Author Topic: NC police warn of preparing for martial law in 2013.  (Read 2314 times)

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Offline Anna

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Re: NC police warn of preparing for martial law in 2013.
« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2013, 10:26:36 AM »
Yes Mike , but at least where the military is concerned they do have the UMCJ . Article 13 i believe it is where they can resist any order that they feel is unjust. That does include anything that goes contrary
to their oath of service .

Offline Brett

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Re: NC police warn of preparing for martial law in 2013.
« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2013, 11:23:10 AM »
If the economy totally collapses tomorrow and marshal law is declared  total chaos would ensue.  The basic needs (food, water & safe shelter) would be difficult if not impossible to obtain.

That is unless you happen to be one of the privileged government soldiers.  So your choice is do what your government bosses tell you and you and your family are kept by your handlers or you have to fend for yourself with the rest of the civilian masses.  But this won't be too difficult of a decision because as a soldier you have been brainwashed to follow orders without question anyway.   That and your government bosses will continue to feed you lies telling you that what they/you are doing is for the "greater good" and anyone who resists is evil.

My guess is that most would follow orders and only a few would stand with us.     
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Offline Anna

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Re: NC police warn of preparing for martial law in 2013.
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2013, 11:40:20 AM »
I wouldn't want to be the ones captured by any resistance after committing these crimes against
the people. Especially around the Indian Nations, their deaths will become legendary.   
You may say its been done before Anna , but that time the Army wasnt fighting things like this all
over the country all at once. And these are not the same Indians they were fighting back then.
This new breed will not sign any treaty's with Washington.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: NC police warn of preparing for martial law in 2013.
« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2013, 03:06:55 AM »
If total Chaos ensued, I don't think we have enough government agents, police, national guard, or military to enforce martial law.  This is especially true if the Feds are bankrupt.  If they can't pay the bills, or pay the bills with highly inflated dollars and there is a run on the banks to switch it to some other currency or to gold, banks would fail.  Police, national guard, etc, will not show up because they need to stay home to protect their families.  We would then have a 2nd civil war, haves vs have nots, or the feds to call for UN troops or both.  Our population being over 300 million, the third largest country in the world population wise.  Only Chnia or India would have enough troops to police the US.  Thus begins the 3rd world war.  If power is out over 6 weeks nation wide, the feds estimate 100 million would die from lack of food, fresh water, and sanitary facilities.  Old and very young would go first due to their dependence on the system.  Then the weak would go because they would be killed for food or water if they have it.  Inner cities would go first, followed by suburbs. 
Average inner city people have only a 3 day supply of food.  Why?, because they eat out a lot.
Average suburb and small town hve a 2 week supply of food.  Why?  They usually have a refridgerator full of food and a pantry with food.  They eat at home more and eat out less. 
Average rural home has a 3-6 month supply.  Why, because they can, hunt, fish, and freeze a lot of food during the year.  Usually have a veggie garden. 
When the inner city begins to break down and fight over food and die from lack of sanitation and fresh water, the stronger of them will travel to the suburbs looking for stuff. 
With a total breakdown long term, the suburban people will travel to the countryside looking for food and help. 
Read, "Patriots, surviving the comming colapse" by John Wesley Rawls.  He was in military intellegence during his military career.  He knows a lot more than you would think.  Also, saw in "Doomsday Preppers" last night, that most underground bunker systems are sold to military officers to protect their families.  Must be something to that.  That gives pause to think. 
Pray and  Prep, faster now than ever.   

Offline Dee

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Re: NC police warn of preparing for martial law in 2013.
« Reply #34 on: January 07, 2013, 04:14:43 AM »
I wouldn't want to be the ones captured by any resistance after committing these crimes against
the people. Especially around the Indian Nations, their deaths will become legendary.   
You may say its been done before Anna , but that time the Army wasnt fighting things like this all
over the country all at once. And these are not the same Indians they were fighting back then.
This new breed will not sign any treaty's with Washington.

