Author Topic: Columnist argues against CCW!  (Read 1592 times)

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Offline Dali Llama

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Columnist argues against CCW!
« on: February 12, 2004, 01:24:58 PM »
Concealed guns: Our volatility is argument against
By Sylvester Brown

I'm guessing that I will receive e-mails about Suzanne and James Butler.

Friday night, a neighbor broke into the Butlers' Phelps County home with a rifle. He shot James in the neck and Suzanne in the hand after she tried to grab the gun. Although wounded, James Butler managed to get his handgun. He shot and killed the intruder, David Brown, 45.

Someone will write to say the couple's story underscores the need for Missouri's concealed-weapons law.

I've written a couple of columns critical of the law. It's on hold while the Missouri Supreme Court reviews its constitutionality. I've received tons of angry calls, e-mails and letters from those in favor of carrying guns. Whenever police shoot a bad guy or a homeowner defends himself with a firearm, gun advocates write saying the story validates their constitutional right to bear arms.

I'm anticipating that e-mail because I got one in November after another home invasion.

It mentioned a man who entered the home of an elderly couple in north St. Louis County through a basement window. The intruder, Jerrod L. Cain, held shears to the neck of the wife and told the husband to get his wallet from the bedroom. The husband, a former Marine, went to the bedroom all right. He retrieved his pistol and shot Cain dead.

The reader asked how I felt about the shooting.

"Hurray for the couple," I wrote back. "Thank God the man was able to save his and his wife's life."

I'll have the same response if asked about the Butlers.

But, I haven't changed my mind about the proposed gun law. First, these incidents happened in the home. It's already legal to have firearms in your house. The new law gives people the right to carry concealed weapons on the streets. That concerns me.

I'm not concerned about those who apply for licenses, take courses and lock up their guns. I'm worried about depressed teenagers, angry co-workers and stressed-out drivers. I'm worried about people like me.

About 25 years ago, I entered Highway 70 at Jennings Station Road heading east. The traffic was thick and slow. A frustrated driver tried to whip in front of me. He hit my car and kept going. I was young and stupid. Instead of calling the police later, I pursued him. In and out of traffic we weaved. I cursed. I pulled alongside him and threw stuff, like my coffee cup. Still, he kept going. I was out of my ridiculously immature mind. The chase ended in south St. Louis. It wasn't pretty, but at least I'm here to talk about it. It could have been much worse if either of us had a gun.

Then, about 10 years ago, my wife was attacked on our office parking lot near Washington and Compton in midtown. I heard her muffled screams from inside the office after the guy tackled her and ran off with her purse. I furiously looked for him down alleys and around the neighborhood. I thank the stars I wasn't armed then, either.

One more story: I was coming out of a business in a rough neighborhood. As I headed for my car, a 4x4 suddenly zoomed up, brakes screeching. About six young guys jumped out and seemed to run directly toward me. My "fight or flight" response activated instinctively. Were there a gun, my hand would have been on the trigger. I felt so foolish as the energetic young men quickly jetted right on past me.

Gun advocates probably feel passage for a conceal-carry law is long overdue. I don't agree. I worry about stolen guns on the streets, more firearms accessible to children, angry spouses and exaggerated incidences of road rage.

I worry about the Average Joe and Jane - people who don't normally carry guns but can be influenced by its false sense of power. Or the usually nice guy unexpectedly shoved into a not-so-nice situation. Those are the people I worry about.

People like me.

Phone: 314-340-8374
Talk in his forum:

Perhaps Honorable Graybeard forum members will e-mail Mr. Brown, say Dali Llama.
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline KN

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Columnist argues against CCW!
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2004, 02:15:23 PM »
Typical SHEEPLE type. Doesn't have a clue. KN

Offline Dali Llama

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Columnist argues against CCW!
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2004, 04:46:39 PM »
Quote from: KN
Typical SHEEPLE type. Doesn't have a clue. KN
Like author of article say, I worry about people like him too, say Dali Llama.... :(  :(  :(
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline NoDak

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Columnist argues against CCW!
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2004, 05:46:39 PM »
To you folks in Wisconsin who missed having a CCW law passed, don't give up. Did anyone let these folks against this know that something like only .1 of 1% of people with CCW permits have had them revoked. After all if any real number of CCW holders were going crazy with their guns don't you think the anti-gun media would have taken the ball and run with it to prove we are all gun nuts who are not mentally stable and are not to be trusted. We have the facts on our side . Just have to show people were to find them.
As responsible people in like what is it now 38+ states have the right to carry(you know this is a constitutional right and it burns me that we have to ASK for permission to excercise this right) and crime has dropped in EVERY state that has adopted CCW laws.

