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Offline guzzijohn

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pre diabetes
« on: January 22, 2013, 07:02:14 AM »

Just got diagnosed with pre diabetes. As I understand loosing weight (around 35 lbs overweight) diet and exercise are the key. My problem is that I am basically a meat and potato sort of guy. I have have a STRONG dislike for most veggies and some fruits. For veggies I can tolerate small servings (if I eat them at the beginning of the meal while still really hungry) of green beans, peas, asparagus (fresh only), and broccoli with cheese. About any other veggies will literally make me gag and nauseous. I have the same bad reaction to beans. I already eat a lot of prepared from scratch whole grain bake goods, pancakes, etc. Use olive oil in any kind of cooking requiring oil. What else diet wise might help? I am a very active person but not a formal exerciser, but I think I can do that.
What all is working for those here that have this condition?

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 07:12:44 AM »
Taters, pasta, rice, bread, will all raise your blood sugar.   You can eat meat and anything green.
Plus a little bit of fruit.     Keep some peppermint candy on hand for when your sugar gets too low and you feel woozy.
This is from observing my wife's diet.   Follow it or die, your choice.
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Offline garbhead

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2013, 07:20:44 AM »
I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes as well.   John (and others) I used to be on Weight Watchers online , but got to point I couldn't justify the $19/per month . Around first of year I discovered which is totally free that does basically the same thing as WW.  you input age, weight, height, activity level, and how many lbs you want to lose in a specified time period. It then calculates your need of calories, carbs, fat, & protein . You just basically input what you eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks and try to stay under your limit. I am on 1910 calories per day and have lost 23# since Jan4, 2013....not too bad a deal....they also have corresponding app for smartphone that you can use while you're away from home and it syncs all the data for you to your home computer...
12g shortie w/chokes,Tamer .410,12g "Buck" slug gun w/20g extra barrel, 12g smooth bore tracker I, 45/410 w/22vp matched set, 7mm-08, .308 20",

my avatar pic is my 1960 Rambler I bought in 1972 for $175..6 banger 3-on-the-tree...drove it for 5 yrs  22mpg.. was "hot-rodding" (LOL) one night...tore out 1st/reverse gear. Drove it that way for 2 yrs(with no reverse and only 2nd and high)  Had to really plan ahead when parking.
sold it for $125
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Offline spruce

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2013, 07:36:43 AM »
Type II runs in my family so I'm doing my best to avoid it, or at least postpone it as long as I can.
Staying away from carbs is important.  Study up on it a little bit, read labels on anything canned or packaged.  If you like them (or can learn) sweet potatoes are a really good substitute for potatoes.
And of course, as much walking as you can get in every day.

Offline goodshot

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2013, 07:44:53 AM »
Just lost 10 lbs in ten days, drinking a lot of water, I have heard burning fat is the function that the liver stops doing first if there is not enough water.
 My skinny Dr. says, "if it tastes good, spit it out".
 Several of the Drs. on TV recommend Green Coffee Extract, I've opted to try lightly  grinding green coffee beans and taking a teaspoon once or twice a day, not after 3 or 4 in the afternoon because of the caffeine.
  I think it is working.
Hope this helps, :)


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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2013, 07:53:44 AM »
guzzijohn, don't feel like the lone ranger . FWIW , I'm in the same boat with type 2 . I almost never ate veggies and for sure never enough. When I found out I was diabetic it was a routine test for a yearly check up. Which was a couple years over due. I knew I had been running out of energy about 3 every afternoon . When the wife got home she always found me "asleep" more like passed out. Anyway sugar was high enough the Dr. thought his test equipment was messed up, told me if it was working correctly I should be in a coma. I had fasted for 12 hours before the test. So I fasted the next night and ate no bread , potatos etc before fasting and suger was still around 400 tested by another lab. Scared the hell out of me when they started talking losing feet and going blind. So I took the classes about taking care of myself and good eating. Well after a few mos. of no sugar , no potatos , not much bread etc. I felt better , my sugar would drop to around 40 sometimes so I kept good check and adjusted my eating and such. Well after a while my taste started to change . veggies I hated started to taste good. carrots are very sweet . So give eating right a shot . Use the meter as it lets you know what really hurts you. potatos do me in where ice creame does not go figure . BTW losing weight is very hard but doable.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2013, 08:01:26 AM »
guzzijohn, don't feel like the lone ranger . FWIW , I'm in the same boat with type 2 . I almost never ate veggies and for sure never enough. When I found out I was diabetic it was a routine test for a yearly check up. Which was a couple years over due. I knew I had been running out of energy about 3 every afternoon . When the wife got home she always found me "asleep" more like passed out. Anyway sugar was high enough the Dr. thought his test equipment was messed up, told me if it was working correctly I should be in a coma. I had fasted for 12 hours before the test. So I fasted the next night and ate no bread , potatos etc before fasting and suger was still around 400 tested by another lab. Scared the hell out of me when they started talking losing feet and going blind. So I took the classes about taking care of myself and good eating. Well after a few mos. of no sugar , no potatos , not much bread etc. I felt better , my sugar would drop to around 40 sometimes so I kept good check and adjusted my eating and such. Well after a while my taste started to change . veggies I hated started to taste good. carrots are very sweet . So give eating right a shot . Use the meter as it lets you know what really hurts you. potatos do me in where ice creame does not go figure . BTW losing weight is very hard but doable.
Wise words.  Diabetes will kill you if you take it lightly.
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Offline goodshot

