Author Topic: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?  (Read 6863 times)

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2013, 12:02:13 AM »
An aquaintance of mine has wreaked three M74whatevers in his lifetime by heavy use with 220gr bullets. He wonders why he has problems with them...Garands won't take that.
I like the feel of  Remington pumps and autos and they seem to fit most folks as well as their shotguns do. My uncle loved his 742.

Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2013, 08:19:47 AM »
Guess I never gave it much thought. I inherited a 742 in 30-06 a few years back. It was dirty and had a lot of surface rust but the wood was still very nice. It came with a Bushnell 6X with see through rings. I cleaned the barrel, took off the surface rust and tried it out. Shoots perfect. Pretty consistent 1.5 inch groups at 75 yards with factory loads which is a heck of a lot better than my Handi will do.

Offline RevJim

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2013, 05:51:15 AM »
 I had a Model Four ( fancy 7400) in .270 that shot just fine, sold it to my aunt down in SE Texas, still going strong. I had a Model 750 carbine in 35 Whelan a year or so ago, it was a genuine shooter! never had a problem, just never hunted with it so sold it. Back in the 80s, I bought a 742 (30.06) from my Uncle and it was a jammomatic. I fought that sucker for a few years, sold it to my dad ( who never hunted with it, and I still used it some) best factory loads was the first Federal Premiums with the 165 Sierra GameKing. it would do about 4" at 100, which was fine as I always shot deer/hogs at under 75! ha. One shot too, never had to shoot something twice. I bought it back from my dad and sold it back to my uncle, who still has it. I later bought a new 742 in .308 that was just perfect, but I was into bow hunting for about 6 yrs and sold it. My BIL still uses his 742 in .308 for past 38 yrs!
My favorite is the early Belgium made BARS. I did have one in 7mm Mag in '73 that would jam, and since it was too heavy for what I wanted, I traded it off for a brand new 870 Mag and a little Marlin '94 in .44mag. Now, that little .44 mag was the fastest handling woods rifle I ever had, before or since. But, I wanted the Long Range Shot back then went to bolt guns ( a Ruger 77 .280)  and now I currently have one semi,  a Belgium BAR in .270 that shoots like a good bolt gun. I don't care for the side bolt release levers on the new ones, but that's just me.
I would say if you could find a good used 7400 for a decent price, go for it. I really was impressed with that Mod 750, but they can be expensive. "Usually", any semi that uses the shorter .308/7mm08/243 etc, will be more reliable. And really, for deer hogs that's plenty of firepower/flat shooting calibers.
If you want to shoot a lot, I too suggest either a good Garand or M1A, but hey, I knew a guy who used a 742 in 6mm Remington who NEVER cleaned it and shot at least 800 rds through it just out in the field or hunting. He sold it when he thought it was "shot out' to a mutual friend of ours. My friend cleaned the bore   (took awhile too!) and the rest of it and it went back to shooting under 2"!    "You pays your money and you takes your chances". ha. Good luck to you Pard.

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #33 on: January 19, 2013, 06:11:42 AM »
That last sentence just about sums it all up Mr. RevJim :)

If this is a local buy I'd ask the guy to let me try it out in his presence. Run a full clip through it. If it jams up, you know the score although sometimes it just takes a simple fix to make it right.
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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2013, 09:32:58 AM »
I really appreciate the feedback. If I get the opportunity I would love to shoot one. May make be forget it or want one more. I just don't know.
Are all the iterations of the Remingtons drill and tapped for scope mounts?
My personal prefernece is for anything in a wood stock, so I am contemplating trading one of my Marlin synthetic stocked bolt actions in 30-06 to try and get a deal for a Remington or a Browning if I can find one. I can't really hunt with it where I live except for yotes. It would be a paper puncher and maybe a hunting rifle on the rare occasion I can travel to hunt bigger game.
I am struggling with trading a known good shooter for something that may or may not work well, but I guess that is the rub. There is a big gun show in town this weekend and then a smaller on in a couple of weeks. Might have to see what I can dig up. May actually get a decent deal on one outrught considering everyone is selling or trading all they own to get a blck ops type AR or AK style. Don't know.
Cartridges for My Entertainment: .22 S,L,LR, .223 Rem, 7x57, 30-06, 8x57, 357 mag/max, 35 Remington/Indiana, 35 Whelen, 44 mag, 445 SM mag. Adding the 6.5x55 swede!

