Author Topic: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.  (Read 4448 times)

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Offline powderman

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NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« on: January 21, 2013, 05:52:03 PM »
 NRA Warns of Door to Door Confiscations 01/21/13

CBS News:
The National Rifle Association didn’t disagree with everything in President Obama’s proposal today to cut back on escalating gun violence, the group’s president David Keene told CBS News Senior White House Correspondent Bill Plante today, but with coming talks of reform, he said there are “legitimate” fears on the horizon for law-abiding gun owners.
One of his fears: that a universal
background check for anyone purchasing a firearm – the first of Mr. Obama’s suggestions today – would lead to a national tracking registry of gun owners. That, in turn, Keene said, could give way to “forced buybacks,” or, door-to-door confiscation of specific weapons by the government.
“In other words, ‘I have a record that you have a shotgun, and you’re going to sell it to the government, or else,’” Keene said. “That’s the equivalent of confiscation.”
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 02:22:21 AM »
If he thinks he can do it, he will try.  not just for the guns, but to control the people.
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Offline guzzijohn

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2013, 03:10:43 AM »
Let me interpet Keene's statement for you"

Offline Swift One

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2013, 03:27:17 AM »
Due to the very very large amount of weapons that are currently not registered in this country and the fact that Americans most Americans are NOT going to register their current firearms that have no traceble "bill of sale", I relly think that Obama after seeing the people stock up in arms recently is not going to try his hand at this.
Even if they passed a mandate that required everyone from this point forward to register any weapon they buy, a person still has to take intoa ccount all the wepaons that were never registered in years past. That is the equivelent to finding a needle in a stack of needles.
After watching the recent actions of pi$$ed off Americans, I just dont see them registering all the wepaons they already own.  And, it would seem to me now, that there would be a much larger resistance that I had first thought.  I trully believe the Obama administration has been shook up by the people and they are at least re-thinking their whole thought process on this.
It's all a hot mess...........

Offline KIMBER45

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2013, 03:38:17 AM »
Let me interpet Keene's statement for you"
Guzzi - your correct. Once you join the NRA, you will get more letters requesting more money from them ,than from ur children in college.
"In the final analysis, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway."__Mother Theresa
Not everyone will understand your journey. That"s fine. It's not their journey to make sense of. It's yours.
Hawkeye: My father warned me about you...
Chingachgook, he warned me about people like you. He said "Do not try to understand them".
 "do not try to make them understand you. That is because they are a breed apart and make no sense".


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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2013, 03:44:34 AM »
I have not been a NRA member in years,  mostly due to how much they hassled one for money. I would think that I would have to keep sending them substantial amounts of money just to cover their postage costs asking me for money. I understand the need for requesting donations but lets get real. It is kind of like giving a car salesman your phone number, they never leave you alone after that.

Offline greenmtnboy

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2013, 03:52:12 AM »
Tell me this.  If someone comes to your door and says Im here to take your guns today   Are you going to just hand them over ??   Im afraid there will be a lot of job openings if that ever happens .
  I think its more of a statement that it could happen, But will it,  I doubt it.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2013, 03:55:15 AM »
We all warned you guys of Obama's agenda.  Gun control was going to be in his second term.  We told you.  You didn't believe us.  The NRA said the same thing.  Yes, they always ask for money, but who else has the National voice they have and the libs always mention in the news. 
Obama's goals his second term. 
1) Destroy the republican party, but saying stuff like "extremists", out of touch with reality, or the changing demographics, etc, etc.  They will demonise and marginalism them.
2) Gun control, whatever they can do to tear down the second ammendment. (They believe in a "living constitution", that is changing with the times), not something like a concrete anchor for the republic.
3) Destroy capitalism, spend so much money, it will destroy American capitalism, and make us more like socialist countries of Europe.  They have already said they wanted our health care to be like Englands.  With government controlled health care, welfare dependents, and retired people, the puts far less people actually owning and working in the private sector which also becomes marginalised.
4) Take over pensions and 401k's to pool all the retirement money for "spreading the wealth around" for all retirees, even those who didn't prepare for retirement.  All pensions have a boatload of federal bonds in them, their excuse for take over.  So does 401ks.  Pensions will be taken over first, followed by 401k's later.  Remember only about 25% of baby boomers have any retirements other than social security.  They are the rich ones of course. 
5) Marginalise the wealthy.  Make it a sin to work hard and acquire wealth and become rich. 

Offline Swift One

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2013, 04:41:33 AM »
We all warned you guys of Obama's agenda.  Gun control was going to be in his second term.  We told you.  You didn't believe us.

It would seem, at least for the moment, that he has hit the preverbial brick wall as to what he immediatly wanted to do.  I am actually quite surprised at how America has responded to this whole gun control scare.  There would seem to be far more folks out there that want gun ownership to remain intact than have it taken away.
Don't think for a minute, at least in the area of gun control, that Romney wouldn't be trying to change some stuff too.  He pulled it of in Mass.  Obama sucks.  Romney sucked too.  But I do now realize that as a president reguarding overall national issues, Romney would have been the better choice.
It's all a hot mess...........

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2013, 04:42:53 AM »

The GOA Gives Germany as an example of what to expect from gun registration.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2013, 04:43:29 AM »
We all warned you guys of Obama's agenda.  Gun control was going to be in his second term.  We told you.  You didn't believe us.

It would seem, at least for the moment, that he has hit the preverbial brick wall as to what he immediatly wanted to do.  I am actually quite surprised at how America has responded to this whole gun control scare.  There would seem to be far more folks out there that want gun ownership to remain intact than have it taken away.
Don't think for a minute, at least in the area of gun control, that Romney wouldn't be trying to change some stuff too.  He pulled it of in Mass.  Obama sucks.  Romney sucked too.  But I do now realize that as a president reguarding overall national issues, Romney would have been the better choice.
Good post.
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Offline SharonAnne

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2013, 06:18:31 AM »
I got through to each of my Senators offices today!!! Actually spoke to staffers. I was/am amazed.

I called the Senate switch board at 202-224-3121 and asked for the Senators' offices. I was on hold a few minutes on the main switchboard but once I asked for each Senators office I got right through.
Luke 22:36-38

Honor the American Soldier and Sailor, the source of Our Freedom

Really, it only hurts when I breath - SharonAnne

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Offline jhm

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2013, 10:23:19 AM »
     Vary OLD SAYING  dont keep all your EGGs in one Basket!!   Think abt. it B4 it happens.  Jim

Offline Mikey

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2013, 10:45:09 AM »
Let me give you one clear example of how this works as provided by andrew cuomo, governor of the state of new york:::  "registration, confiscation, possibly permitting", and from michael bloomberg, mayor of ny city::  "ban them, confiscate them, destroy them, and jail anyone who resists".
And for guzzi and kimber - what the hell is wrong with you two?  I think sarah brady has a opening for both of you, on your damned knees.....................

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2013, 10:54:23 AM »
They either voted for Obama, or for a Libertarian.  Libertarians aren't bad, but have no chance of winning a national election yet.  I do not trust Obama.  He is the Manchurian Cantidate.  Everyone including the news media was and is still swooning because of the first "black" president.  No one checked his experience, background, belief system, policies, voting records, etc.  If he had been a Republican or Libertarian, he would never have been elected. 

Offline Mike in Virginia

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2013, 11:06:15 AM »
That's why I'm an NRA member.  What they propose and warn against is often over the top, but they know politics.  Always ask for more than you can possibly get, and always advise against anything that gives the other side anything at all.  I once thought the NRA was too strong on their stance against reasonable legislation, like background checks and fully automatic weapons, but I now know that it's all about politics.  Never give in on anything and always ask for more than you'll get, thereby at least keeping what you have.  Stay strong, never give up, always try for more than you have. 

Offline jimster

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2013, 11:07:15 AM »
They do not have resources to go door o door for anything, or to handle the can of worms this would open up, and they know it. One state could take many years and many casualties on both sides, and they also know they have not won a war in many years anywhere, let alone a well armed country. Hell, Texas alone would take all of their resources and forever and a day. I don't see them opening up this can of worms. They can't disarm criminals or other countries they are fighting in with their resources now.
They will find other ways if they can.

Online DDZ

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2013, 11:38:22 AM »
I have not been a NRA member in years,  mostly due to how much they hassled one for money. I would think that I would have to keep sending them substantial amounts of money just to cover their postage costs asking me for money. I understand the need for requesting donations but lets get real. It is kind of like giving a car salesman your phone number, they never leave you alone after that.

I don't receive phone calls from the NRA asking for money. I haven't even received much if any mail lately asking for money. If I have the money to donate I will, if not the mailing just goes in the garbage. I really don't see what the problem is there. I agree totally, that they could send out a lot less mail, and spend the money more wisely, and I certainly think that they need to not give in on certain issues, but I still feel that being one of 4 million is a voice to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.
Its a shame that we have to join in numbers to protect our rights. The 2nd Amendment means what it says, and should never be questioned by any politician, that takes an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. But then when we keep voting in communist politicians like we got, large numbers sticking together is what is needed to protect those rights. If you want to keep your right to own firearms, you should join a pro 2nd Amendment group. United we stand and divided we fall.       
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Offline evidrine

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2013, 11:40:11 AM »
Tell me this.  If someone comes to your door and says Im here to take your guns today   Are you going to just hand them over ??   Im afraid there will be a lot of job openings if that ever happens .
  I think its more of a statement that it could happen, But will it,  I doubt it.

I am affraid I think you are quite mistaken. Contrary to what we all want to think, the reallity of it will play out totally different. If law enforcement or governent officials show up at your door demanding you hand over your guns or else, most people will hand them over. Im not saying that they will do it freely, or peacfully for that matter, but most will reluctantly hand them over in the end. We do not live in society where people stand up together and fight anymore. Gun confiscation would go a lot easier than we all would want to admit. Lets face it, they are not going to rush in and try to take all of our guns all at once. It will be one home at a time. One person at a time It will be for one "specific reason" at a time. For those who say "it will never happen" or  "they will never do it" well, its already started. This is the beginning of it. We all need to pray for a miracle

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2013, 11:47:05 AM »
I have seen on the new this evening that the liberal networks are saying that obama gave the most liberal speech they have ever heard.  they aired sketches of it and it was totally COMMUNIST.
I hope that you folks who helped re-elect him either directly or indirectly, are happy with the results.
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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2013, 12:53:54 PM »
The right to keep and bear arms is turning out to be the major civil rights issue of the present time.  We should approach it as such.

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2013, 01:10:28 PM »
We all have our complaints with the NRA, but thank God it's there. 

Time to join if you haven't.   


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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2013, 02:34:05 PM »

but they have to complete several steps first  that will take a decade

unless  some other crisis comes along

don't think  for one minute  it won't  happen eventually
and they are taking the speps at every oppertunity

when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

Offline greenmtnboy

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2013, 02:39:09 PM »
Tell me this.  If someone comes to your door and says Im here to take your guns today   Are you going to just hand them over ??   Im afraid there will be a lot of job openings if that ever happens .
  I think its more of a statement that it could happen, But will it,  I doubt it.

I am affraid I think you are quite mistaken. Contrary to what we all want to think, the reallity of it will play out totally different. If law enforcement or governent officials show up at your door demanding you hand over your guns or else, most people will hand them over. Im not saying that they will do it freely, or peacfully for that matter, but most will reluctantly hand them over in the end. We do not live in society where people stand up together and fight anymore. Gun confiscation would go a lot easier than we all would want to admit. Lets face it, they are not going to rush in and try to take all of our guns all at once. It will be one home at a time. One person at a time It will be for one "specific reason" at a time. For those who say "it will never happen" or  "they will never do it" well, its already started. This is the beginning of it. We all need to pray for a miracle
  Im glad your not my neighbor if your gonna give up before it starts .  You think the Gov. is going to disarm this country before anyone notices whats going on ?  Wake up.  I think more will stand there ground than you think. Most of the Men and women working for us in the Gov wont put up with it to begin with.

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2013, 02:56:32 PM »
I sent an email to mu uber liberal congressman telling him to oppose any gun control-figure  I wouldn't sway that commie. His staffer answered back he supports gun control because he has little kids and doesn't want to see any harm come to them. The reason I give to the NRA is because that's the only group which is strong enough to stand up for gun rights.

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2013, 03:19:50 PM »
A bunch of sherrifs have said they will arrest any fed. agent who tries to impose unconstitutional gun control in  their successful that would be I don't know, but with that and  the obvious backlash recently I think Obama got the message.  His "executive" orders were not up to the previous hoopla and I think he toned it down....maybe he got the message.
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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2013, 03:31:22 PM »
Guzzi - your correct. Once you join the NRA, you will get more letters requesting more money from them ,than from ur children in college.

YAWN!  Your argument and Guzzi's is so tired and so lame.  Use the round file for junk mail.  You want some cheese with that whine?

Think you can't get recognition through numbers?  The NRA is 4M and has clout.  The AARP, the real AARP and not the "Armed And Really Pissed" variety, at 50M+ has REAL SWAYING POWER.  Consider America's gun owners speaking as one voice at 10M+, 20M+, or even 50M+.  What a Reckoning Voice THAT would be.

Offline srussell

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2013, 04:16:12 PM »
Let me interpet Keene's statement for you"
  the gun grabbing lib,s bought the presidential election , buy asking for more money. how would you think the NRA is going to fight them with IOU.s. i don't like all the junk mail eather but i get less from the NRA than i do from my countries enemy's

Offline mcbammer

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2013, 04:17:59 PM »
Tell me this.  If someone comes to your door and says Im here to take your guns today   Are you going to just hand them over ??   Im afraid there will be a lot of job openings if that ever happens .
  I think its more of a statement that it could happen, But will it,  I doubt it.
It   will  more  likely  a  team  of  S.W.A.T.   knocking  the  door  down takeing  the guns no  questions  asked.

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Re: NRA warns of possible door to door gun confiscations.
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2013, 05:59:31 PM »
Think how many unregistered guns there are. Heck, I might own a few myself. How do you confinscate something there is no record of? Don't know about you all but I certainly ain't volunteering info. Wanna see it hit the fan let them start knocking on doors. If they can find someone suicidal enough to do so. One thing about we Americans, we can only be pushed so far before we push back...HARD! As far as SWAT they are still made up of Americans and so far an aweful lot of LE's are making a point of letting it be known that they will refuse to enforce what they see as an unlawful attack on the Second Amendment and private citizens. Even whole states are proposing bills saying the same thing. Heck, if the Government doesn't have the resources to find and round up an estimated 11 million illegal aliens  how are they going to round up an estimated 420 million registered guns? Keep in mind they don't even venture a guess at the number of unregistered and illegal guns.