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CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« on: December 18, 2012, 03:33:27 PM »
Now they're saying that two 9mm pistols were found in the school, but the .223 caliber rifle was found outside in the back of the shooter's car.  HOW DID HE KILL 28 PEOPLE AND THEN HIMSELF WITH A RIFLE THAT WAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING IN HIS CAR? ???


"Officials cited by The Associated Press said Adam Lanza drove to the school in his mother's car, and three guns were found at the scene.

"Two handguns, a Glock and a Sig Sauer, were found inside the school, officials said, while a .223-caliber rifle was recovered from the back of a car in the school parking lot."

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Offline Anna

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2012, 03:54:28 PM »
Like I said , there is something very fishy about this whole thing. The story of what happened
changes to anything that will support the gun grabbing agenda of the left.


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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2012, 04:53:07 PM »
The report I heard was that the 10mm Glock and the 9mm Sig was found with him of which he used one of them to kill himself with.
The rifle was found somewhere in the school but no one has said where.
A shotgun was said to have been found in the trunk of the car.
True or not, who knows???
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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2012, 05:13:10 PM »
The media should be imposed to steep fines for reporting unconfirmed information as facts. If i was Lanza's brother, I would sue the hell out fo the media for initially reporting that I was the shooter. 
It's all a hot mess...........

Offline Lonegun1894

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2012, 05:14:09 PM »
The very first day about 1PM Central time, I remember them saying on the news that the rifle was found in the trunk of his car, and wondered then how long it would be before the rifle would magically make it inside the school, since we all know a "assault rifle" is much more evil than even the two evil handguns he had.

Offline Anna

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2012, 12:58:42 AM »
I'm sure the AR felt left out and just followed him into the school. It had to be placed in the school
in order to facilitate the medias claims. This story is falling apart everywhere you look, on about
every forum I've seen out there people are saying the same thing about this that we are here.
There will be no access to any camera footage, coroners reports, and only select eye witnesses.

They left the body's in place for over 24 hours saying they were pending an investigation of the
scene. The first reports said there were two gunmen, and the police had killed one of them and the
other was still at large. There is only one constant fact that we are hearing out of this.
And that is the Lefts insensitive drooling dribble about useing this tragedy to push thier holy grail
of gun control.  But from our experiences with them especially with last November can we believe
anything they say ? 


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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2012, 06:19:25 PM »
Two handguns on him and the rifle in the trunk is the first report I heard. But also a part of that first report was his mom was a kindergarten teacher there and it was in her room most were killed.

The news media have told so many different stories as facts that at this point I'm not believing anything they say other than some people were killed. Beyond that everything they say is suspect as far as I'm concerned.

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Offline lgm270

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2012, 06:22:54 PM »
Here's a link with an intersting analysis.  Asks pointed questions and links to the 911 call  in which a teacher references TWO persons running.

As for the government's credibility, this is the same gov't that several months ago made up a totally phony, fabricated story about a video causing a riot in Libya and getting people killed. We now know it's false.

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2012, 12:55:04 AM »
The trouble is that our government doesn't even lie very well anymore, or they just don't care.
In doing this they are insulting our intelligence or what little of it we still have. They will lie even
if the truth sounded better, and so many people out there take it as hook line and sinker.
I'm starting to wonder if we would get better accounts of reported events out of the supermarket
tabloids ! At least they are consistent in their whacky stories. 

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2012, 01:44:39 AM »
the young marine jailed in mexico for an old break action shotgun, had it suddenly turned into a marlin model 81 by the media.  (that's the picture they show)
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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2012, 04:02:31 AM »
Two handguns on him and the rifle in the trunk is the first report I heard. But also a part of that first report was his mom was a kindergarten teacher there and it was in her room most were killed.

The news media have told so many different stories as facts that at this point I'm not believing anything they say other than some people were killed. Beyond that everything they say is suspect as far as I'm concerned.

