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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #90 on: January 11, 2013, 04:30:33 AM »
I have skipped ahead quite a bit.  First TM7, Jesus was not a Christian. Christians worship Jesus. Jesus did not worship himself.

Where did the idea come from that Atlas Shrugged was neo-nazi. I read it. It was all about people of 'ability' getting tired of being mooched off of by those who could not or would not work.  After all, in most of the world people of 'mind' and 'ability' are not white. The lights could not go out all over the world if if only whites withdrew from society. Most people of ability and 'mind' are not white. That is a fact. Whites are a minority in the world. Western Europe and the USA are not 'the world'.

So where in Atlas Shrugged do you see neo-nazi? I will gladly go back to my copy to look it up.
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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #91 on: January 11, 2013, 05:21:34 AM »
Stalingrad was the last battle for the white race.  After Stalingrad, our people were decimated and in decline.  America and Britain were subsequently invaded by Mexicans, Chinese and Pakistani's.  Jews are divided on this one.  Most of them favor any kind of nonwhite immigration to white countries.  The reason they favor is because Jews thrive on being a minority controlling a divided majority.  But when there are Arabs in the mix, that is when some Jews get off the diversity bandwagon.  But their solution isn't deportation, unless it is Israel.  Instead, they demand all people in the countries pass hate laws and give themselves special status.  They always need special status because they have been bred that way over thousands of years.  Atheistic Jews set-up and ran the Soviet Union.  They were the Commissars who have blood of millions on their hands, but you will never hear about it.  All you will hear is about their victimhood. 

I say good for the Jews!  They are being strong for their race.  This thread isn't about Jews.  Unless we are talking about Soviet Secret police, the Jews were really a small detail of WWII.  It was mostly the white race that was fighting itself.  Now white nations are in decline.  Paying for the freeloaders from the third world precludes using the money to rebuild our nation and investment in technologies that is favorable to whites.  I say "whites" because whites are the majority people of this country that built this country.  There may have been a few nonwhite achievements, but they were always done with technology that was invented by prior technology. 

Again, I ask, what will happen to the nation when whites become a minority?  For whites themselves, it won't be that big of a deal.  If whites could make their way through Northern Europe during the glacier ages, defeat the multicultural Roman Empire, build ancient Rome and Greece, then rule all of Europe, from the West to Russia, they can manage this crisis.  But what about the rest?  They will be satisfied with a nation that is more crowded, polluted, crime ridden and poor. 
Study after study has shown how dangerous distracted driving is yet people continue to talk on their cell phones while driving. Driving in the U.S. requires your full attention. Many states and countries have made it illegal to use a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle and the federal government should follow their lead. Banning the use of cell phones while driving would have the added benefit of making the no-texting law enforceable.

Offline Dee

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #92 on: January 11, 2013, 05:22:05 AM »
I have skipped ahead quite a bit.  First TM7, Jesus was not a Christian. Christians worship Jesus. Jesus did not worship himself.

Where did the idea come from that Atlas Shrugged was neo-nazi. I read it. It was all about people of 'ability' getting tired of being mooched off of by those who could not or would not work.  After all, in most of the world people of 'mind' and 'ability' are not white. The lights could not go out all over the world if if only whites withdrew from society. Most people of ability and 'mind' are not white. That is a fact. Whites are a minority in the world. Western Europe and the USA are not 'the world'.

So where in Atlas Shrugged do you see neo-nazi? I will gladly go back to my copy to look it up.

For those wondering and not sure? SharonAnne made a VERY TRUE STATEMENT that I have highlighted. Only by TWISTING, or IGNORANCE, can one claim anything less.
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Offline AtlLaw

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #93 on: January 11, 2013, 05:58:04 AM »
The whole concept of race is obsolete.

