Author Topic: Shot my first double on deer  (Read 850 times)

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Offline randy_68

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Shot my first double on deer
« on: December 10, 2012, 04:11:58 PM »
this past weekend. With a muzzleloader to boot! ;D
I posted this in the CVA forum but thought I would share with you Indiana guys too.
I have had my Apex since Aug of 2009 when they first came out but had yet to shoot anything with it. I even have a custom .357 max barrel for it but didn't even see a deer during gun season. I set it up this past week with the m/l barrel and a new Bushnell 3x9x40 Trophy with circle x reticle. I stayed with my most accurate load , the 245 gr Powerbelts over 90 gr BH209 and a CCI magnum primer. I have shot around a hundred loads of BH209 and have never had any misfires or problems with my gun, however my nephew has had a couple with his. This combo in my gun will keep holes touching at 50 and less than 2" at a hundred.
   My friend John asked me to go with him Sat to one of his hunting areas and I jumped at the chance. He knew I was having a tough couple of years and he had been seeing several deer where he hunts so he asked me to go. He already shot two in crossbow season and his 7 year old son also got two in youth season but he said he could always use one more if he got the chance.
After sitting in the rain for an hour at first light I was having second thoughts, but then it let up and finally quit.  As soon as it quit the squirrels started coming out what seemed like every tree, including the one I was in. About 8:30 I turned to look over my left shoulder and saw a big doe about 40 yards out. I sttod up and got rested against the side of the tree and took the shot. She just walked up the hill like nothing was wrong so I loaded up again but she disappeared over the small ridge before I could shoot. Just then a couple more came over the side where she first did but turned and went back down into the ditch where they came from. A few minutes later I spotted them on the other side and a big doe was standing in the open so I took the shot at about 75 yards and she dropped in her tracks. I got down and went to check where the first one was and found a good blood trail which went over the ridge and down to the ditch. The first doe was laying in the ditch dead and the second one was on the opposite bank only 20 yards away. I felt good to finally connect. About then John called me and asked me what was going on and I tols him I had 2 does down and the others were headed  his way so he should kee hunting. I just got done field dressing my first one when I heard him shoot. He then called me and said he also got one. He also saw a huge 10 pointer and a small 4 pointer but since he already had his buck he had to let them walk.
There is nothing better than hunting with a good friend and both getting a kill. It was a great day. Now I can focus on squirrels and coyotes.
Here is a pic when I first saw them.

And together for a pose with my Apex

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Offline bigvarmnt

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Re: Shot my first double on deer
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2012, 05:04:00 PM »
Way to go. Looks like nice area to hunt 8)

Now we can get after them yotes on that new property you got ;D

Offline Lon371

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Re: Shot my first double on deer
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2012, 07:50:24 PM »
 Nice job. Looks like your luck has turned the corner ;)

Offline randy_68

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Re: Shot my first double on deer
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2012, 03:31:44 AM »
   I never did make it to the guys place talk to him about the coyotes. There just wasn't enough time in the day to get there after loading the 3 deer up. And since it was so warm out we had to get them skinned out and taken to a cooler for hanging. Didn't get home till 3:30, got cleaned up and headed out to my Christmas party that night.  I see him every week at my work so I'll talk to him again and try and get out there this weekend if possible.
    BTW this farm here is loaded with coyotes also and we talked to the owners that morning before we left and they want us to come back to shoot some of them again. We shot several here the last couple of years.
I just need more time.
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