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2013, 08:17:02 AM »
Muscle mass, I hear that muscle mass helps a lot, do some light weights, slowly so you get the ft.lbs per amount of time benefit.
 A Schwinn  Airdyne helps keep the metabolic rate up, otherwise when deprived the met rate drops to preserve the body.
 Another site that is pretty cool is, recipes , challanges, exercise tips, small groups via internet.
Good stuff.
Yes, our tastes will change in time. Most of us have had over half a century to figure out
how to eat right, thankfully eating wrong doesn't finish us off right away. I have been told that if we reform ourselves in our 60's we can still benefit from extended healthy life.

Offline wolverine_1

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2013, 08:27:45 AM »
I'll agree with shootall. Take a class, get a meter, and figure out what works for you.  I've had Type II for about 8 years.  After the frustration of not being able to figure out what to do, I took a class Kaiser offered, got a meter and started paying attention what worked for me.  What works for my wife isn't the same as what works for me.  Point is you have to work with your body not someone elses.  Good luck. gene

Offline garbhead

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2013, 09:08:17 AM »
the "good" thing about adult type II is the fact that it is often reversible .... Usually lifestyle changes (no pop, & other things you don't "need" anyway and some exercise. John if you're like me in the pre stage, my sugar runs between 97-120 usually, if mine drops to 75-80 I'm nearly unconscious.  This is a warning and not the actual Diabetes type II that you usually can keep in check
12g shortie w/chokes,Tamer .410,12g "Buck" slug gun w/20g extra barrel, 12g smooth bore tracker I, 45/410 w/22vp matched set, 7mm-08, .308 20",

my avatar pic is my 1960 Rambler I bought in 1972 for $175..6 banger 3-on-the-tree...drove it for 5 yrs  22mpg.. was "hot-rodding" (LOL) one night...tore out 1st/reverse gear. Drove it that way for 2 yrs(with no reverse and only 2nd and high)  Had to really plan ahead when parking.
sold it for $125
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.--Mark Twain

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Offline jhm

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2013, 09:54:15 AM »
     Gjohn 13 yrs ago I got the bad news was avg. 355 a day and still have high #s from time to time but always my fault, beans, rice, bred, patatoes,pasta,no cake,no donuts, etc the carbs will kill you and that is what is in the listed items, as far as meat goes I was a meat and patatoes man so you will have to make some major changes in lifestyle, I eat more chicken than I used to and less of my favorites PORK & BEEF well steak but all of that is bad for your colestrol as well, you can do it thousands do every year.  Jim  PS you dont have to completely give up all carbs but you will need to cut way back.

Offline guzzijohn

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2013, 10:01:05 AM »
I really appreciate the input from those that responded. My body was doing just fine until I got into my 50s . :(  It looks like I am going to have to have a serious change of life style talk with myself and I can be stubborn. That said there is a lot I want to do when I retire so I better get with it. As the old saying goes; "if I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2013, 11:06:53 AM »
If you consume sugar in sweets, drinks, coffee, or tea, stop.  Use some type of artificial sweetner.  You will begin to loose weight.  Cut the white veggies like potatoes, rice and white bread.  Eating more green and yellow veggies with some fruit you like occationally will help.  I am type II.  I wish I knew I was pre-diabetic before, but my doctor didn't catch it for some reason.  Now is the time to act.  Walk more, ride a recumbant bike, get a treadmill, lift dumbells while watching TV.  We have a bedroom we converted with a TV.  We have all of the above and use them while watching TV.   Doctor said if I loose 40 lbs, I might be able to come off all my meds.  However I was also diagnosed with rumatoid arthritis.  So my feet and knees get to hurting when exercising, (the recumbant bike over the treadmill).  Wife uses the treadmill.  Getting the weight off will help everything.  I do love to eat though.  My wife is Italian, and had to give up a lot of pasta dishes. 

