Author Topic: Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.  (Read 346 times)

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Offline powderman

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Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.
« on: December 07, 2012, 01:14:34 PM »
Supreme Court will take up gay marriage cases  Published December 07, 2012
Associated Press     
  •    Nov. 17, 2011: This file photo shows gay marriage supporters outside the California Supreme Court in San Francisco. (AP)
  WASHINGTON –  The Supreme Court will take up California's ban on same-sex marriage, a case that could give the justices the chance to rule on whether gay Americans have the same constitutional right to marry as heterosexuals.
The justices said Friday they will review a federal appeals court ruling that struck down the state's gay marriage ban, though on narrow grounds. The San Francisco-based appeals court said the state could not take away the same-sex marriage right that had been granted by California's Supreme Court.
The court also will decide whether Congress can deprive legally married gay couples of federal benefits otherwise available to married people. A provision of the federal Defense of Marriage Act limits a range of health and pension benefits, as well as favorable tax treatment, to heterosexual couples.
The cases probably will be argued in March, with decisions expected by late June.
Gay marriage is legal, or will be soon, in nine states -- Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Washington -- and the District of Columbia. Federal courts in California have struck down the state's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, but that ruling has not taken effect while the issue is being appealed.
Voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington approved gay marriage earlier this month.
But 31 states have amended their constitutions to prohibit same-sex marriage.
 North Carolina was the most recent example in May. In Minnesota earlier this month, voters defeated a proposal to enshrine a ban on gay marriage in that state's constitution.
The biggest potential issue before the justices comes in the dispute over California's Proposition 8, the state constitutional ban on gay marriage that voters adopted in 2008 after the state Supreme Court ruled that gay Californians could marry. The case could allow the justices to decide whether the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of equal protection means that the right to marriage cannot be limited to heterosexuals.
A decision in favor of gay marriage could set a national rule and overturn every state constitutional provision and law banning same-sex marriages. A ruling that upheld California's ban would be a setback for gay marriage proponents in the nation's largest state, although it would leave open the state-by-state effort to allow gays and lesbians to marry.
In striking down Proposition 8, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals crafted a narrow ruling that said because gay Californians already had been given the right to marry, the state could not later take it away. The ruling studiously avoided any sweeping pronouncements.
The larger constitutional issue almost certainly will be presented to the court, but the justices would not necessarily have to rule on it.
The other issue the high court will take on involves a provision of the Defense of Marriage Act, known by its acronym DOMA, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman for the purpose of deciding who can receive a range of federal benefits.
Four federal district courts and two appeals courts struck down the provision.
The justices chose for their review the case of 83-year-old Edith Windsor, who sued to challenge a $363,000 federal estate tax bill after her partner of 44 years died in 2009.
Windsor, who goes by Edie, married Thea Spyer in 2007 after doctors told them that Spyer would not live much longer. She suffered from multiple sclerosis for many years. Spyer left everything she had to Windsor.
There is no dispute that if Windsor had been married to a man, her estate tax bill would have been $0.
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York agreed with a district judge that the provision of DOMA deprived Windsor of the constitutional guarantee of equal protection.

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Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

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Re: Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2012, 02:16:45 PM »
Whine hard and whine early!
Soon it will be "What part of LEGAL is so hard to understand???"  ;) :-* :-* :-*

Offline powderman

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Re: Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2012, 03:55:45 PM »
Should pass with flying colors, hussein chose his judges just for these things. He has surrounded himself with perverts and lowlifes ever since taking offiice. I'm sure the local homosexual supporters and promoters are delighted. Another nail in Americas coffin, as planned. Bible verses are wasted on non believers who don't have a Bible, or have never read one, so I won't bother. POWDERMAN.  :( :( :( :( :( :(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

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What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Re: Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2012, 04:48:22 PM »
Should pass with flying colors, hussein chose his judges just for these things. He has surrounded himself with perverts and lowlifes ever since taking offiice. I'm sure the local homosexual supporters and promoters are delighted. Another nail in Americas coffin, as planned. Bible verses are wasted on non believers who don't have a Bible, or have never read one, so I won't bother. POWDERMAN.  :( :( :( :( :( :(

Well you know Jesus did say that man had to become woman and woman had to become man to enter into heaven. I think some people take that literally. If that is what floats their boat then OK I mean after all I am You and You are me, well that might be a little too deep for some.

Hear is what I ask you;
Does it cause you harm when one man beds another?
Does it cause you harm when one woman beds another?
If you answered yes to the above then might I recommend trying meditation and relaxation.

Do not allow it in your house under your roof but do not try to forbid others from not in there house and under their roof. Do not look to government to regulate morality lest you might find that government is not moral.
Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
― Albert Einstein

Offline powderman

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Re: Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2012, 05:22:28 PM »
Does it cause you harm when one man beds another?
Does it cause you harm when one woman beds another?
If you answered yes to the above then might I recommend trying meditation and relaxation.

MATT. YES, it hurts all mankind. By tolerating and promoting this abominable behaviour it gives approval to perversions that are described in the Bible as abominations. A Marriage is between a man, a woman, and God himself. If God aint in it, they aint married. They can say all the words and sign all the man made liberal paperwork they want, but they aint married.
If we permit these deviates to play house like normal folks and enjoy all the perks of REAL married folks then we too are guilty of approving of their sinful behaviour by association.
Ellen degenerate is a libby sweetheart and further promotes these sick individuals, as does the democrat party. The Bible is very plain about this issue. I believe Gods word as true. God hasn't changed his mind, only liberal man has. POWDERMAN.  ;D ;D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline two-blocked

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Re: Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2012, 06:18:57 PM »
Do you think the elves are gay too?

Offline SwampThing762

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Re: Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2012, 07:09:48 PM »
Homosexuality is a perversion and abomination before God, and the eyes of Man.    Yes, it does cause harm when one man beds another -- funnybunnies still have the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS transmission.   They commit murder when they knowingly have unprotected sex with each other.   That is two abominations.

We learned the true nature of Islam on 11 Sept 2001.

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Offline Defoe

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Re: Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2012, 03:16:52 AM »
The problem I have is that an employer would be forced to extend spousal benefits even though it is against his religion to recognize them as husband and wife.
the next step will be for government to create a religion which accepts anything.

this is another swipe at the constitution.

Offline powderman

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Re: Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2012, 04:47:44 AM »
2 blocked. You just gave us all proof of what I said. I don't watch anything with ellen degenerate. I wish that she and all her ilk would crawl back under their rocks and quit poisoning the minds of our children and weak minded.
I reckon there have always been weak minded folks but liberalism was given a huge boost in 1963 when madelyn ohare got God kicked out of America. WE closed the door on God, and opened another wide to satan himself.
Liberals have lead America into moral bankruptcy, just as satan planned. Thanks for verifying what I said. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline scootrd

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Re: Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2012, 05:21:19 AM »
I think folks need to deal with the Hypocrisy issue.

Those who adamantly appose Big Govt intrusion and advocate state rights and personal liberties,  now want big govt and Supreme court to step in and decide what the majority of State population have already decided because the minority did not like the outcome.

So which is it Big govt intervention or not?

Can't have it both ways irregardless of ones own personal religious or other belief. 
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Offline powderman

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Re: Supremes agree to take on 2 pervert, deviate marriage cases.
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2012, 07:22:36 AM »
This is just a way to force sicko libby pervert beliefs down everybodys throats by husseins libby judges. States have REPEATEDLY voted down pervert fake wannabe  marriage, but the feds want it approved. Hussein needs to BUTT OUT. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.