When all other excuses fail, those who wish to promote the anti-gun agenda, tend to fall back on .."the high cost of armed guards"..
Well, DUH!! It need not cost very much at all, on an annual budget basis. Before I retired, I saw some weird gyrations performed by the "fortune 500" corp I worked for. In order to please the set-asides and quotas crowd, they sent an engineer friend of mine to a regional "job fair".. with instructions to "actively recruit women & minorities".
By the same token, there are young combat veterans now going to school on the GI Bill, who may well be aiming at teaching careers. It could be just as easy when seeking new teachers tro hire, they can "actively recruit combat veterans"ethnicity & gender notwithstanding, but choosing those who would specifically be willing to protect the children.
As William said, are we supposed to consider that all teachers now working are 'shrinking violets' , unable to carry and fire a handgun? I don't accept that notion!
The possibility of any one teacher having to face a "high noon" moment is remote, but still we need protection. Each person who carries could be furnished a stipend for the extra service. A couple thousand dollars per year along with a few hours each year in training should cover the cost.
For 2 or 3 armed guards in each school at a cost of 4 to 6 thousand dollars is a small cost. Likely, some schools pay that much for frivilous activities... probably spend more than that for football associated decorations & festivities..
The antis' argument concerning "cost" is just another straw man.