You got that right.  I take everything I hear in the news with a pound of salt not just a grain as the old saying goes.
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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2012, 04:09:46 AM »
All the news folk want to be the first to report. They start reporting bits and pieces as they hear them instead of waiting and actually investigating some before filing a report. I think this is where much of the misinformation comes from.

Offline coyotejoe

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2012, 04:39:36 AM »
That's true Guzzijohn but I've never seen quite so much confussion as in this instance and I think local law enforcement has been releasing incorrect info. I don't attribute that to any ill intent on their part but just general incompetence. The confusion is hightened by the fact that most reporters are bed wetting liberals who don't know the difference between a shotgun and an "assault rifle".  Even in the case of the vet jailed in Mexico they often refer to his .410 shotgun as a "rifle", and unfortunately many law enforcement types don't know much about firearms either.
The story of David & Goliath only demonstrates the superiority of ballistic projectiles over hand weapons, poor old Goliath never had a chance.

Offline lgm270

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2012, 04:58:02 AM »
I have gone back and  reviewed as much TV coverage of the event as I could find on You tube and other places, and as yet they have not interviewed a single eye witness.  All of the kids they've interviewed were in other parts of the school and just heard gunfire.   Not one person actully saw the shooter(s).  It appears that everyone who actually saw the shooter(s) is dead or incommunicado. 

I'm troubled by the fact that of 27 people shot, 25 were dead on the scene.  That's 92.5% killed.  There are two purported survivors in critical condition.  Usually there are more wounded relative to those killed.  If he just "sprayed" bullets as we're told, there would be more wounded.  The .223 is not a death ray as the media suggests, but rather a pipsqueak of a rifle round.   This suggests to me multiple shooters or someone who really meant to kill and had the ability to kill rather than just spray bullets.   

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2012, 10:13:21 AM »
I'm sure I am paranoid, but a shocking and terrifying picture is coming to mind.
" we are screwed "

Offline coyotejoe

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2012, 11:23:33 AM »

I'm troubled by the fact that of 27 people shot, 25 were dead on the scene.  That's 92.5% killed.  There are two purported survivors in critical condition.  Usually there are more wounded relative to those killed.  If he just "sprayed" bullets as we're told, there would be more wounded.  The .223 is not a death ray as the media suggests, but rather a pipsqueak of a rifle round.   This suggests to me multiple shooters or someone who really meant to kill and had the ability to kill rather than just spray bullets.
The coverage I've seen indicates that most victims were shot multiple times and at close range with soft point or hollow point ammo the .223 is  very distructive. Also these were very small children who naturally can't survive the damage an adult might live through.
The story of David & Goliath only demonstrates the superiority of ballistic projectiles over hand weapons, poor old Goliath never had a chance.

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2012, 12:33:13 PM »
I also remember news coverage following the bengazzi incident.  We were informed there was a riot, in response to a youtube video, that got out of control, leading to the deaths of several Americans. This went on for weeks.
I was watching Fox News, when the real story came out. I watched it unfold.
Fox received some copies of emails, from an anonymous member of the mainstream media. 
These emails came from Sr administration officials, and were sent to one another, while the attack was taking place.
The mainstream media had these emails all along, but chose to sit on them. 
I agree that a .223 round is devastating, and sadly, would be devastating to a small child. 
But is this what happened?
What really did happen?  I gotta tell you, this, taken with other events, has me worried.
I lost all faith in mainstream reporting decades ago, and I'm not all that excited about Fox.
" we are screwed "

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2012, 12:38:37 PM »
Used by the Aurora Colorado theater shooter, the devastating .223 killed 12 out of the 71 people shot  16.9%.  59 were wounded and survivied.

The Sandy Hook shooter achieved a 100% fatality rate, including 20 children and 6 adults.  Based on the statistics from other mass shootings,  half of the adults at Sandy Hook should have survived, separate and apart from the children.   Obviously children are more vulnerable to gunshot trauma because of their smaller size.  However, in two other school shootings,  "children"  did survive.