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2013, 01:07:00 PM »
The 30-6 isn't the best for a 'yote gun. Now if you reload those 125 gr TNT from Speer or any of the 110 gr SP's are another thing.
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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2013, 04:34:21 PM »
Agreed the 06 is not my first choice for yotes. It is just our laws around here don't allow the 06 for deer. If I wanted to hunt with it close to home it would have to be yotes or the stray feral dog or feline intruder. We don't have the feral hogs yet, but that would be a good gun for that if and when they get in our area.
Cartridges for My Entertainment: .22 S,L,LR, .223 Rem, 7x57, 30-06, 8x57, 357 mag/max, 35 Remington/Indiana, 35 Whelen, 44 mag, 445 SM mag. Adding the 6.5x55 swede!

Offline rdmallory

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #37 on: January 20, 2013, 02:45:06 AM »
M1 Grand from CMP

A piece of history, and the they will double in price.


Offline mannyrock

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #38 on: January 20, 2013, 03:28:54 AM »
   Well Bucksnort, the good news is that if you decide to take a chance on one, then go to a big gunshow and you will see lots of them on the tables.  Wait until about 2:30 on Sunday afternoon before you start looking at them.  You will probably be able to get one for cheap.  The model 7400 was suppose to be somewhat of an improvement over the earlier 742, so I would look for one of those.
    I would start the negoitations by saying, "Hey, watcha asking for tha Jamomatic?"
Regards, Mannyrock

Offline FPH

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2013, 03:29:08 AM »
Agreed the 06 is not my first choice for yotes. It is just our laws around here don't allow the 06 for deer. If I wanted to hunt with it close to home it would have to be yotes or the stray feral dog or feline intruder. We don't have the feral hogs yet, but that would be a good gun for that if and when they get in our area.

Why buy one?  Potential problems, caliber that does not suit an intended purpose, there bare better choices for you.  I'm I missing something?

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #40 on: January 20, 2013, 06:33:26 AM »
FPH your not missing anything. I just got the itch to own one for no other reason than I like the way they look. Unofrtunately, I don't know anyone with one to actually shoot one, so I am asking the basic questions and wanting opinions. I think I want one, there are a lot of them for sale, but why? I think everyone here has given me a lot of pros and cons from experience whether first hand or anecdotal. Actually you probably summed up some of the cons rather nicely.
At this time I don't think I will go out of my way to purchase one, but if I can find one for a good price, and I happen to have the cash on hand, (I have decided not to trade one of my Marlins) one will definitely follow me home, I am going for a 742, 7400 or mod 4. If the stars really line up then a 750. At least now I now it is a crap shoot on the used ones. It is not like buy an old mauser which will almost invariably work no matter how rough it looks. I can at least negotiate better (great opening line "Jammomatic"), and know what to look for like chewed up rails or tool marks from jam removal, I can also ask about the history if the originial owner is present when buying one. I recognize they may lie to me, but it is still more than I knew before I started.
Cartridges for My Entertainment: .22 S,L,LR, .223 Rem, 7x57, 30-06, 8x57, 357 mag/max, 35 Remington/Indiana, 35 Whelen, 44 mag, 445 SM mag. Adding the 6.5x55 swede!

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #41 on: January 20, 2013, 07:12:22 AM »
FPH your not missing anything. I just got the itch to own one for no other reason than I like the way they look. Unofrtunately, I don't know anyone with one to actually shoot one, so I am asking the basic questions and wanting opinions. I think I want one, there are a lot of them for sale, but why? I think everyone here has given me a lot of pros and cons from experience whether first hand or anecdotal. Actually you probably summed up some of the cons rather nicely.
At this time I don't think I will go out of my way to purchase one, but if I can find one for a good price, and I happen to have the cash on hand, (I have decided not to trade one of my Marlins) one will definitely follow me home, I am going for a 742, 7400 or mod 4. If the stars really line up then a 750. At least now I now it is a crap shoot on the used ones. It is not like buy an old mauser which will almost invariably work no matter how rough it looks. I can at least negotiate better (great opening line "Jammomatic"), and know what to look for like chewed up rails or tool marks from jam removal, I can also ask about the history if the originial owner is present when buying one. I recognize they may lie to me, but it is still more than I knew before I started.

Sometimes you have to scratch the itch.....good luck.