Anna my grandfather was made a U.S. citizen about 3 years before my father was born. I doubt he noticed. I have been a "Card Carryin Cherokee" all my life, as have all my family on my father's side. But to say that: "these are not the same Indians they were fighting back then", is an understatement. The tribes have been decimated with things like: EXTREME poverty, alcoholism, drug abuse, diabetes, and poorly educated. Yes, they are indignant, and rightly so. But poorly equipped both arms wise, and mentally. THEY TRULY "AREN'T" WHAT THEY ONCE WERE. It is a romantic thought for the American Indian to RISE UP again, as they TRIED TO in the old days, but most don't even realize or care about this issue.
It was once common knowledge that when the Apache ate his horse, you knew you were in trouble, because he had found a way to steal yours. The government doesn't ride horse anymore. They fly in armed drones. Imagine a couple of wart-hogs decimating a "war party".
Think the American soldier won't fire on Americans. Go back to the 60s, and ask anyone that was at Kent State. Ruby Ridge Idaho? The U.S. Marshall's Office killed a thirteen year old boy, and his mother, while his mother was holding his infant sister. Randy Weaver finally won some money in court years later, but there was no outcry from the general public.
Let's talk about Karesh in Waco a few years ago. I had friends working L.E. security there to block all the roads in and out. The "NATION WATCHED" as the government conducted a standoff lasting days and days, with GOVERNMENT SNIPERS killing anyone trying to leave, or come in. MUSIC ON LOUD SPEAKERS BLASTING DAY AND NIGHT torturing men, women and children inside. They used TANKS, and HELIOCOPTERS on them. In the end they burned them alive. Kids and all. They were portrayed as crazys, and dangerous.
Rent the second documentary or buy it, where the very Sheriff himself defended Karesh as although religiously weird, but not a threat. Listen to the Texas Rangers testify that the GOVERNMENT WAS WRONG. And NO ONE came to their rescue. NO ONE.
People won't defend each other. They will STEAL from each other, and take advantage of each other. CIVIL WAR? It will be the most UNCIVIL thing imaginable, and just like today, the government will take advantage of the IN FIGHTING.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: NC police warn of preparing for martial law in 2013.
« Reply #35 on: January 07, 2013, 04:28:50 AM »
Gurrella warfare might be the only way in a SHTF situation.  Right now, the ballot box, and getting involved locally on up with trying to elect the right people.  A grassroots effort, like the TEA party started.  The TEA party might come back in 2 years.  There are about 100 Republican tea partiers in congress, but have a problem getting a majority.  Drastically cutting the budget is the only way out financially.  Ron Paul mentioned cutting $1 trillion his first year.  Drones could be cut out.  Cutting welfare to below what someone could make minimum wage is another, where getting a minimum wage job would be better than welfare.  Limiting welfare children to two, and tieing the womans tubes after the second one is born.  Cutting out the arts.  Reduce pell grants to kids with higher entrance test scores and high school grades.  Everyone can't go to college.  Maybe encourage more trades skills education for others.  Closing unneeded military bases in friendly countries, just keep the option open with them if they are needed.  Putting the soldiers on the southern border to keep ILLEGALS out.  Sending illegals home via brought home military transports.  No anchor babies for illegals.  Lower tax or eliminate taxes on MANUFACTURERS to help bring companies back home to provide decent middle class jobs.  Even a cotton mill can keep a family off welfare and only requires an 8th grade education to work at one. 
For every hand written letter sent to a congress critter or senator, that translates into about 10-20,000 people who believes like you.  Emails help, but they realise they are too easy and might not represent a majority.  Flooding the post office with personal letters to congressmen make a bigger impression.  Emails are ok, so are phone calls, but they don't translate into but maybe 5,000 voters at most.  So take time to send a even a one page letter with a list of what you want to them.  It makes for a bigger impression.

Offline gypsyman

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Re: NC police warn of preparing for martial law in 2013.
« Reply #36 on: January 07, 2013, 04:40:37 AM »
I'm afraid we are going into unchartered waters here. Just wondering, when a soldier goes into battle under orders, he/she is pretty much assured that his family is safe. Will the police/soldier/govt. agent do the same, if he or she thinks that their own family will be in as much danger if their not there to protect them? Would you leave your family/home, to go protect some strangers life or property, knowing full well, yours might be attacked? gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline Mike in Virginia