I got interested in this race question some time back and started doing some (quite a bit actually) research on the subject.  Now, I don't claim to be an expert, especially in the incredibly complex field of genetics, but I sifted through enough information to come to some conclusions that satisfy me.
First, the term "race" is out, or falling out of favor with the mainstream scientific comunity as it cannot be adequately defined by physical characteristics or by genetics.  I think the count of races runs form 3 to a few hundred, depending on who you ask.
For example, when I was in school we were taught there were 3 races.  Then others started getting added: Hispanic, American Indian and Aborigine are three that I've seen and come to mind without much thought.

The average Korean doesn't look anything like the average Vietnamese, and even the Chinese start to look very different as you go from north to south.  I have visited Africa twice, and while there are lots of black (really brown) people who look just like American blacks, there are some who actually are black, but their facial structure is closer to that of whites.

Second, I think there are two primary evolutionary theories: The "Out of Africa 1 and 2" theories, and the "Simultaneous Geographical Evolution" theory.  The favored theory is Out of Africa and, after considering arguments for both, the one I believe to be the most valid.  I based this decision on the information available, including genetics.
Did you know that there is more genetic diversity among the population of Africa then there is among the population of Europe?  Scientists believe that the reason for that is, humans have inhabited Africa longer then Europe, therefore there has been more opportunity for genetic mutation.
However, what becomes genetically transmitted identifying differences in appearance among peoples can be attributed to a myriad of other factors, including geographical ones.  I believe this is what you were eluding to us920669!  And I agree with you!  To me, African blacks look different from American blacks or Australian Aborigines, Chinese don't look like Vietnamese or Japanese; a little more like Koreans, but still different!  And so on!
Now, I am not hinting at genetic transmission of physicall acquired traits here...  But like I said, genetics is incredibly complex!  And, if differences in the appearance of a group can occur within a few hundred years, imagine what differences can occur in 50 or 100 thousand years!   :o
I think, as if anyone cares what I think... that most friction between groups of people is based on cultural differences.  If those cultural difference can be identified with a group that has some common physical characteristics... well, there ya go!  As a matter of fact, I don't have much use for the English!   >:(  A particularly homely race...  ;)  'course I'm half English...  :-\  The other half is Irish... I get my good looks from my mother... 'sides, being half English and half Irish I don't need you guys!  I can fight with myself!   ;D
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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #94 on: January 11, 2013, 07:11:11 AM »
My thoughts exactly, Captain Richard.
As for me, I'm German, English and Scotch (now my favorite whiskey), so we can really mix it up.
The post started out proposing that whites lost WW II.  Well, the Iwo Jima Memorial tells a different story.  A lot of the war was in Asia, and it wasn't all Victory at Sea.  The fighting in China was incredibly deadly and destructive.  The European people sure lost a lot - many lives, wealth, infrastructure, etc.  Germany may have come out on top, probably because they started out with a clean slate.
Korea is an interesting case.  The late Joeson Dynasty was a complete wreck, then the Japanese came and stole everything of value, and then whatever was left was destroyed in the Korean War.  South Korea got a huge bailout, and while the leaders were plenty corrupt, they had enough sense to invest at least some of it in education and infrastructure.  Today, South Korea is about to become the next Japan.
So it's all a question of what you do with what you've got.

Offline finisher

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #95 on: January 11, 2013, 07:20:14 AM »
I have skipped ahead quite a bit.  First TM7, Jesus was not a Christian. Christians worship Jesus. Jesus did not worship himself.

Where did the idea come from that Atlas Shrugged was neo-nazi. I read it. It was all about people of 'ability' getting tired of being mooched off of by those who could not or would not work.  After all, in most of the world people of 'mind' and 'ability' are not white. The lights could not go out all over the world if if only whites withdrew from society. Most people of ability and 'mind' are not white. That is a fact. Whites are a minority in the world. Western Europe and the USA are not 'the world'.

So where in Atlas Shrugged do you see neo-nazi? I will gladly go back to my copy to look it up.