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #42 on: January 20, 2013, 06:52:15 PM »
I found one  740 in 06 at a NRA auction.  High bid is 261.00. 1 day and a bit left.  Also had 740's in .270 and .308.

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2013, 08:08:21 PM »

They have several 742's.

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2013, 07:45:20 AM »
Which one did you bid on?
If I had to do it again I would select the 308 to cut down on the number of different cases to buy.
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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2013, 07:49:17 AM »
Which one did you bid on?
If I had to do it again I would select the 308 to cut down on the number of different cases to buy.

I was just supplying the OP with info.  The rifles rage from 203.00 to 450.00.  One has original box (742).

Offline fastchicken

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2013, 02:39:16 PM »
Not an '06 but I just got a 750 carbine in 308 and had it out this weekend. 60 rounds with no problems and even with 165's it only kicked about as much as my 243 bolt guns. Was also shooting 2 7400s in '06 with no problems, functioning or accuracy

Offline mannyrock

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2013, 05:40:56 AM »
Hey Fast Chicken,
   Glad to hear that the model 750 worked well.   Did you guys uses the chamber brush to clean out the chamber every 20 shots or so, or were you able to shoot all 60 rounds with no clean up?   The reason I ask is that the 750 was supposed to have some improvements over the 7400 series, and I just wonder whether they worked th e chamber problem out a little.
Thanks, Mannyrock

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2013, 07:21:29 AM »
I gave it a good initial cleaning, but while shooting I run a patch or two down the barrel every 15 shots or so, but I do that with my bolt guns as well, so I can't really say for sure. I didn't use the chamber brush but pushing a patch through probably cleaned it a bit but I didn't make it point to clean the chamber out. I could experiment and shoot till it jams but it would be pointless for me cause I just don't let any of my guns go that long between at least a few swabs of the barrel. I know I won't get the round count I would get from a bolt or lever before a jam, but even if it's only 60 it's not an issue with me.  When I did clean it I did notice that the gas tube was still fairly clean and looked like it's take a lot of rounds before that became a problem.

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #49 on: January 22, 2013, 06:58:45 PM »
I believe the 742 and possibly the 7400 is a direct impact type gas system. Perhaps someone that has more smarts on this could verify or correct me. ;)
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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2013, 02:28:18 AM »
My brother has one, a 742. This last deer season this last deer season the bolt locked up. I was able to take the gun apart and work the bolt loose. Found the locking lugs on the bolt were hitting the the receiver, as the bolt came back, causing cuts in the receiver matching the lugs on the bolt. I was able to get the gun going again, but due to the cuts in the receiver, it is only a matter of time (shots) before it locks up again and probably for good. Found information on the net that Remington ran a bunch of 742's with soft receivers. Per the net, some dealers wouldn't even buy a 742 or if so only $50 and use it for a parts gun.
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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2013, 02:43:35 AM »
I've had two 742's in my life.  Ok, but didn't really like them.  Didn't like the magazine.  From everything I read, they are ok with bullets from 150's to 180's.  Anything heavier, hot loads, or light magnums will damage the rifles. 
I didn't know the Garand would have problems with the hot, heavy, or magnum loads either. 
A FAL rifle in 308 has adjustable gas system, but they aren't the most accurate rifles.
The Springfield M1A is a good rifle, accurate, but don't know how it would do with heavier loads.
The AR-10 style rifles are the most accurate, but also don't know how they would do with heavier loads. 
So, it seems any semi-auto is a good deer to elk rifle.  They are probably ok with lighter bullets.  If you are going bear or moose hunting with one, the 200-220gr bullets would probably be best in a bolt gun.

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2013, 04:37:35 AM »
  One responder mentioned using an old 742 as a single shot.  Interesting idea.  With Handi's going for $275, it may not be a bad idea.
   But here is my question:  Can you load a 742, 7400 clone with a single shot by just slipping a cartridge into the open action port?  Or would you have to remove the magazine, put one round in the top of the magazine, and cycle it by hand?  If so, the I think its use as a single shot would be nill.
Thanks, Mannyrock

