Author Topic: How would you do this setup.....?  (Read 775 times)

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Offline ironglow

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How would you do this setup.....?
« on: February 13, 2004, 05:22:05 PM »
I often have requests to dispatch pests, usually groundhogs, from areas that are close in to small villages. I like to use subsonics and sometimes CBs, depending upon the specific case.
   Problem: I would like to move into a given situation unobtrusively, as a sniper if you prefer. Therefore, I propose to set up an accurate rifle that I can pack in a briefcase sized case.
   I considered the Henry survival, the Marlin Papoose, and the Browning auto. Turned them all down for reputed average accuracy; good accuracy  being one thing I demand.
  I once owned a Browning auto and traded it for that reason!
 Have you found the Henry or Marlin models to be accurate?

   So far, I plan on getting a .22 lr barrel for my NEF .22 mag sportster, and using a compact shotgun scope make a briefcase sized case with fitted foam liner that I can pack the NEF in...

      Do you have any ideas of a setup that may work as well? If so let's share them![/u]
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Offline Keith L

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2004, 06:13:19 PM »
How about a Contender with a Super 14 .22 barrel and a scope?
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Offline KN

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2004, 07:24:20 PM »
Or a super 16 so you can use it as a rifle or pistol. Maybe a Chote folding stock.     KN

Offline ironglow

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2004, 01:11:31 PM »
Both are good suggestions! I don't have a TC base, having already gone the NEF route.
   Am apprehensive about getting any more handguns. I have had a handgun permit since 1972, with no problems. Now our Rhino Gov. Pataki is talking about soaking us $5 per year to keep it.
   When I got my permit, we were required to wear the pistol in the open. Makes sense; the law can then tell if you're armed, anyone hiding same except detective etc. was considered to be "up to no good".
  Now we are for some reason required to keep it concealed. I believe that is so that if they can just catch a glimpse of the grips, they can call another gun owner a criminal.
   Therefore; if the state wants to charge extra yearly, I'm considering telling them to stuff their permit!
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Offline Lee D.

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2004, 04:14:48 AM »
I believe that is $100 every 5 years, plus about $25 for each "amendment"
somewhere betwixt a baulk and a breakdown

Offline SquirrelSniper

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2004, 08:39:37 AM »
What a communist thing to do! I would actively support a pro gun opponent of Pataki and le t em know why your support has gone to the opposition.

Offline Badnews Bob

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2004, 03:28:43 PM »
Have you looked at the ruger 10/22 take down kit? I believe its a buttler creek offer, they sell them a Natchez. 8)
Badnews Bob
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Offline ironglow

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2004, 03:55:47 PM »
    I have seen an example somewhere on the web.....anyone have any idea about what it is like in the accuracy dept?
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Offline Badnews Bob

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2004, 06:24:11 AM »
From what I've read they don't change from a standard 10/22 because of rugers barrel retinsion system nothing changes when you take it off or put it back on, with subsonic ammo I think this would be idle for your jobs, have you tried any Aguila super colibri for up close shots, say 30 feet or more? thease things are super quite and the regular colibri makes no noise at all you can hear the firing pin hit the primer.  8)
Badnews Bob
AE-2 USN retired

Offline Lee D.

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2004, 07:08:08 AM »
Be real careful.  firing within 500 feet of an occupied dwelling you are illegal unless you have permission.  I had an officer try to tell me once that I couldn't shoot within 500' of my own house.  I ignored him and went on shooting.  Also in most villages firing inside the villabge limits is illegal.
somewhere betwixt a baulk and a breakdown

Offline ironglow

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2004, 06:36:09 PM »
Thanks guys!
  You passed on some good ideas.
   Lee; the villages I spoke specifically of are not "incorporated" villages ...just a gathering of a few houses...and I usually get permission.
   I do believe however, that the less busybodies know ..the better off the rest of us are!.
   Bob; that Ruger attachment sounds intriguing..I may well try it when i can get an extra 10/22.

   I have just sent in the appropriate parts for my NEF .22 mag to get the other two barrels. The .22 LR barrel will be the longest part of the whole rifle, broke down...about 20"...guess I'll make a "briefcase" for that..
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Offline JohnClif

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« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2004, 03:12:42 AM »
How accurate is accurate enough?

I have a Browning .22 Auto that I have modified a raquetball racquet case to hold (when taken down).  I can sling this over my shoulder when slipping out of the house and as far as my neighbors know I look like I'm heading to the gym.  This particular rifle also is set up for a GemTech Outback .22 suppressor.  I own three of these guns (two Belgian, one Japanese) and all will shoot under an inch at 50 yards.

The Winchester 9422 Trapper (16" barrel) also takes down into a small package (maybe 4" longer than the Browning).  The advantage here is that it will feed, and fire, Shorts and Longs suitable for your purpose, i.e., CB Shorts or CB Longs.  Certainly any groundhog within 50 yards is well within the accuracy restrictions of this rifle (and also the Browning, above).  I have a 20" version of this gun and it is my favorite plinking rifle and gets grabbed whenever I go tooling about in the boonies and want something to play with.

Certainly any house rat or starling within 25 yards is as good as dead if I can get my sights on it.  With larger varmints like groundhogs 50 yards wouldn't be a problem.  I can't believe that a NEF Pardner in .22 LR is any more accurate than either of these two guns, and with a 20" barrel it won't be any more portable either.

Offline ironglow

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2004, 05:16:56 PM »

    That is something that really puzzled me...I once owned a little Browning .22 auto (Japanese) and I had heard about how good they were,
but I would have had a hard time hitting the "broadside of a barn" with mine...standing inside..
  It MUST have been that individual rifle. beautiful to look at, but a  hard one to hit anything with....maybe 5" groups at 50 yds....
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Offline Dwarfmiester

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How would you do this setup.....?
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2004, 07:20:48 AM »

     You are in the same position as I am, but if you purchase a Contender
Carbine and do not posses a pistol barrel there is no registration required.
A pistol barrel and or a pistol grip would be a felony if you possessed a frame.  The 24 inch custom shop barrel (Match chamber) I have on mine is very accurate and just loves Eley Tenex.  Custom shop barrels can be ordered in any lenght from 16.25 to 24 inches.  Good luck.


"Only accureate rifles are interesting"  Col. Townsend Whelen