For those wondering and not sure? SharonAnne made a VERY TRUE STATEMENT that I have highlighted. Only by TWISTING, or IGNORANCE, can one claim anything less.
Not attacking here Dee but as I see it, Jesus was just "Jesus" the man. The term "Christ" (depending on the linguistic sources) merely means "christened", or even "anointed "; meaning in some cases one that is highest above all. In some cultures, it was the "sun", and not the"son" . but one would never know this unless they had truly searched in earnest for answers to their individual faiths.
Words and definitions do have a way of being twisted, changing, and even being completely forgotten over the centuries.
I apologize for not being able to post sources as it has been many years since I have done much of my intensive reading (having four kids definitely cuts into the reading time) and I forget names and titles;
but I have read that the term "christ" can take on many different meanings beyond Christianity, Judaism, or even "Jesus" the man as one researches back through history.

In Case anyone is unaware, the whole story of virgin birth, twelve disciples, healing, resurrection and all the other stuff that typically goes with it is not unique to the faith that we now know as Christianity. Jesus (the character, or man, or whatever you believe) is not an enigma in this sense.
And all the characteristics that go with the story are common to many cultures from all over the globe and they date back beyond the time of the ancient Greeks.
How's that for a conspiracy. Hate to tell you guys, but it is not just a theory either.

Offline finisher

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #96 on: January 11, 2013, 07:40:28 AM »
I've been following all this with a mixture of sadness and levity.  The whole concept of race is obsolete.  I married into a Korean family, so I know lots and lots of Koreans.  The average Korean doesn't look anything like the average Vietnamese, and even the Chinese start to look very different as you go from north to south.  I have visited Africa twice, and while there are lots of black (really brown) people who look just like American blacks, there are some who actually are black, but their facial structure is closer to that of whites.  I'm sure there are many more examples.
We are all God's children, even the heathens.

Big Navy Hooyahhhh! to you sir. Wish there were more who thought the same as you.

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #97 on: January 11, 2013, 07:47:31 AM »
My thoughts exactly, Captain Richard.
As for me, I'm German, English and Scotch (now my favorite whiskey), so we can really mix it up.
The post started out proposing that whites lost WW II.  Well, the Iwo Jima Memorial tells a different story.  A lot of the war was in Asia, and it wasn't all Victory at Sea.  The fighting in China was incredibly deadly and destructive.  The European people sure lost a lot - many lives, wealth, infrastructure, etc.  Germany may have come out on top, probably because they started out with a clean slate.
Korea is an interesting case.  The late Joeson Dynasty was a complete wreck, then the Japanese came and stole everything of value, and then whatever was left was destroyed in the Korean War.  South Korea got a huge bailout, and while the leaders were plenty corrupt, they had enough sense to invest at least some of it in education and infrastructure.  Today, South Korea is about to become the next Japan.
So it's all a question of what you do with what you've got.
Wow! You said a mouthful. Thanks for that.
And all this time so many here, it seems, think that small town America is the center of the universe and that white Europe is the moon.
Anyone can feel free to punch me for my sarcasm, but lay off the face please.

Seriously, us920669; excellent and much more broad minded perspective than what we've read so far.

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #98 on: January 11, 2013, 07:56:37 AM »
Well finisher, if you want to take this word "Christ" "out of the context" of the conversation you would be right. However, staying in the "context" it was being used, Sharonanne was DEAD ON.
One I suppose could also do an "intensive read" on the word "Impala". Impala I've read, and actually researched, can be used to describe a certain make of Chevrolet, and I was even able years ago to actually AQUIRE a Chevrolet Impala, and verify that it was not a mythical legend or theory. Thru my intensive reading and watching of National Geographic I have also found that there is also an African ANTELOPE called an Impala, and it has been around for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, verifying as you did, that Chevrolet did not make the first Impala. GOD DID! ;)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline finisher

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #99 on: January 11, 2013, 07:57:43 AM »
@ AtLaw;

Thanks for the post. Informative and thought out. I care about what you and everyone have to say, but especially so when it is free of hatred and presented so well.

Thanks again.


Offline Dee

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #100 on: January 11, 2013, 07:59:31 AM »
@ AtLaw;

Thanks for the post. Informative and thought out. I care about what you and everyone have to say, but especially so when it is free of hatred and presented so well.

Thanks again.


