Author Topic: Should Teachers be Armed - US News op-ed  (Read 2007 times)

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Offline Dee

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Re: Should Teachers be Armed - US News op-ed
« Reply #30 on: December 24, 2012, 02:51:16 AM »
I don't think we should do anything. I think we should just sit back and let the government take care of it. Since about 1973 the government has been heavily invested in the "baby killing business", thus their laws AGAINST guns in school for protection. The government's DUTY is to disarm and destroy the innocents, and whom are more innocent than "babies and small children".
After all. Their easy marks, as their, in their first stages of life, "helpless", and trusting. Everyone should just settle down, and when what you perceive as tragedy realize, it is only the government doing it's job protecting us, and our children. They know what is good for US.
Just call 911. Cause when seconds count? The police are only minutes away. ;)
I am sure if "we will just listen" a liberal could, AND WILL, explain to us why guns SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED IN SCHOOLS.
I do however think that this "LIBERAL THEOLOGY" will clash with their common sense. Provided they have any.
Now for how I "REALLY FEEL".
Actually I personally, would rather read where some 125 lb blond haired, blue eyed feminine lady school teacher ARMED WITH AN ANEMIC 380 AUTO, "blazed away" at the trash when he kicked in her class room door. Whether she hit him or not, is better than laying down, and letting him continue his work "uninterrupted".

Today I will pass the Harrold School system in Harrold, Texas on my way to my inlaws. 5 years ago they passed a policy that School TEACHERS, with CCPs after evaluation could carry IN CLASS. The Sheriff's office is 20 miles away. They have no crap there, and being native Texans will damn shore fight to protect their kids. The sheep mentality has not taken root everywhere. YET! And they like many where I live, believe: Take care of YOUR OWN PROBLEMS, while you wait on help.
Earl Pitts about now, would say: WAKE UP A-MER-IKA!
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Brett

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Re: Should Teachers be Armed - US News op-ed
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2012, 03:34:12 AM »
The public venues I feel the safest at are gun shows.  There are guns everywhere and at least a third of the people there are packing.  A loose cannon probably wouldn't last 30 seconds before a vendor or a attendee with a CCW popped him.
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Re: Should Teachers be Armed - US News op-ed
« Reply #32 on: December 24, 2012, 03:59:06 AM »
This isn't about teachers, but about human nature in general.

I participated in a golf tournament with heavy Door Prizes.  There were Corporate donations of golf bags, full club sets, big screen TV's, laptop computers, a Savage 270 rifle, flat screen computer monitors, golf shoes, putters, golf balls and the likes.

Discussing this "vulgar display of loot" over a handfull of raffle tickets I asked the table which gifts they were eying? 
When the question was poised to me, I said the Savage 270 rifle.  "Obviously," they said, "because you hunt." 

"No!," I said, "Without a doubt, with the rifle I can 'have' any or all of the others I want!"

They agreed with me on that.  Most folks don't see the obvious. 

Offline rickt300

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Re: Should Teachers be Armed - US News op-ed
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2012, 05:04:01 AM »
Way back in the 70's when I went to High school I had access at the school to an M14, 9 different target rifles, keys to an underground shooting range, was allowed to carry any pocket knife I wanted, took classes for Judo and was also allowed to bring my personal rifles to the school to shoot on the rifle range. There were no shootings of any kind on the school grounds until at least 1984. We also had a classroom converted to a police staging room until this was decreed unacceptable in the 90's. My Woods and Waters class regularly met out in the country to hunt and practice/target shoot. See where this is going?
I have been identified as Anti-Federalist, I prefer Advocate for Anarchy.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Should Teachers be Armed - US News op-ed
« Reply #34 on: December 26, 2012, 04:33:07 AM »
Dee says;
     "don't think we should do anything. I think we should just sit back and let the government take care of it. Since about 1973 the government has been heavily invested in the "baby killing business", thus their laws AGAINST guns in school for protection. The government's DUTY is to disarm and destroy the innocents, and whom are more innocent than "babies and small children".
   He makes more sense that many politicians in the federal government..  They gnash their teeth, wring their hands and whine when children get killed by the numbers...  and here they have been part and parcel pof mass liquidation of little boys & girls since 1973.
  Just whoi are they to moan when children die ?  Tradition says, that as long as he lived, Pontius Pilate had a phobia...trying to wash the blood off his hands.  Many politicians deserve to exhibit the same phobia..if they have as much conscience as did Pontius Pilate.
  Due credit goes to those politicians who tried to protect the most innocent among us...

  Kudoes to Harrold, Texas.. once again, Texans prove they don't back down from a gunfight!

