Made some more progress on the Left Handed thumbhole stock yesterday, the biggest step was when we finally figured out how to counterbore the bolt hole. Problem... you need to counterbore the bolthole, so that the head of the bolt is not visable and your thumb does'nt touch it. You can't use a straight spade bit, because you don't have the room through the wrist relief cone ( thats what we call the big hole in the thumbhole stocks ) and I don't know of any hi-speed 90* drill moters with a short enough chuck to allow the use of a cut down bit. Our first thought was a 3/8" shaft with a slot milled into it with two set screws, that we could cut off the required size spade bit, drill holes through it for the set screws. Then we could put the shaft through the bolt hole, insert the cut off spade bit tip and clamp in place, and pull the counterbore tool into the wood. There might be such a tool, but as the title of this thread is Working without the Proper Tools, even if there was such a tool, we don't have it. making one would be easy if 6x5 was still a working machinest, but he's disabled and is'nt working in that trade. We could have one made at most any machine shop, but could'nt afford it! BUT, sitting out in the shop the other night, sanding away on a beautifull piece of Myrtle, 6x5 says, "what if we......? So, we tried his idea, ( he says I can't tell you the idea, we'll just keep that a trade secret ) and it works perfectly!!! A clean flat hole 90* to the bolthole. Now that we have the counter bore tool, we went ahead and drilled the thumbhole and started relieving the cone, went as far as we could with the router, but the amount of wood to be removed is more than we can set an angle to work the router with. So we stitched to a "SaberCut bit" chucked up in a Dremel tool. That works, little thing eats the wood, but you've gotta be carefull or it will get away from you! Got the cone relieved enough to drill the bolthole, and got the hole drilled. Enough work for the evening, supper time!
Justin, see the area in the 1st pic above, circled in pink? This is why I was able to offer you this piece of Myrtle at such a savings. Those are worm tracks, and we're pretty sure that they will be removed during the shaping of your stock. It's also the reason we had to laminate on a piece of the cheekpiece, we had sliced off a 3/8 slice of wood the length of the stock blank to eliminate them, and were left with these remaining tracks. As I said, we're confident that they will dissapper, but did want to call your attention to their presence