And you also Finisher. Thank you,
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline finisher

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #101 on: January 11, 2013, 08:11:32 AM »
Well finisher, if you want to take this word "Christ" "out of the context" of the conversation you would be right. However, staying in the "context" it was being used, Sharonanne was DEAD ON.
One I suppose could also do an "intensive read" on the word "Impala". Impala I've read, and actually researched, can be used to describe a certain make of Chevrolet, and I was even able years ago to actually AQUIRE a Chevrolet Impala, and verify that it was not a mythical legend or theory. Thru my intensive reading and watching of National Geographic I have also found that there is also an African ANTELOPE called an Impala, and it has been around for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, verifying as you did, that Chevrolet did not make the first Impala. GOD DID! ;)
Yep Dee,
I also agree with Sharon (keeping it in context, my apologies about that).
I know I went off on a tangent and jumped your post but it just seems like we all get fixated on one minute aspect that is merely one tree among the vast forest.
Some are discussing jews, jues, and joos; or whites, wits, caucasians while I'm just trying to fight ignorance and hatred (not excluding my own) while trying to touch on some of the confusions that are often direct (and even INdirect) sources of all the hatred and ignorance that is often posted here. Just saying.
Again, no attack intended.

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #102 on: January 11, 2013, 08:40:37 AM »
Ya know finisher? Your effort to fight hate and ignorance will most likely end in your own frustration, and your remarks had nothing to do with what I had said, that caused you to make them.  I make statements constantly on these forums that folks take completely out of context, and accuse me of "hate", and or "ignorance". At 63 yoa, I have realized that many young folks, and quite a few older ones, don't know what to do with someone that "says exactly what he means". No nuances, no subliminal messages, no hidden agenda, no hatred, and hopefully not too much ignorance.
I have a pretty good education, a lot of life's experiences due to a past career, and I came out knowing exactly what I believe, why I believe it, and can show someone, where I got it, if they really want to know. If they want to argue, then they can argue with themselves. I don't think I could care any less what happened with another religion, race of people, or extinct animal, a 1,000 years or 50,000,000 years ago.
If I disagree with a mormon, he says I hate, or am ignorant. If he disagrees with me, then I'm wrong because of my hate, and ignorance, but he doesn't hate, and isn't ignorant. Same with the catholic. I am ignorant and hateful, and their not.
You see, I am not confused about anything, other than why people continue to confuse my directness, with their feeling that I need to be enlightened. I don't. Anyone that actually knows me, and some that only know of me, will say that my word is good, I am not easily intimidated (face to face), and I question not one word, written in the Holy Bible, nor am I ashamed of it. My Obedience to God is not as good as I wish it were, but He says: I'm a Sinner saved by Grace thru Faith, so it's really the only excuse I have. I accept life for what it is, and have been around long enough to know it's gonna get worse before it get better.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #103 on: January 11, 2013, 01:42:02 PM »
Boys, I dont know about all this genetic stuff or anything else about some people. I do know a dumb one when I see him because my mirror has a good example to work from.
However, there have been countless studies on intellegence of different peoples from around the world and what has been found and verified many times is that the American South has the smartest men in the world.  Just Saying.

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #104 on: January 11, 2013, 01:57:30 PM »
...However, there have been countless studies on intellegence of different peoples from around the world and what has been found and verified many times is that the American South has the smartest men in the world.  Just Saying...
Smart enough to live where the best looking women are.
The difference between people who do stuff and people who don't do stuff is that the people who do stuff do stuff.

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #105 on: January 11, 2013, 02:31:56 PM »
...the American South has the smartest men in the world....
Smart enough to live where the best looking women are.

Do I hear an AMEN!?   ;D
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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #106 on: January 11, 2013, 02:49:50 PM »
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .

