THUMPER. I'm glad you have decided to find a Church. We went to another Church Sun. We were last there about 3 mo ago. The preacher is young and at that service 3 mo ago he was deeply troubled and said some members said he wasn't forceful enough, they were right.
I told him after Chuch that I had heard him enough to know that he had a fire in him that surfaced just a little, but he'd catch himself and shut up. I told him to toss his prepared script and let God do the talking.
This past Sun we were truly blessed with a wonderful, forceful message. I was tickled to death the progress he had made, he really got with it.
He pointed out, I think in Gen 3 that God himself made the first sacrifice of animals when he killed them to make clothes for Adam and Eve. I had read many times that God clothed Adam and Eve with animal skins but the true meaning had never entered my pea brain.
Next Sun we'll go back to our reg Church. We really enjoy visiting other Churches, seems we learn from all of them. Church kinda charges my battery up for the coming week. POWDERMAN.