CONSTITUTION, during all of her years of active service as a mobile warship, never mounted a single "weapon" like the fantasy weapons shown in the photo linked above. Those are something someone involved in her ca. 1930 restoration dreamed up, or copied from somewhere, who knows where, then had produced and mounted for the viewing pleasure of the ship's generally unsophisticated visitors. That's an easy thing for such as museum to do and get away with for decades, and they did, as I've never seen a critique of those fantasy weapons dated during the time they were on display there.
Similarly, how many people visiting the Museum of the United States Navy in DC have challenged the authenticity of the "Cortez Gun" and the sign dating it to 1480 and noting that Cortez brought it from Spain in the early 16th C. to use in the conquest of Mexico? Answer: Two people, Bob Smith and myself.
A bit of digging should uncover the composition of the batteries she did mount. I think I saw an article by one of her recent CO's on that subject, will try and re-locate it.