Offline finisher

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #107 on: January 11, 2013, 03:30:17 PM »
Ya know finisher? Your effort to fight hate and ignorance will most likely end in your own frustration, and your remarks had nothing to do with what I had said, that caused you to make them.  I make statements constantly on these forums that folks take completely out of context, and accuse me of "hate", and or "ignorance". At 63 yoa, I have realized that many young folks, and quite a few older ones, don't know what to do with someone that "says exactly what he means". No nuances, no subliminal messages, no hidden agenda, no hatred, and hopefully not too much ignorance.
I have a pretty good education, a lot of life's experiences due to a past career, and I came out knowing exactly what I believe, why I believe it, and can show someone, where I got it, if they really want to know. If they want to argue, then they can argue with themselves. I don't think I could care any less what happened with another religion, race of people, or extinct animal, a 1,000 years or 50,000,000 years ago.
If I disagree with a mormon, he says I hate, or am ignorant. If he disagrees with me, then I'm wrong because of my hate, and ignorance, but he doesn't hate, and isn't ignorant. Same with the catholic. I am ignorant and hateful, and their not.
You see, I am not confused about anything, other than why people continue to confuse my directness, with their feeling that I need to be enlightened. I don't. Anyone that actually knows me, and some that only know of me, will say that my word is good, I am not easily intimidated (face to face), and I question not one word, written in the Holy Bible, nor am I ashamed of it. My Obedience to God is not as good as I wish it were, but He says: I'm a Sinner saved by Grace thru Faith, so it's really the only excuse I have. I accept life for what it is, and have been around long enough to know it's gonna get worse before it get better.
I meant nothing derogatory towards you personally in any way. Reading back, I can see where my statement could have been misconstrued as such. I make my best effort to be as clear and concise as I can (but I am often rushed when I make these posts and I know they are quite wordy) but I can see in this case where I fell short. In addition; as I said before, I jumped your post and took it off on a tangent that was not timed in a very tactful way.

I don't "read" you as being hateful in any way like some of the members here. Like you, when push comes to shove, I'll tell someone right out of defined text that they are a racist pig. I'll do it in person as well and I've got the scars to prove it.

All that I was suggesting is that there is so much more information out there that has the potential to alleviate much of the conflict surrounding these subjects if only more people were receptive enough to hear it and make the effort to verify it for themselves. Or maybe it could just cause even more conflict. Who knows.

People believe what they choose and I can only respect that. When I used the word SOURCE, I did not mean to imply that you personally, your words, or beliefs were "the source" or that you were hateful. And again, I ask your pardon if my statement was taken as such.

I've seen enough hatred and killing in my short lifetime for me to say I've had enough. I'm 43 years old (most likely still a "youngster" in your eyes) and I will make every effort I can to be the peacemaker (and not necessarily with a gun). And yes, you're right; it is a major source of frustration. And as much as tell myself that we all as a human race deserve to be wiped off the face of this earth, I still believe deep down inside that I have to keep fighting for love and peace.

 I hope there is no ill will because of this and thank you for calling me out and setting me straight. (non of my business, but were you ever a police officer? I have a bad habit of amateur profiling left over from my half assed psychology studies. I'm usually pretty good at picking them out of a crowd in public but it's a little more difficult on line).

Anyway, to end on topic; it is my opinion that the original posting of this topic stinks of racism and hatred, but non of it has come from you.

Thanks again Dee.

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #108 on: January 11, 2013, 03:39:35 PM »
Well finisher, once again I think your reading into my post something that is not there. You have not offended me at all. I didn't really try and call you out, I merely mimicked you out of context with the Impala deal. It was a joke.
And to answer your question as to my being ex L.E. Yes, 20 years total, with 18 being tactical, and tactical K-9. I held my license in Texas 21 years.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #109 on: January 11, 2013, 04:15:56 PM »
A survey of was done of war veterans, "Was it worth it?"  The overwhelming answer was "no". The biggest reason was 'immigration'.  So, 400,000 Brits died to make things worse for their nation.

Study after study has shown how dangerous distracted driving is yet people continue to talk on their cell phones while driving. Driving in the U.S. requires your full attention. Many states and countries have made it illegal to use a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle and the federal government should follow their lead. Banning the use of cell phones while driving would have the added benefit of making the no-texting law enforceable.

