The Martini Story...
That is a ZAR Martini. It was made for the Boer South African Republic for the Second Boer War. It was acquired later and used by the Port Elizabeth Town Guard. I purchased it in South Africa and brought black powder loaded ammo over with me to hunt with it. I hit that kudu just in front left hip. The bullet exited through the right front shoulder. The bullet traveled 60 inches through that animal.
I booked with Dale Bigger in Houston and hunted with Tollie Jordaan of
Tollie's African Safari's. I have booked hunts with Dale several times in the past and while working in Houston I lived next door to him. I have also guided for Dale. Dale books with several different African Outfitters depending what you are looking for. He recommended Tollie for what I was looking for. If you contact them make sure you tell them I sent you.
We hunted in South Africa north of Port Elizabeth.
Here is a link to my Photo album from the trip.
African Trip When you get there click on one of the pictures and it will open up full size. To the left you will see a list of commands. Click on start and the pictures will sequence through for you.
We didn't shoot the elephant, we just saw it!
Douglas Dickens