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Should Teachers be Armed - US News op-ed
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2012, 03:26:47 PM »
It's ALL about Control and nothing else.The slave owners who rule our country today could care less about your children or mine.They slobber and rub their hands together with glee, when a Mentally deranged slime ball like this last one goes off the deep end and gives them fodder for more slavery legislation. They quote statistics, and spin the results with half truths, aided by bought and paid for lackey's in the press. People like the pompous ass, Brit. Pierse Morgan.

They spew out stats like....Over 12 thousand murders with handguns in the US last year.
There were 12 thousand murders, but 8 thousand were with guns.They never mention facts like, That number 10 on the list of causes of death's last year were (Suicide)

"Not sure if that is considered murder by the DOJ" "SUICIDE" Comes under mental disorder doesn't it?I doubt the absence of guns would have any effect on that number!The number of drug overdose deaths in the USA in 2011 were over 37 thousand. (WAIT) That can't be right......Drugs were outlawed.

They talk about the gun culture in America like it's a terrible thing!They fail to mention that out of those 8 thousand deaths related to guns, by far most were committed by gang bangers in ghettos.They want a one size fits all solution.Those of us,that live outside the ghettos and use our guns in a positive way, should be lumped into the same mold.They don't dare mention we have a Minority Ghetto crime problem in our inner cities, that cause the gun related death numbers to rise.They even include Puerto Rico in the firearms related death numbers to use against law abiding gun owners.If you took Washington DC, Louisiana, Maryland, California and Puerto Rico out of the equation, even Jolly old England would not look so good.
The population of England is 53 million plus, Germany is 81 plus, and Australia 22 mil. We have slightly more to deal with here.......311 plus million. Not counting the illegals and green card caring undesirables like MR. or should I say Lord Morgan? ::)

With the exception of a handful we have sent to DC, they have all been after the disarming of Americans. 
They will stop at nothing to do it. Including.... taking advantage of a senseless slaughter like this last one to do so.Nothing short of disarming us will be acceptable to them.

Those of us today that will not bow to their demands, will be the terrorists of tomorrow.

Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline willifish

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Re: Should Teachers be Armed - US News op-ed
« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2012, 04:42:04 PM »
You really don't have to have to have armed people in all schools just the ones your kids are in.  ;)

Offline scootrd

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Re: Should Teachers be Armed - US News op-ed
« Reply #37 on: December 28, 2012, 02:51:28 AM »
I am sure if "we will just listen" a liberal could, AND WILL, explain to us why guns SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED IN SCHOOLS. I do however think that this "LIBERAL THEOLOGY" will clash with their common sense.

[/size]Dee ,
I walked away from Republican party when smart thinking common sense republicans were hijacked by dysfunctional far right extremists in 2010. I am the first to admit I am much more liberal with regards to social issues . However I too scratch my head for I can find no reason why a teacher who has proper CCW should not be allowed to enter a school. And bluntly speaking if it's CCW it's nobody's business.

Should we require teachers to be armed ? No. But that is not what normal people are saying.
Should they be neutered by restrictive laws to not be allowed? No,  if they want too they should be allowed.
Should we rely on them to be armed and first line of defense? No. But if my old social studies teacher Mr. Mason
who was quite a formidable man taught NRA Gun safety classes to 13 year olds and cub/boy scouts, and hunted with my father for years wanted to place himself in harms way and become first line of defense to protect our children during the critical time period before help arises  -  I'd call him and any other teacher who did so a hero , be all for it, and would not want to restrict his access to the tools needed to do so.

As you pointed out "It's just plain old common sense"

Sometimes I just don't get the arguments from others, it's like they threw common sense out the window.

Semper Fi.
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

Offline magooch

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Re: Should Teachers be Armed - US News op-ed
« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2012, 03:58:30 AM »
In any case, it's nothing to shout about.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Should Teachers be Armed - US News op-ed
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2012, 06:13:52 AM »
You really don't have to have to have armed people in all schools just the ones your kids are in.  ;)
  Obama agrees with that..his kid's school is guarded by 11 armed guards..
 Homeland Security..Here's how well it works:
 The T.S.A. Disclosed the official Airport Screening ResultsOctober 2012
      Statistics On Airport Screening From The Department Of Homeland Security:

Terrorists Discovered             0
Transvestites                            133
Hernias                                     485
Hemorrhoid Cases                   3,172
Enlarged Prostates                  8,249
Breast Implants                       59,350
Natural Blondes                       3
      .....It was also discovered that 535 members of Congress had no b_ _ _s.
      But of course some were not supposed to have any..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)