Offline BamBams

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Columnist argues against CCW!
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2004, 05:56:22 PM »
Quote from: NoDak
To you folks in Wisconsin who missed having a CCW law passed, don't give up.

DON'T GIVE UP! AND DON'T LET UP!  Get organized, get involved, and support candidates who share your values!
NRA Handgun Instructor

Offline Dali Llama

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Columnist argues against CCW!
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2004, 01:21:30 AM »
Quote from: BamBams
Quote from: NoDak
To you folks in Wisconsin who missed having a CCW law passed, don't give up.

DON'T GIVE UP! AND DON'T LET UP!  Get organized, get involved, and support candidates who share your values!
...and recall the bums who do not, exhort Dali Llama!! :shock:  :shock:
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline jh45gun

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Columnist argues against CCW!
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2004, 06:53:46 AM »
Trust me we will not give up and recall has been memtioned but I have no idea if it will ever happen and if nothing else we have to vote the bums out of office which may not be easy either with the union voting machine solidly democrate controled. :( Jim
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Dali Llama

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Columnist argues against CCW!
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2004, 12:25:48 PM »
Quote from: jh45gun
we have to vote the bums out of office which may not be easy either with the union voting machine solidly democrate controled. :( Jim
Dali Llama say he hope all union members not be Democrats. :(  :(  :(
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline Nanook 450

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Columnist argues against CCW!
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2004, 01:44:23 PM »
This is my e-mail response to this person:

. . . however in accordance with the CCW Laws in Oklahoma and Texas, and all the contiguous states that honor each other’s permits, had you used a handgun in any of those circumstances you would be in violation of the law.  There have been no incidences of such irrational responses you contemplate from your own egocentric viewpoint.  Those of us that have a brain, and take responsibility for our own personal protection, do not need such egocentric viewpoints to clutter this debate.

Offline Slug-Gunner

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If I Can't Control Myself, NO ONE ELSE CAN TOO....
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2004, 01:51:37 PM »
It sounds like Mr. Sylvester Brown has the attitude and beliefs "That if I can't control my emotions and go off half-cocked and I am beligerant (sp?) and aggresive. then NO ONE ELSE can either." It is people like Mr. Brown who lack self-confidence and self-control to the point where they feel they have to "prove their manhood" every time some one challenges them or upsets them.

As one other post pointed out, less than 1% of all the CCW holders are ever arrested or have their CCW permits suspended for improper actions. Most CCW holders have the "self-confidence" in knowing that they are armed and can prevail if the situation REALLY DEMANDS IT. Most in fact, will defer and avoid direct confrontations that might escalate if possible. They also usually carry themselves with an "air of confidence" which shows in the way they carry themselves in public. Most of the "bad guys" and hoodlums are more likely to attack someone who appears shy and is afraid to "look them in the eye".

Even though Georgia is a SHALL ISSUE state and doesn't require you attend any type of classes, I support those states that do since it makes their CCW carriers more "aware" of the legal requirements and the responsibilities that go along with having a CCW. I also personally believe that there should be at least a "weapons familiarization" course required before a CCW permit is issued. It will assure that those acquiring a CCW are both familiar with their weapon, and have the ability to use it both accurately and effectively. Being familiar with the legal ramifications and responsibilities will, in most cases, be useful in protecting themselves from legal persecution if they should ever be forced into using their CCW weapon. It would make them aware that it is NOT ADVISEABLE to talk to law enforcement officers EXCESSIVELY after a weapons involved incident without consulting with a lawyer first. Yes, it may make it more difficult and time consuming to obtain a CCW permit, but in the long run, it is for their own protection. All this orientation and training would also give them more self-confidence when CCW.
 :eek:  :-D  :wink:

Offline Dali Llama

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Re: If I Can't Control Myself, NO ONE ELSE CAN TOO....
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2004, 05:25:37 AM »
Quote from: Slug-Gunner
I support those states that do since it makes their CCW carriers more "aware" of the legal requirements and the responsibilities that go along with having a CCW. I also personally believe that there should be at least a "weapons familiarization" course required before a CCW permit is issued.
Dali Llama say that, conversely, he do not believe one should have to obtain permit or meet some other arbitrary and capricious standard to exercise their Second Amendment rights. :evil:
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk