I once had a VP that called himself a Liberal and we giving me and the National Sales manager greif about some Conservitive loss.
I then told him he can not be both a Liberal and a VP as the two are mutually exclusive. A VP's Job is to maximize profits, minamize taxes, and eliminate or skirt regulations that impede the making of our products. A liberal wants to Max Taxes, minamize profits, bonus is a bad word, regulations are needed and more are better to keep the air and water cleaner, and as a liberal making anything in a non Union shop is bad. That if a product is not liked the liberals want to ban it. So I asked are you a good VP and a hypocrital Liberal or are you a good Liberal and a Bad VP.
So John I ask you the same question. Are you a good liberal, a hypocritical liberal, or you are just confussed as to what the liberals really stand for and you want to be part of the low information voter crowd as you think progress is something other than the progression of Communism?
I also see that if you are a liberal on one topic you tend to focus on it and not what the liberal platform is and stands for
By the way the President over hearsd what I was asking and the VP was terminated not long after.
Oh I also find that most liberals do not think thrings through. PETA wants to end all pet ownership, meat eating and hunting.