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Re: NC police warn of preparing for martial law in 2013.
« Reply #37 on: January 07, 2013, 04:58:49 AM »
Anna, you miss my point.  Yes, the UCMJ might relieve a soldier from acting upon orders he/she feels are unjust.  But that most assuredly won't be the case.  The 2nd Amendment we hold as our fundamental stance against our guns being taken, won't mean a thing to the private or Sergeant or officer who has orders to put a missle into your kitchen.  It will get done.  That's what they do.  I think a person needs to have been in the military before they can truly understand the perfect war machine that it is. 
And so it is in all police departments.  They are the defenders of their area of responsibility, and they believe in the enforcement of EVERY law.  Putting our hopes on the failure of police and military to act against any particular mandate, is a false hope indeed. 
The armed citizen is only armed enough to protect himself from outlaws.  He cannot protect himself from any law.  The days of musket against musket are no more.  It's now your AR15 against missles fired from places you can't shoot at.  I know emotions flare when there's talk of uprisings and unfair treatment by the authorities, but reason is against us.  If it becomes the law of the land, you and I both will comply.  Even when it comes down to a single incident on a backroad, if you are approached by a backwoods deputy who tries to take your gun (according to law), you won't fight him.  You will comply.  You will hand it over, fume about, get an attorney, go to court, and lose, because it will be the LAW. 
I absolutely despise the seat belt law here in VA.  I don't wear min just because they tell me I must.  But when they finally stop me and give me the ticket, I'll pay it.  Because IT IS THE LAW. 
Hang on to our legal guns to fend off those who care nothing for the law.  But give them up when you become the outlaw.  Not because I say so, but because you will and you know you will.  It will be a sad day indeed when the thing that has happened to lesser nations happens to us.  I don't think this generation will see it come to a total ban of all firearms, but I think it will eventually come.  For a while, we are left to talk big and brandish our pitiful weapons against the might of the strongest military on earth. 

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: NC police warn of preparing for martial law in 2013.
« Reply #38 on: January 07, 2013, 05:01:08 AM »
I wouldn't want to be the ones captured by any resistance after committing these crimes against
the people. Especially around the Indian Nations, their deaths will become legendary.   
You may say its been done before Anna , but that time the Army wasnt fighting things like this all
over the country all at once. And these are not the same Indians they were fighting back then.
This new breed will not sign any treaty's with Washington.

Anna my grandfather was made a U.S. citizen about 3 years before my father was born. I doubt he noticed. I have been a "Card Carryin Cherokee" all my life, as have all my family on my father's side. But to say that: "these are not the same Indians they were fighting back then", is an understatement. The tribes have been decimated with things like: EXTREME poverty, alcoholism, drug abuse, diabetes, and poorly educated. Yes, they are indignant, and rightly so. But poorly equipped both arms wise, and mentally. THEY TRULY "AREN'T" WHAT THEY ONCE WERE. It is a romantic thought for the American Indian to RISE UP again, as they TRIED TO in the old days, but most don't even realize or care about this issue.
It was once common knowledge that when the Apache ate his horse, you knew you were in trouble, because he had found a way to steal yours. The government doesn't ride horse anymore. They fly in armed drones. Imagine a couple of wart-hogs decimating a "war party".
Think the American soldier won't fire on Americans. Go back to the 60s, and ask anyone that was at Kent State. Ruby Ridge Idaho? The U.S. Marshall's Office killed a thirteen year old boy, and his mother, while his mother was holding his infant sister. Randy Weaver finally won some money in court years later, but there was no outcry from the general public.
Let's talk about Karesh in Waco a few years ago. I had friends working L.E. security there to block all the roads in and out. The "NATION WATCHED" as the government conducted a standoff lasting days and days, with GOVERNMENT SNIPERS killing anyone trying to leave, or come in. MUSIC ON LOUD SPEAKERS BLASTING DAY AND NIGHT torturing men, women and children inside. They used TANKS, and HELIOCOPTERS on them. In the end they burned them alive. Kids and all. They were portrayed as crazys, and dangerous.
Rent the second documentary or buy it, where the very Sheriff himself defended Karesh as although religiously weird, but not a threat. Listen to the Texas Rangers testify that the GOVERNMENT WAS WRONG. And NO ONE came to their rescue. NO ONE.
People won't defend each other. They will STEAL from each other, and take advantage of each other. CIVIL WAR? It will be the most UNCIVIL thing imaginable, and just like today, the government will take advantage of the IN FIGHTING.

Yep! They were sending the sheeple a message.Where was the outrage ?Oh! There was a handful that made a stink about it, but where was the average John Q? Quietly watching it unfold and saying nothing.Where was the national outrage when two US Border Patrol Agents.....Ramos and Compean were arrested, tried and convicted in Federal court for shooting in the ass, a known armed drug smuggler with over 700 lbs of weed?They were sent a message also :o  Sent to prison for doing their job,not to mention the pain and suffering on their family's as well.Oh yea! Senor Bush commuted their sentences.Branded convicts the rest of their lives, their pensions gone, and their good names.The very least he could have done was a pardon. >:(

Interesting times ahead indeed!

Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: NC police warn of preparing for martial law in 2013.
« Reply #39 on: January 07, 2013, 05:11:14 AM »

People won't defend each other. They will STEAL from each other, and take advantage of each other.
You're exactly right.  and this attitude is showing up in a lot of threads here.
people don't give a crap about anyone weaker than themselves.
and that is why we don't have a chance of ever returning to freedom.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death