So YT, you are saying to the poor, stop stealing welfare and food stamp money through the government from working people. Because I see this every day. Women with a bunch of kids claiming to be single, but a man lives with them. Single she gets welfare, aid to dependent children, medicaid, food stamps, section 8 housing. This goes on for 2-3 generations. Welfare for a young person should be tied to education and eventual work. Not just given out without some form of responsibility. Money for arts is not needed. This is either talent to be paid for by the public, or a hobby. Not everyone is an artist or musician. Money for Public brodcasting is no longer needed. There are free stations already, and with Discovery, Learning, Space, A&E, History, Military, etc, PBS is no longer needed. All of this is stealing to fund some liberals project with someone elses money. We don't need gun control, we need to deal with the source of the problems in the inner city, which is spiritual, not economic. My first 6 years were in a two room house with an outhouse, no running water. Being poor is no excuse for gangs, drugs, and stealing, and murder. My church sponsered a "sidewalk Sunday school" project on Saturday morning in the local projects. Taught the kids lessons, gave out literature, taught Bible stories, and feed them hotdog for lunch. From there we were able to get to some of the parents, usually single moms. The local police said withing a couple of months, crime went down in the neighborhood. The wanted us to expand this project if possible in all the poor areas. Later this was supported by several local churches, and an abandoned old church was given to the project to bus people from the projects to church on Sundays.
Lots of things people can do to change the world, it take a lot of work, time, prayer. But liberals taxing and spending constantly with more government programs and money has NEVER abolished poverty. It is a mindset, and it is spiritual. To get off the welfare plantation, one must first want to, and be taught how to. This sidewalk Sunday school project has been trying to expand into other areas, but some people are fighting it, especially on government property teaching "religion". However is it is effective. That is why we have freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. John Adams said our constitution was for a moral and religious prople.