In 1989, Patrick Purdy  fired 100 rounds with an AK 47 at a crowded public school playground  in Stockton CA and hit 35 children:  5  died but 30  survived. That's 85.7%.   Is the .223 so much more powerful than the 7.62x39?  I think not. 

At the Columbine school shooting, multiple shooters shot 33 students, but only 12 died and almost twice that many, 21 (63.6%)  survived.

As I said, based on the history of mass shootings, some of the children and at least half of the adults at Sandy Hook  should have survived.  First responders were there within 15 minutes  of the shooting.  It is simply not believable that Adam Lanza,  the "lone nut,"  could have killed 26 out of 26 under these circumstances. 

Another disturbing aspect of this shooting: All of the eyewitnesses who saw the shooter or the shootings are dead. When has this ever happened before?

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2012, 01:07:13 PM »
Im here in CT...about 20 miles from the Sandy Hook School.  I have herd comments from two different first responders.

The first things we all herd was TWO HAND GUNS, a Sig and a Glock. NOTHING OF A RIFLE.

Later about noon it was ONE hand gun, a Glock and a Bushmaster 223.

Then that night news reported that a rifle, additional mags and ammo was found in the car cordend off in front of the school. Exactly what the kid used was not specfically said.


I will ask specfics next time I speak with this guy. I will know right away if he is on a gag order official or unofficial.

"Pay heed to the man who carries a single shot rifle, he likely knows how to use it."

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2012, 06:37:00 PM »
When any big story breaks there is about an hour of clarity. Much reporting will be sporadic and riddled with errors.  Interspersed with that is information that is unfiltered fact. Before the media gets their marching orders and the spin begins. Pay attention.
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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2012, 04:27:29 PM »
I remember reading the papers one time early this year, regarding some nut shooting up a nursing home.  The news EXPERTS claimed (in the caption under the photo) he used a 12 ga shotgun, yet the picture was of a remington 597 .22 lr being carried out by an officer at the scene.  The horror lamented by the damage of the all-powerful TWELVE GAUGE was actually contact shots on bedridden, people bound to wheel-chairs, and alzheimers patients FROM A PATHETIC GUN THAT IS TOO WEAK TO PENETRATE MUCH MORE THAN A SQUIRREL!  the ages ranging from 67 to 90 something if I remember correctly.  it's never contact shots on the infirm or cowardly that result in slow kills, it's raw power than can blow a grown man open and off his feet from across a room, because that's how it works on tv. 

just like this sandy hook incident, people crying about his "high powered assault rifle" being "so strong" it tore those children up, etcetera.  it's a weak round for anything bigger than a coyote, sadly small children are NOT bigger than coyotes, and they don't necessarily have the sense to try to run when cornered in a small room.  he could have just used a knife or a brick and achieved the same results.  contact shots on scared or immobile (or both) victims.  assuming he even used the ar that was in the school, or in the car, or still at his moms house, or never existed. 

the above was political and past, this is purely about adam lanza's supposed narrative:

autistic and violent or not, he was a gangly retard, how could he even have over-powered the principal (I read that is was a small woman, but even then, was she SHOT first), hit anything/anyone EXCEPT doing contact shots (because gangly retards don't usually do tactical fire and manuever drills so well, nor do most shooters), practiced good weapon(s) retention, managed to carry three weapons and ammo for all though he could have hardly moved normal with all that gear rattling around on him (an ar with a sling of some type, I don't see a tard using a 3-point sling well but for argument sake OKAY  ::) and what else, a drop-leg holster rig for both legs, a dual pistol belt, a bandolier for his ar, another bandolier for his pistol mags, what about all that ammo and magazines supposedly in his car??? maybe it was all in there because he just had a mag per weapon and didn't know how to carry it, if he actually had any of that stuff at all!)  (assuming he had normal strength and coordination, which he did NOT), and did all this just fine with screaming and crying going on all around him (autistic are supposed to LOSE IT in crowds that don't involve hysteria and gunfire) BUT when the cops show up he realized things got bad and snapped out of his autistic fit or something like that?  don't most people with issues and a pistol just shoot themselves, why would a semi-retarded person go on a shooting spree first?  that's a lot of premeditation for a guy that needed to be led around like a puppy by his mom in his 20's.

