out and finding a legal alternative to the real thing, and it's getting them killed.  So, legalize the real thing.
alcohol is legal, regulated and taxed and it still breaks up families and causes roughly 75000 deaths per year in the USA.  over 40000 are highways deaths, mostly innocents...
why not make alcohol illegal and make the penalties for harming someone by its use severe enough to make people think.  same goes for drugs.

might  need to amend the constitution to make it work
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

Offline Swift One

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2012, 05:29:50 AM »
alcohol is legal, regulated and taxed and it still breaks up families and causes roughly 75000 deaths per year in the USA.  over 40000 are highways deaths, mostly innocents...
why not make alcohol illegal and make the penalties for harming someone by its use severe enough to make people think.  same goes for drugs.

Poeple with this exact mindset uses "statistics" every day to try and ban guns.  We all however know (including you Bugeye), that guns dont kill people- the idiots using the guns are the ones killing people.  Drink or smoke responsibly- or pay the price.  Using marijuana should be treated the exact same as drinking a rum and coke- DO IT RESPONSIBLY. 
I think alot of the anti marijuana folks have either drank the koolaid videos that are put out by the govmnt about it and/ or have never experienced marijuana for themselves.  Anna is absolutely correct about the Cheech not leading to other drug use by most recreational drug users.  It is not as addictive like what we are led to believe. 
It's all a hot mess...........

Offline Doublebass73

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Re: There really is something wrong with this stuff.
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2012, 02:49:01 PM »
"Real Conservatives" believe that:

1. Gun bans do nothing to stop gun crime since criminals don't follow the law when it comes to guns.

2. Drug bans are useful at stopping drug crime since criminals follow the law when it comes to drugs.
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

---- William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783