A member of a one world government.
To keep this on track, let's not discuss the coming Apocalypse.
I don't think like Greeks, thay are not bad people--but I am a different nation with different needs and people. Don't try and give me what you think England needs.
I certainly will not abide by waiting for a world congress to debate to adnausaum the need for aid to whomever while they are fighting for their life against some terror that cannot be controlled by any goverment.
I want a nation of my kind of people. People who think like Americans. People who are not afraid to take chances with finances in order to make some real money--people who think out of the box and try to build things.
I don't want what someone else thinks should be comfort. Matter of fact, comfort will kill you---let's stay uncomfortable and grow.
I want to be me and I want my feloe man to be what they want to be--just keeping their fist away from my nose--and I will fight for that.