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2013, 06:14:00 PM »
I picked up a lightly used 7400 in '06 and it's not not a jammomatic! Yes they are picky to bullet types.  I just got a Lee Mold that works like a champ - the 312- 155-2R sized to .309" and over 42.5 gr IMR 4895 it runs at 2275 fps with a 3 shot clover leaf at 100 yards!   Surplus 150 gr not one hickup, heavy 180 gr loads -eats them like popcorn! All this and doesn't beat the snot out of you like a bolt gun! Shoot it all day long.  Did I also say it a very beautiful looking gun! Almost to pretty! ;D
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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2013, 05:02:49 PM »

  One responder mentioned using an old 742 as a single shot.  Interesting idea.  With Handi's going for $275, it may not be a bad idea.
   But here is my question:  Can you load a 742, 7400 clone with a single shot by just slipping a cartridge into the open action port?  Or would you have to remove the magazine, put one round in the top of the magazine, and cycle it by hand?  If so, the I think its use as a single shot would be nill.
Thanks, Mannyrock

I  recall the conversation as being to use the rifles as a straight pull bolt action and not necessarily as a single shot.
To load through the ejection port is no problem as long as you have the 742/7400 type magazine in it to hold the bolt back on an empty magazine.
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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2013, 04:25:38 AM »
 Garands were designed to operate at a certain chamber pressure for reliability. Any loads over that of the service round ( 150gr around 2700fps or so) and one runs the risk of the operating rod "bending". I had an adjustable plug made years ago, and it was fine for tweaking loads, just time consuming. I found a 'Ported Gas Plug" over on" which is designed to regulate all amoo within service ammo pressure specs. I put one in a new Springfield and shot my handloads (which were loaded in new, unfired brass) made up for a bolt gun. The 168 TSX and the Nosler 200 Partition, all shot swell and rifle operates just fine. The reason I did this is so I can use "any" factory ammo I find (you know, zombie apocalypse time,ha)  I grant you, and adjustable plug (Smiths) is better for fine tuning accuracy, but for overall, the Ported Gas Plug is a good safeguard. IMO....I shot all kinds of ammo, factory and surplus through a couple M1As and they worked fine. I suppose one could regulate one of those as well, not sure. But the Garands are more robust than any Remington 740-750, and the Remingtons are slim/trim, faster handling than the Garand of course. Now, a so called "Tanker" Garand in .308 is a nifty little gem.....

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #56 on: January 25, 2013, 05:18:34 AM »
I bought a used 30-06 742 about 30 or so years ago and over the years I have had zero problems with it.  The only time it failed to function was when I made some low power loads for my at that time young daughter and they just didn't have enough power to eject.  I just wish I  could find one in .308. I don't know why I just like the .308 better.  I looked for a 750 this last christmas but couldn't find one but ended up spending the price of one plus some on a CZ and Remington 799 both in 762X39.  My wife has already claimed the CZ.  A Remington in .308 is still on my 'some day' list

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2013, 04:25:17 AM »
 If I ever get another, it would be a good 7400 (or Model 4) or 750 with nice wood and also in .308, rifle or carbine. The wood on that 35 Whelen 750 carbine was "almost" too nice to hunt with, no kidding! I don't care for the synthetic stocked models, although, I'm sure they are popular in that rain forest of the South! ha. Where I grew up, Lacrosse knee high rubber boots and a good slicker (raincoat) were absolute necessities! Rained bookoo, so a synthetic stock would give a little piece of mind. When I got older, I built and used box blinds to hunt out of in light rain/drizzle, but downpours there, nothing moved, so it was camp time and coffee!

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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #58 on: January 29, 2013, 12:11:00 AM »
I bough a new 742 in the late 1970s. Mounted a scope on it and tried to sight it in. I never could get a consistent zero with that gun. It fed and functioned ok but the point of impact wandered. Now I know it was probably the scope or mounts but I didn't have the patience to work that out back then.

Our gunsmith recommended the 742 and they were all he used to hunt with. I knew him pretty well since he was a retired police officer and was the city police range master. And had taught me to shoot in the summer shooting programs the city police sponsored. Like a lot of WW2 vets he preferred a semiauto rifle for hunting. But they didn't work out for me.

Over the years I've bought several Browning bars but never another Remington 742. I would like a model 8 in 35 rem. someday but that may never happen now before my expiration date.


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Re: Ok. I Don't Own a Remington Semi Auto in 30-06. Should I and Which One?
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2013, 03:26:34 AM »
If your looking for a very accurate, very reliable semi auto 30-06 you should look at the HK SLB2000.  Mine has been excellent.  It is not pretty but I am not going to marry it so I dont care.