So we allow racism here now?
What about our European roots? It was the Europeans who built this nation, but then multiculturalism brought in the free loaders and now our governments are sucked dry financially to support these invaders. We didn't have to go down that road, feeling sorry for every people not of our race and giving up our homeland. We could have put the people's interests first the way the Germans and Japanese did. That is a truth that you can't prove me wrong! You are invited to try. All other discussion is off topic.
"Multiculturalism" , as you put it didn't do anything of the sort. Greed and the need for cheap labor in order to support the "tax farms" of international commerce is what brought the things you gripe about to this continent in the same it has done to the entire globe.
It has
always been about commerce, labor, and taxation. And those in power use the perpetuation of ignorance and ethnic (or multicultural, as you put it) hatred to pit one faction of people against another in order to keep all classes and "races" divided (as far as I'm concerned there is only ONE race on this planet).
ALL GREAT CIVILIZATIONS EVENTUALLY ERODE FROM WITHIN AND CRUMBLE UPON THEMSELVES. This TRUTH has been quite consistent in human history. It happened to the Greeks, the Romans, the Persians, the Dynasties of China, the Mayans, the Aztecs, and it will also happen to the civilization of your "great white European America" Mr. "Scary" chest.
Pointing fingers at one group of people or another will not prevent the inevitable. It has nothing to do with one ethnicity or culture's supposed superiority over another as much as it has to do with HUMAN NATURE in general.
I viewed a documentary recently about the human brain that stated that the human brain has not really evolved much in over fifty thousand years (apologies to all those who believe that Adam and Eve actually walked in harmony with the dinosaurs). And in spite of our technological advances, it is as if we are trying to run high tech modern software on hardware(our brains) that has been outdated for 50 thousand years.
Nature has shown that it is not the "strong who survive, but those that are most able to adapt to change (of any and every kind). Guess that sort of puts those who dream of reviving the "good 'ol days
of America into the endangered species class.
As I read the posts, I see where it has turned into a Gentile vs. Judaic issue; which (IMO) seems rather petty (but typical) in the larger scheme of human events on this planet.
Squabbling and whining over this race or that race's right to this or that because of supposed superiority or claimed "divine right". Manifest destiny... hah!
What about your "European roots"? you ask.
I've said it before and here it is again; this whole notion of the supposed superiority or "worthiness" (in the eyes of god
that one group of human beings claims over another is comical to me.Especially when one takes into consideration the historical and archeological facts.
Brown "multiculturalism" as you put it was charting the stars, engineering cities, and calculating advanced mathmatics when ancient Europeans didn't even know that "0"(zero) was an integer. Hell, they didn't even know what an integer was. The upper echelon of these brown (as you put it) societies even understood the value of hygiene which seemed to evade the minds of those in Europe during the dark ages.
Brown "multiculturalism" as you put it (
I hate to distinguish color, I really do; but some just don't comprehend anything else) was domesticating animals and refining the art of agriculture,navigating the seas (BEFORE the invention of the compass or sextant) thousands of years BEFORE ancient Europeans even had a WRITTEN LANGUAGE.Speaking of which, much of the technical and scientific terms of the very English language that we Americans speak (and all too often mutilate) find their roots in the middle eastern and mediterranean languages of the cultures that Europeans raped and plundered during the crusades.Where when I'll add, the "great and divinely worthy" Europeans also received much of the engineering technology of building and weaponry that enabled them to transform Europe from the stinking filth and disease ridden region that it was into the locust like imperial international pestilence that it became.Hell, brown multiculturalism has already been there and done that. Just what do you suppose your "godly worthy" white Europeans were waiting for? Seems to me, that from a historical and archeological perspective, they are the last to come up to bat. You would think that having the foresight of the mistakes of all the past civilizations, they would do better. But nope. They, like all the rest, have and will continue to repeat the mistakes of the past; and like all the others, will inevitably crumble.There is the TRUTH if you're brave enough to actually thoroughly research.In response to your title: the entire human race will lose and continue to be indentured economical tax slaves to those who greedily wield power as long racial ignorance and hatred prevail. Those who choose to remain ignorant, short sighted, and narrow minded will continue the repeated cycle that has ruled this planet for longer than anyone really knows. Those individuals who are informed, aware, and brave enough to stand up and say "I will endeavor to "SEE" and rise above it" are our only hope. which one are you?