Hi,I have been reading alot on how the 223 performs on deer and just had to see for myself.
I have a CZ 527 Carbine (18 inch barrel) and 4x Leupold M-8.
I was on the family farm and it had snowed and sitting on a bucket.
I noticed some movement off to my right and looking with a pair of 10x binos I saw a deer and eased up my rifle and rested on my knees and in a sling and saw the deer had taken a step and was halfway hidden and I could see just guts and quarters.Than saw another movement and pulled my Binos up again and saw what appeared to be 8-10 deer moving in and out of a small opening in the woods (OLD Logging road from 30 years ago)
I finally picked out the one that offered the best shot angle and what appeared to be a decently clear shot.
I pushed the trigger forward to set it and resting on my knees and with sling shot the doe tight behind the shoulder and a little less than halfway up the body.
At the shot the deer made a bolt to the east while the other deer ran to the west.
I sit there for about 15 minutes and noticed the other deer coming back to the area I had shot the deer and saw one of them looking at the ground and I knew from past experience that it was more than likely looking at the deer I had shot.
I worked my way through the woods slowly and of course the other deer spotted me and ran but I knew about where the deer had been standing when I shot so I stood there and looked in all directions and sure enough there was a BIG doe (150 + Pounds)laying in the snow.
She had ran less than 30 long steps or so.
I hit her a little lower than I Intended to and had hit her in the Heart.
The Ammo Was a Federal premium 60 Grain partition.
the range I later stepped it of at 140 Long steps .
The load broke the shoulder wit a 1.5 inch hole through it, 2 ribs going in ,over a half dollars sized hole in the heart and exited the offside (barely as the bullet left only about 35 caliber sized hole in the offside ribcage.
A piece of the Partition angled and followed just along the ribcage and guts and best I could tell left a small amount of blood shot area for about 7 or 8 inches.
The deer was standing almost broadside at the shot(at least appeared to be).
Overkill ? No
Would I consider it a great overall deer round ?NO(in my oppinion a good all around deer load needs to be able to be used on a hard Quartering shot and not sure this would.Also very little blood trail(Although I have shot them with a lot of Cartridges not showing any blood till I found the deer and turned them over and THEN Plenty of blood)
Of course this is just an example of one But based on this I would say that for a hunter that would be willing to wait for a broadside or close to it that this cartridge and load are more than enough for deer.
But I was very satisfied with the Performance of the Load and the cartridge.
I will try to get a couple of pics(old cell phone )within the next day or so.
The first pic is a view taken from inside the ribcage and the second is one taaken from outside the ribcage.
This pic on the left is of the Heart Entrance Hole
This one on the right is of the shoulder entrance Hole
Last one is of doe where she fell along with my rifle.
The last pic is of the doe where she fell along with my rifle.