Even if they could take away the guns..a nutcase could cause even worse mayhem than at Colombine or Connecticut..
Just a knocking a connector of a propane tank off..caused the loss of an entire BLOCK in Buffalo in 1983. Fortunately, the area was in a virtually deserteed couple of blocks of old buildings, or more would have died.
Check the video here (on the left) http://www.wivb.com/dpp/news/buffalo/Firefighters-remember-North-Division-Street-explosion
Perhaps they had best register backyard grills..before the onslaught!
Tim McVey did his murders in Oklahoma city without a gun....just some diesel fuel and fertilizer. Perhaps if they could remove guns from the nutcases..the casualty rate would only climb.
True! Taking away our guns will not prevent killers from killing period!These politicians trying to disarm us know this, but they are smart (evil) enough to know this is the perfect time to push an agenda to disarm a free society.
Before most of us were born.....1927 A killer named Andrew Kehoe in Bath Michigan, set off a TNT bomb in the school, killing 43 people, including (39) grade-school children. Before the explosion, Kehoe killed his wife, then drove his truck, loaded with dynamite & nails, to the school, & set it off, killing himself & the school superintendent. There were plenty of guns available to him, but he wanted to kill more than he could with guns. And he did.
Of the 7 Largest mass-murders in US history, guess how many involved firearms...
1. McVeigh/Nichols, Oklahoma City bombing, OKC, 1995, 168 dead.
2. Julio Gonzalez, Happy Land Social Club arson, Bronx, 1990, 87 dead.
3. Andrew Kehoe, school bombing, Bath Michigan, 1927, 45 dead (37 children).
4. Jack Gilbert Graham, dynamite on plane, Denver, 1955, 44 dead.
5. David Burke, shot pilot of plane, California, 1987, 43 dead.
6. Umberto de la Torre, Hotel arson, Los Angeles, 1982, 25 dead.
7. George Jo Hennard, Luby's massacre, Killeen TX, 1991, 23 dead.