Author Topic: Remington SR 18?  (Read 1712 times)

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Offline 44 Man

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Remington SR 18?
« on: December 22, 2012, 05:29:37 AM »
I know they are no longer produced, but I have seen them available, mostly in 30-06.  I enjoy single shot rifles,and since I need another 30-06, I am curious about the Remington.  Does anyone own one or have first hand info about them?  I appreciate it.  44 Man
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Re: Remington SR 18?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2012, 03:19:13 AM »
If you will go back a number of pages you can do a lot of reading on that one and what different ones have done to improve I think most of the problems were around finding a scope mount and also the triggers were not the best from what I have read on the forum. They are also being imported once again, a year or so ago there were a lot showing up at gun shows new in the box priced from 195 to 225 but I just could not get used to the look if that hammer forged twisted barrel. I chesked and that gun is covered on page 4 about half way down over 250 replies on it and some have pictures.
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Re: Remington SR 18?
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2012, 03:35:14 AM »
  I think you are asking about the SPR 18,  If so its built by Baikal in Russia.
  Theres been a few threads about them and feelings are mixed on the quality and the main complaint of there scope mounting rail.  I have seen them in , 223 Rem., 243 Win.  270 Win.  7.62 X 39,  308 Win.  and 30-06. Out of the US they were available in 222 and 7.62 X 54 R and maybe some others.
   All of the SPR rifles that Remington put there name on had Walnut or plastic stocks, others had stained hardwood. I have one in 308 Win. and like it alot.
 Mine is lightweight 23 1/2" hammer forged barrel with a hard chrome bore and very light contour.  I have taken the rear buttstock off and checked it out to see if it was rough, had burrs on parts or could be smoothed up any.  I was impressed, mine had no burrs, metal chips or sloppy work as some have said they had in there rifles.
 The lockup is very nice, action is a little stiff opening / closing but that should improved the more its used.  The trigger is just OK , it is a little heavy and has some creep but I seem to shoot it OK as I can shoot MOA groops with it.
  Scope mounting is a little different than most rifles. They dont use a Weaver type base instead they have a 11 mm dovetail something similar to a 3/8" dovetail base as you see on 22 RF rifles. There are different rings available and 1 piece mounts with rings cast as one piece available. The hammerless design is nice unless you prefer a hammer to cock.  They have a crossbolt safety similar to most shotguns and also have a safety mechanism built into the trigger/ sear that will not discharge the rifle without pulling the trigger.
  My advise would be if I was buying a used gun of this model , I would want to have it in my hands to look over good and look / see if theres anything visually wrong.  But as said I like mine alot, I am sort of a single shot collector and have rifles with about every type action ever devised and I would rate mine up near the top . 
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Re: Remington SR 18?
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2012, 07:25:22 AM »
These are being imported by USSG now and the model is slightly different.  Available through Davidsons here:
And Bud's has them under Russian American Armory:
Tacklebury --}>>>>>    Multi-Barrel: .223 Superlite, 7mm-08 22", .30-40 Krag M158, .357 Maximum 16-1/4 HB, .45 Colt, .45-70 22" irons, 32" .45-70 Peeps, 12 Ga. 3-1/2 w/ Chokes, .410 Smooth slugger, .45 Cal Muzzy, .50 Cal Muzzy, .58 Cal Muzzy

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Offline Charlie-SA

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Re: Remington SR 18?
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2012, 01:43:24 AM »
I bought mine a couple of years back, paid about $220 nib.  I did have some trigger work on it and note to the wise, per the gunsmith, do not dry fire without a snap cap or you may be replacing the firing pin (which he did).  My sugguestion of scope mounting is to have a weaver or picatinney type rail installed.  Other then that I like the gun and feel for the price it was a good deal.  I can't remember which gun magazine reviewed the rifle several years back, very positive review.  That review is what lead me to buy the rifle.  BTW, mine is 30-06.

Offline cybin

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Re: Remington SR 18?
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2012, 08:18:31 AM »
I bought one at a gun show two years ago in Missouri for about $170.00 used in 7.62 x 39. I had a heck of a time keeping the scope from moving. Tried several different mounts, until I bought a Weaver rail from Pryramid Air through Amazon. It came with two 8-32 screws --I drilled and tapped two more 10-32 holes and the 4 screws seem to have done the job.
The accuracy wasn't anything to brag about until I shot about 150 to 200 rounds--mostly milsurp--but also reloads and Herters soft points.Then the groups shrunk  by half. It now shoots one inch groups all day long--cold barrel or hot.
I have read several times don't dry fire it or you break the firing pin--well I just can't bring myself to put a gun away cocked and this rifle cocks on opening--so I pull the trigger whenever I finish cleaning it or unloading it--so far no problems. The one gun show I didn't go to last summer, my nephew told me there was a rifle there like mine in .308 for $180.00. In real good shape---had I been there that rifle would have been mine--I don't think you can go wrong with them as long as your patient setting them up for a scope.
Good luck/cybin

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Re: Remington SR 18?
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2012, 09:40:33 AM »
R/E scope mounting on these rifles.  "Sun Optics" makes a mount specific to these 11mm grooved mounts used on these rifles.  It is the mount recommended by the gun manufacturer.  It incorporates a "wedge" in the bottom of the mount that fits into a depression in the guns mount, that stops it from moving under recoil.  The top of the Sun Optics mount is a standard Picatinny type.  I have one mounted on my 45/70 SxS rifle, and have no problems with scope movement.
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Offline cybin

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Re: Remington SR 18?
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2012, 03:48:07 PM »
Thanks for the information--there is a gun show this weekend--if that .308 is still there it is comming home with  me--I'm in the market for a SR 18 in either '270 or .308.

Offline Charlie-SA

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Re: Remington SR 18?
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2012, 01:04:06 AM »
Cybin, to decock the SPR18 pull up on the cocking/opening lever as if opening, pull the trigger, release the cocking/opening lever.

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Re: Remington SR 18?
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2012, 04:17:56 AM »
Don't have the sigle shot, but do have the side by side in 45-70.  Same 11mm rail, so I used Millot rings and they worked out well for me.
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Offline cybin

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Re: Remington SR 18?
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2012, 05:47:51 AM »
I'll give it a try Charlie.
The Millot rings didn't work for me for some reason. I read the earlier post on the SR18 and figured I had the answer when I first bought the rifle, but the Weaver rail, or Picikinnay by UGT that I bought works great. No problems in over 200 rounds so far.