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #110 on: January 11, 2013, 04:24:36 PM »
A survey of was done of war veterans, "Was it worth it?"  The overwhelming answer was "no". The biggest reason was 'immigration'.  So, 400,000 Brits died to make things worse for their nation.

That's quite a survey, and so informative. Did the survey mention that the "Brits" didn't get the choice of goin to war, that Hitler decided that one for them?
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #111 on: January 11, 2013, 04:31:28 PM »
A survey of was done of war veterans, "Was it worth it?"  The overwhelming answer was "no". The biggest reason was 'immigration'.  So, 400,000 Brits died to make things worse for their nation.

That's quite a survey, and so informative. Did the survey mention that the "Brits" didn't get the choice of goin to war, that Hitler decided that one for them?

Hitler didn't want a war with Britain.  But the Jews pushed for war. They declared war on Germany already in 1933.  Thus, like in America today, Jewish hawks pushed Churchill into making a guarantee with Poland, a guarantee that it never intended to keep.  Like America today, the war was started on lies and deception.  There were a few, like Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh who understood what was a stake.  But a few patriotic Americans were no match for the Hollywood propaganda machine. 
Study after study has shown how dangerous distracted driving is yet people continue to talk on their cell phones while driving. Driving in the U.S. requires your full attention. Many states and countries have made it illegal to use a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle and the federal government should follow their lead. Banning the use of cell phones while driving would have the added benefit of making the no-texting law enforceable.

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #112 on: January 11, 2013, 04:53:20 PM »
A survey of was done of war veterans, "Was it worth it?"  The overwhelming answer was "no". The biggest reason was 'immigration'.  So, 400,000 Brits died to make things worse for their nation.

That's quite a survey, and so informative. Did the survey mention that the "Brits" didn't get the choice of goin to war, that Hitler decided that one for them?

Hitler didn't want a war with Britain.  But the Jews pushed for war. They declared war on Germany already in 1933.  Thus, like in America today, Jewish hawks pushed Churchill into making a guarantee with Poland, a guarantee that it never intended to keep.  Like America today, the war was started on lies and deception.  There were a few, like Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh who understood what was a stake.  But a few patriotic Americans were no match for the Hollywood propaganda machine.

A great post.  400,000 British died to make things worse for their nation.  That's exactly what happened.   America's involvement in WW2 made the world safe for Communism and gave us the Cold War that would have never existed if Hitler had been allowed to deal with the USSR.  The Cold War was the continuation of WW2 by another name.

It's impossible to understand the decline of the USA  until it's  understood  that  the American people lost WW2.  Now,   Americans are stupidly fighting in the Middle East while millions of third world primitives are walking across the border, signing up for free health care, free child support and free public education and taking our country without firing a shot.  We are reduced to servitude to pay taxes to support our conquerors.   When we're gone, they will suffer the traditional fate of the parasite without a host....death.   But we'll be dead before that.     

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #113 on: January 11, 2013, 07:15:56 PM »
There is no such thing as a white race and anyone to says there is, is a moron.
By golly you are right. I just took a look at a $20 and Andrew Jackson looks exactly like Al Sharpton!

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #114 on: January 11, 2013, 07:30:21 PM »
Anyone who has read Vonnegut' s book Slaughterhouse Five or Remarque' s All Quiet on the Western Front know how insanely wrong it was for us Europeans to kill each other.
How many young Rembrandt's, Tesla' s and Mozart' s did we kill?

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #115 on: January 12, 2013, 02:44:51 AM »
Ya know,  :-\  contrary to what some may think, this is a good thread!  I for one applaud the moderators for letting several controversial opinions be expressed and subjects be broached.  It also speaks highly of the members here that they can express themselves without the thread turning into a brawl!   ;D 
And, it seems that Jews are as rare around here as Roman Catholics.   :-\  Maybe, if there are any Jewish members, they are doing what I do on a particular forum.  I just read but keep my mouth (keyboard) shut!     ;)
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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #116 on: January 12, 2013, 05:55:26 AM »
A survey of was done of war veterans, "Was it worth it?"  The overwhelming answer was "no". The biggest reason was 'immigration'.  So, 400,000 Brits died to make things worse for their nation.