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2013, 08:46:05 PM »
I certainly am glad to not be the only one that can sense something is not legit about this whole thing.
Two handguns on him and the rifle in the trunk is the first report I heard. But also a part of that first report was his mom was a kindergarten teacher there and it was in her room most were killed.

The news media have told so many different stories as facts that at this point I'm not believing anything they say other than some people were killed. Beyond that everything they say is suspect as far as I'm concerned.

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2013, 07:54:41 AM »
I certainly am glad to not be the only one that can sense something is not legit about this whole thing.
Two handguns on him and the rifle in the trunk is the first report I heard. But also a part of that first report was his mom was a kindergarten teacher there and it was in her room most were killed.

The news media have told so many different stories as facts that at this point I'm not believing anything they say other than some people were killed. Beyond that everything they say is suspect as far as I'm concerned.
Well, if you noticed, the last post above yours was December 23rd. I think by now most people have realized the conspiracy theory here is pretty weak. People keep referring back to early reports which were certainly mistaken but that doesn't make a conspiracy, just sloppy reporting. That they referred to a shotgun as being a rifle is hardly surprising, I've even seen editing errors on NRA videos where some "expert' was discussing a certain firearm and a totally different firearm was being shown on screen. The gun I saw being removed from the car trunk was clearly an auto shotgun, clearly NOT an AR.  It's impossible to prove that more shooters were NOT involved but that is no reason to assume others were involved. As to the idea that a skinny little guy could not kill 26 people in close quarters with an AR, that's just silly. People were trapped and panicked, it was not dark, like in the Aurora movie shooting, people were not able to flee as in outdoor shootings, he was shooting fish in a barrel and he had plenty of time to shoot them repeatedly. Some say "how could he be 100% deadly"? Considering the circumstance I'd say "how could he fail"? I don't put anything past our government, I question everything they say, but in this case I think people are letting their imagination get the better of their judgement.
The story of David & Goliath only demonstrates the superiority of ballistic projectiles over hand weapons, poor old Goliath never had a chance.

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2013, 09:16:18 AM »
Keep in mind that the shooters was NOT a person with mental retardation, had been an honor role student and had successfully taken honors classes in high school. People with Aspergers Syndrome are not mentally retarded and more often than not are above average IQ. Most are very socially awkward though and do not like to be in groups or crowds. They can be very detailed oriented and can do meticulous planning. It appears that he was very well versed in violent video games and probably in firearms. I know one 16 year old with Aspergers that along with an uncle have built a benchrest rifle from scratch, I mean everything from the action to the barrel. I thought I was pretty knowledgable about firearms until I started talking about them one day with this kid. I found out I didn't know squat compared to this 16 year old. Just because the shooter was a skinny weird looking kid with Aspergers Syndrome don't underestimate his abilities to carry out something like this. It is also very unusual for a person with Aspergers to be violent. The possible personality disorder probably played more into this than anything else.

