HUNTER. Good post Sir, all true, and well said. A lot of what you said though still comes from growing up in a godless society.
There will always be evil, mentally disturbed people and no amt of laws or regulations can stop them from doing evil deeds. THere are some who should NEVER have access to a gun, the punk that killed all those kids was a prime example of that. Even his mother knew it but still evidently did not lock them up, they should not have been available to him.
He was still a punk, and I have ZERO tolerance for punks of any age. And you are right, WE have allowed all this to happen.
WE have allowed liberals to educate our children and make our laws. Liberal PC crappola has ruined America. In 1963 WE allowed God to be kicked out of America, the result is the moral bankruptcy we have today. Like you said, WE ALLOWED it to happen POWDERMAN.