I have some tandy moc kits, and they are made with an insole glued to the inside of the sole piece. Well, I wanted to line at least one set of these with some pigskin suede I have for the pair for LOML.
If you have used these, have any of you glued anything to this insole, and of so, what glue did you use? I'm thinking of getting some Barge Cement, used for shoes, but wondering if my contact cement will melt the insole or stand up the the constant movement that will occur when these are worn. I know the Barge Cement will work, but don't have any to hand.
If I were just gluing leather to leather I think I'd use the contact cement, like I did for my holster.
As you can tell, I'm new to this, having made one holster that needs to be remade with heavier leather and a Ranger style belt. I need to learn to stitch in a straight line, but everything else has worked well.
Wayne the Shrink