The whole concept of race is obsolete.
I got interested in this race question some time back and started doing some (quite a bit actually) research on the subject. Now, I don't claim to be an expert, especially in the incredibly complex field of genetics, but I sifted through enough information to come to some conclusions that satisfy me.
First, the term "race" is out, or falling out of favor with the mainstream scientific comunity as it cannot be adequately defined by physical characteristics or by genetics. I think the count of races runs form 3 to a few hundred, depending on who you ask.
For example, when I was in school we were taught there were 3 races. Then others started getting added: Hispanic, American Indian and Aborigine are three that I've seen and come to mind without much thought.
The average Korean doesn't look anything like the average Vietnamese, and even the Chinese start to look very different as you go from north to south. I have visited Africa twice, and while there are lots of black (really brown) people who look just like American blacks, there are some who actually are black, but their facial structure is closer to that of whites.
Second, I think there are two primary evolutionary theories: The "Out of Africa 1 and 2" theories, and the "Simultaneous Geographical Evolution" theory. The favored theory is Out of Africa and, after considering arguments for both, the one I believe to be the most valid. I based this decision on the information available, including genetics.
Did you know that there is more genetic diversity among the population of Africa then there is among the population of Europe? Scientists believe that the reason for that is, humans have inhabited Africa longer then Europe, therefore there has been more opportunity for genetic mutation.
However, what becomes genetically transmitted identifying differences in appearance among peoples can be attributed to a myriad of other factors, including geographical ones. I believe this is what you were eluding to us920669! And I agree with you! To me, African blacks look different from American blacks or Australian Aborigines, Chinese don't look like Vietnamese or Japanese; a little more like Koreans, but still different! And so on!
Now, I am not hinting at genetic transmission of physicall acquired traits here... But like I said, genetics is incredibly complex! And, if differences in the appearance of a group can occur within a few hundred years, imagine what differences can occur in 50 or 100 thousand years!
I think, as if anyone cares what I think... that most friction between groups of people is based on cultural differences. If those cultural difference can be identified with a group that has some common physical characteristics... well, there ya go! As a matter of fact, I don't have much use for the English!

A particularly homely race...

'course I'm half English...

The other half is Irish... I get my good looks from my mother... 'sides, being half English and half Irish I don't need you guys! I can fight with myself!