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2013, 11:10:49 AM »
I had a kid with Asperger's in my scout den for a couple years.  A super intelligent kid, but a bully to a large extent.  I finally got to talk with him, and found his father had married twice more after his mother, and had kids by each, and he seldom got to see him.
He responded well to normal conversation, but was angry and not sure how to interact with the other boys.  Before he left and moved away, the situation was much improved.
This young man could have had several disorders, so it would take a competent doctor to evaluate him, something that can't be done now.
We can only deal with the aftermath, and it's apparent the Gov. is using this to promote gun control, not improvements to the mental health system.
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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2013, 09:06:56 AM »
I agree that the media has used SH as a way to promote gun control, but I can't believe that the gov't and the media conspired to set up a scene of such horror.  I won't believe it was planned by the gov't or the media. 
News people always get it wrong; they just got more of this one wrong than in most cases.  Media, leftist or not, is about selling stories and information.  Whoever gets it first makes the most money, and in that rush, misktakes are always made. 
Like someone said above, I think the media should face crimianl prosecution for reporting incorrectly because they failed to take responsibility and the time to get it right.  I don't believe any of it anymore, but I do not buy into the conspiracy aspect. 

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2013, 09:22:04 AM »
  Looks like the handguns may have done the killing..  Was an "assault rifle" even on the scene or even involved at all?  Who knows, but right now it is open season on the rifles which would be most effective against a tyrannical government's brownshirts..
   So, was the "Bushmaster"  just an opportunistic afterthought.. ;) ;D
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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2013, 10:40:54 AM »
I agree that the media has used SH as a way to promote gun control, but I can't believe that the gov't and the media conspired to set up a scene of such horror.  I won't believe it was planned by the gov't or the media. 
News people always get it wrong; they just got more of this one wrong than in most cases.  Media, leftist or not, is about selling stories and information.  Whoever gets it first makes the most money, and in that rush, misktakes are always made. 
Like someone said above, I think the media should face crimianl prosecution for reporting incorrectly because they failed to take responsibility and the time to get it right.  I don't believe any of it anymore, but I do not buy into the conspiracy aspect.

I agree 100%

Something else to add...
"Pay heed to the man who carries a single shot rifle, he likely knows how to use it."

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2013, 02:06:31 PM »
A few post scripts to this thread:

1.   The single eye witness, teacher Natalie Hammond, was allegedly wounded in the hand, foot and leg, was reported to be in good condition, but has disappeared out of sight, was never interviewed by the press and has never made any public statement.  If the official version is true, this woman is the only  surviving eye witness who saw the perpetrator and his weapon(s).  Why hasn't she been invited to the White House, to testify before Congress and interviewed on the various TV shows?    The only people interviewed or photo'ed with the President or testified before Congress ARE PEOPLE WITH NO DIRECT KNOWLEDGE OF ANYTHING.

2.   The medical examiner said all victims were killed with the "long rifle", but could not identify the caliber of bullets recovered.  If he doesn't know the caliber of the bullets, how does he know which gun killed the deceased?

3.   No photo's of the actual gun(s) used have ever been published anywhere. 

4.   The school has been sealed off, surrounded with barbed wire, and is slated for demolition.   Thus, the crime scene will be forever destroyed.

Offline P.A. Myers

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Re: CT Shooting Official Version Starts to Fall Apart
« Reply #29 on: February 06, 2013, 11:57:46 AM »
From the net:
Yet Something ELSE Very Strange About Sandy Hook
Submitted by TommyPaine on Tue, 02/05/2013 - 01:39
in Weird Stuff
 So, you think the Sandy Hook story just couldn't get an more strange? Well ... you ain't seen nuthin' yet!

I found someone who has checked into the property records of all the child victims' homes (and, presumably, where their families still live).

Check this out ...

A few years ago, a gas pipeline was put in and it went right through Newtown CT.

ALL of the child victims' houses are right on that pipeline.

Most of the houses were sold on the same date -- 12/25/2009.

Not only that, but most of the houses are actually owned by the town or the state.

Not only that, but most or all of the houses show a ZERO value in property look-up databases.

Not only that, but none of those houses have mortgages on them (all owned free and clear).

Not only that, but some of those houses have had mortgages taken out, only to have them paid off within a few weeks or so.

The person speculates that it could be a way to pay off someone -- have them take out a mortgage, then someone else pays off that mortgage, and the person gets to keep the cash.

Very strange.

Here is the website:
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