Author Topic: Email I got about Kerry.  (Read 1165 times)

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Offline jh45gun

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Email I got about Kerry.
« on: February 15, 2004, 06:53:01 AM »
> You may not like what this says. It was forwarded to me by a former POW
> now retired AA pilot who is one of the finest individuals I know. He spent
> over six years in Hanoi getting beat and tortured by the wonderful people
> Kerry embraced after his four months of combat duty. The author asks some
> pointed questions of Kerry. I can guarantee that the mainstream media will
> bury this.
> This going to be one ugly campaign!
> Ray
> ------ Forwarded Message
> From: "Read Mecleary"
> Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2004 10:23:44 -0800
> To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
> Subject: The Best One Yet
> Sorry to clog our boxes with a "forward" but this one is definitely worth
> the read.
> ******************************************************
> Read down to underlined part at least...........
>    My wife had rotator cuff surgery earlier this year, and the recovery is
> terribly painful. Then, she developed a staph-epi infection, and they had
> cut the same scar open and operate on her again. Just thinking about the
> pain and anxiety of facing that painful surgery a second time in the same
> wound, makes me cringe. That experience, however pales in comparison to
> I am going through right now, in my heart.
>         The old hurts are surfacing and the feelings of betrayal by fellow
> citizens, and their leader stirring them up, are breaking my heart again.
> am being cut in the same scar. How did we who served in Vietnam suddenly
> become cold-blooded killers, torturers, and rapists, of the ilk of the
> SS or the Taliban?  Most of us were American soldiers who grew up
> John Wayne, Roy Rogers, and all the other heroes. That was why I
> volunteered. But for political expediency, John Kerry has rewritten
> again. After spending only four months in the country of Vietnam, John
> testified before Congress in 1971 with these exact words about incidents
> supposedly witnessed or heard about from other vets: "They personally
> cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human
> genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly
> shot at civilians, razed villages, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned
> food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam."
>             I was a green beret officer who volunteered for duty in
> and fought in the thick of it in 1968 and 1969 on a Special Forces A-team
> the Ho Chi Minh Trail, just for starters. We were the elite. We saw the
> action. Everybody in the world knows that. But we did not just kill
> we built a church, a school, treated illnesses, passed out soap, food, and
> clothing, and had fun and loving interaction with the indigenous people of
> Vietnam, just like our boys did in Normandy, Baghdad, Saigon, and
> American soldiers ever served. We all gave away our candy bars and rations
> to kids. Our hearts to oppressed people all over the globe.
>             My children and grandchildren could read your words, and think
> those horrendous things about me, Mr. Kerry. You are a bold-faced,
> unprincipled liar, and a disgrace, and you have dishonored me and all my
> fellow Vietnam veterans. Sure, there were a couple bad-apples, but I saw
> none, and I saw it all, and if I did, as an army officer, it was my
> obligation to stop it, or at the very least report it. Why is there not a
> single record anywhere of you ever reporting any incidents like this or
> having the perpetrators arrested? The answer is simple. You are a liar.
> medals and mine are not a free pass for lifetime, Senator Kerry, to bypass
> character, integrity, and morality. I earn my green beret over and over
> daily in all aspects of my life.
>             Eight National Guard green berets, and other National Guard
> soldiers, have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and you totally
> dishonored their widows and families by lumping National Guard service in
> with being a draft-dodger, conscientious objector, and deserter, just so
> can try to sabotage the patriotism of our President who proudly served as
> Air National Guard jet pilot. I have a son earning his green beret at Fort
> Bragg right now, and his wife serves honorably in the Air National Guard,
> just like President Bush did, and I am as proud of her as I am my son. I
> volunteered for Vietnam and have no problem whatsoever with President Bush
> being our Commander-In-Chief. In fact, I am proud of him as our leader.
>             John Kerry, you personally derailed the Vietnam Human Rights
> Bill, HR2883, in 2001, after it had passed the House by a 411 to 1 vote,
> thousands of pro-American Montagnard tribespeople in Vietnam died since
> who could have been saved, by you. Earlier, as Chair of the Senate Select
> Committee on MIA/POW Affairs, you personally quashed the efforts of any
> all veterans to report sightings of living POW's, when you held those
> in Congress. You have fought tooth and nail to push for the US to
> relations with Vietnam for years. Why, Mr. Kerry? Simple, your first
> C. Stewart Forbes, CEO, of Colliers International, recently signed a
> contract with Hanoi, worth BILLIONS of dollars for Collier's International
> to become the exclusive real estate representative for the country of
> Vietnam.
>             "Hanoi John," now that it works for you, you beat your chest
> about your Vietnam service, but to me, you are a phony, opportunistic,
> hypocrite. You are one of those politicians that is like a fertilizer
> machine: all that comes out of you is horse manure, and you are spreading
> everywhere.
> Medals do not make a man. Morals do.
> Don Bendell
> Canon City, Colorado
> Don Bendell served as an officer in four Special Forces Groups, is a
> best-selling author with over 1,500,000 books in print, a 1995 inductee
> the International Karate Hall of Fame, and owns karate schools in southern
> Colorado.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline JPMorgan

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Email I got about Kerry.
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2004, 10:41:33 AM »
IF, Kerry is elected it will be by those that are Gays/Lesbians and probably black, and lets not forget the College kids being targeted by unmentioned TV shows.

Beware of the United Nations. The democrats will put us in the thick of what the UN really wants. Bill Clinton cetainly brought us nearer to the big plan.
The USA doesn't need one money and we certainly don't want your mark of the beast.
It's comming and we can only prolong it.

Nice email that you have shown us, thank you very much. I believe it to be the truth.

President Bush has done his very best to protect the USA.
Republicans have always done more good for this country than Democrats ever will.

God Bless the USA,

Offline Major

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Email I got about Kerry.
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2004, 11:32:45 AM »
Thank you very much for the nice E-mail that you have shown us.   I also believe it to be the truth.

President Bush has done his very best to protect the USA and it’s citizens.   I see no concern for our protection from the Democrats.   They want control is all and could care less about us other than lying to us to get our votes.   While they may not be perfect the Republicans have always done more good for this country than Democrats ever will.

The Democrats just don’t realize that the war has hit our soil.   They would have us pretend the Twin Towers never happened.   They don’t seem to want to take the war to the enemy on their soil but to stick their heads in the sand and tell us all is well if we will just listen to them.  

Having been raised on a small cattle ranch, I recognize “Cow Patties” when I see them and I recognize “Bull” too.   :roll:

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Offline Dali Llama

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Re: Email I got about Kerry.
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2004, 11:40:14 AM »
Quote from: Major
Republicans have always done more good for this country than Democrats ever will.
Ain't that tha truth, say Dali Llama! :grin:
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline Major

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Email I got about Kerry.
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2004, 12:00:26 PM »
In all fairness I copied that line from JPMorgan.

But I think there are many gun guys that agree with the truths there-in.

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Offline magooch

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John Kerry
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2004, 03:41:35 PM »
I fervantly hope that we never are cursed with the likes of a President John Kerry, but if it happens, just imagine how neat it is going to be to have free or very affordable medical insurance, the war on terrorism will be magically over, the budget deficits will melt away, a bizillion new jobs will appear, the sun will shine and happy days will be here again--right.

In the real world, the Republicans will still at least control the House--so boys and girls, we'll have gridlock and maybe that is the best we can hope for.  I only hope that the Republicans will have the balls to stifle any Judge appointments that a President Lurch would make.