That's quite a survey, and so informative. Did the survey mention that the "Brits" didn't get the choice of goin to war, that Hitler decided that one for them?

Hitler didn't want a war with Britain.  But the Jews pushed for war. They declared war on Germany already in 1933.  Thus, like in America today, Jewish hawks pushed Churchill into making a guarantee with Poland, a guarantee that it never intended to keep.  Like America today, the war was started on lies and deception.  There were a few, like Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh who understood what was a stake.  But a few patriotic Americans were no match for the Hollywood propaganda machine.

A great post.  400,000 British died to make things worse for their nation.  That's exactly what happened.   America's involvement in WW2 made the world safe for Communism and gave us the Cold War that would have never existed if Hitler had been allowed to deal with the USSR.  The Cold War was the continuation of WW2 by another name.

It's impossible to understand the decline of the USA  until it's  understood  that  the American people lost WW2.  Now,   Americans are stupidly fighting in the Middle East while millions of third world primitives are walking across the border, signing up for free health care, free child support and free public education and taking our country without firing a shot.  We are reduced to servitude to pay taxes to support our conquerors.   When we're gone, they will suffer the traditional fate of the parasite without a host....death.   But we'll be dead before that.   

Exactly.  Remember, we don't need the inertia of the fickle easily manipulated masses and certainly can't count on politicians who make deals in smoke filled backrooms.  As long as an active minority takes a stand, leadership will follow.  It worked for National Socialist Germany.  In 1936, while America and Britain were suffering the Great Depression, Germany was building roads and Volkswagons.  The Allies needed a war to pull them out of the depression.  Like with the Weimar Republic, there is still hope for change.   8)
Study after study has shown how dangerous distracted driving is yet people continue to talk on their cell phones while driving. Driving in the U.S. requires your full attention. Many states and countries have made it illegal to use a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle and the federal government should follow their lead. Banning the use of cell phones while driving would have the added benefit of making the no-texting law enforceable.

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #117 on: January 12, 2013, 06:11:44 AM »
Anyone who has read Vonnegut' s book Slaughterhouse Five or Remarque' s All Quiet on the Western Front know how insanely wrong it was for us Europeans to kill each other.
How many young Rembrandt's, Tesla' s and Mozart' s did we kill?

Americans and British, influenced by wartime propaganda,  naively bombed cultural centers like Dresden and Hamburg.  Americans were constantly told lies that the Germans were going to invade America via South America, send their women to stud farms and drain the blood of their children.  Corrupt capitalists, communists and the Holy Rollers joined forces, just like today and Americans still don't get it. 

Americans are manipulated by Jews through the mass media to further the latter's agenda.  They got us into WWII which resulted in decline for whitesToday, the same manipulation is happening. 
Study after study has shown how dangerous distracted driving is yet people continue to talk on their cell phones while driving. Driving in the U.S. requires your full attention. Many states and countries have made it illegal to use a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle and the federal government should follow their lead. Banning the use of cell phones while driving would have the added benefit of making the no-texting law enforceable.

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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #118 on: January 12, 2013, 07:42:42 AM »

If we were a strong people like the Germans, we'd have those Jewish media bosses swimming to Israel.   ;D ;D

Ever since the end of WWII the German Govt. showed as much backbone to anything the Israelis wanted/demanded as you can expect from a cooked wet noodle.Absolutely   n o n e !!
The latest "cave" is the U-Boats delivered for practically zip costs and the apparently modification done by the direct authorization from the Chancellor to deploy nukes from them.
This bring to question. What Med countries have a big enough Navy to threaten Israel that it needs nuke capable U-Boats??
I can't think of any. Meaning what other countries would be targeted??
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Re: All Whites Lost After WWII
« Reply #119 on: January 12, 2013, 09:52:57 AM »
BBF.......Most certainly Germany was turned into ZOG's bitches.....just like us....

 :( :-X :'(
What is the point of Life if you can't have fun.