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2013, 11:23:30 AM »
There is a pasta on the market called DREAMFIELDS that doesn't have but 5 carbs per serving instead of 40+
we were doubters, but tried it and it had little effect on my wife's blood sugar.

and it's as good as any other.
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Offline magooch

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2013, 03:36:48 PM »
I don't have the diabetes problem, but many years ago I decided to eat a lot more salads.  In fact, I started eating only twice a day (no snacks) and my main meal late in the afternoon starts with a massive salad.  Anything else I eat is just to fill the empty spots.  My doctor told me whatever I was doing, keep doing it but don't lose any more weight.  I can't say I never run out of energy, but it usually takes at least 25 miles of paddling one of my sea kayaks, or 40 miles on a bike to feel kind of zapped.  I've learned to stop about half way and have a little snack on those occasions.
One good thing about all that vegetable fiber is that it doesn't stick around very long and it keeps all the plumbing working real well.  Whether, or not this kind of eating would be helpful for a diabetic should be up to your doctor, but it sure loses weight.

Offline blind ear

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2013, 05:39:18 PM »

Just got diagnosed with pre diabetes. As I understand loosing weight (around 35 lbs overweight) diet and exercise are the key. My problem is that I am basically a meat and potato sort of guy. I have have a STRONG dislike for most veggies and some fruits. For veggies I can tolerate small servings (if I eat them at the beginning of the meal while still really hungry) of green beans, peas, asparagus (fresh only), and broccoli with cheese. About any other veggies will literally make me gag and nauseous. I have the same bad reaction to beans. I already eat a lot of prepared from scratch whole grain bake goods, pancakes, etc. Use olive oil in any kind of cooking requiring oil. What else diet wise might help? I am a very active person but not a formal exerciser, but I think I can do that.
What all is working for those here that have this condition?
The potatoes, white starch/fast carbs/caloric sugars, are the trap. Your body craves the sugar rush that they provide. The protein is very slow and the WHITE starch burns out before your metabolism shifts into burning the protein creating a accute drop in blood sugar that causes you to crave white starches, any FAST carb. The excess of calories not burned of the protein will convert to fat thus increasing the problem. If you keep the slow carb level up they will last longer and not crash as fast but they will crash but you can eat more slow carbs "volume" wise but won't get as many calories "sugar" wise. You will have to work to see what works for you "AS EVERYONE SAID". You are trying to find middle ground and get off the swing of highs to lows since you have gotten older and don't burn calories at the same rate that you did as a younger man.
How often when you feel like you are starving to the point of feeling sick, mean or weak do you grab the potatoes (any white starch or sugar, soft drinks included) and cram them down without the "meat"?
Good Luck. ear
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An economic crash like the one of the 1920s is the only thing that will get the US off of the road to Socialism that we are on and give our children a chance at a future with freedom and possibility of economic success.
everyone hears but very few see. (I can't see either, I'm not on the corporate board making rules that sound exactly the opposite of what they mean, plus loopholes) ear
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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2013, 03:32:13 AM »
I don't have the diabetes problem, but many years ago I decided to eat a lot more salads.  In fact, I started eating only twice a day (no snacks) and my main meal late in the afternoon starts with a massive salad.  Anything else I eat is just to fill the empty spots.  My doctor told me whatever I was doing, keep doing it but don't lose any more weight.  I can't say I never run out of energy, but it usually takes at least 25 miles of paddling one of my sea kayaks, or 40 miles on a bike to feel kind of zapped.  I've learned to stop about half way and have a little snack on those occasions.
I was at the range shooting when I first found out I had it. As noted my sugar would swing alot until I gained some control and understanding. Well the other shooter walked over and ask if I was ok , ( something others had been doing before I found out I was diabetic) I said I guess I needed a snack so I ate a couple carb waffers. He said oh you diabetic also. He had been so for a lot of years and had controled it with eating. His doctor did not like giving meds and only did so as a last resort. This guy had a good breakfast no lunch and as he put it what ever the wife fixed for supper. He carried one pcs. of hard candy and if he started feeing weak he ate it. Said he seldom had to.
So your diet might be a good idea.
One good thing about all that vegetable fiber is that it doesn't stick around very long and it keeps all the plumbing working real well.  Whether, or not this kind of eating would be helpful for a diabetic should be up to your doctor, but it sure loses weight.
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Offline flintlock

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2013, 08:03:59 AM »
Just wanted to echo what these other guys are saying....I'm 57 and 3 years ago the doctor said my blood sugar was high and if I didn't change my ways I would have diabetes...
I stopped eating the stuff these guys mention, potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and sweet tea and soft drinks...I went to 0% milk...
Well, in 3 months, I lost 30 pounds and got it under control...As mentioned, your taste buds will change as you change your eating habits...
I still don't drink soft drinks or sweet tea...I have had 4 baked potatoes since I started 3 years ago and frankly felt so guilty I didn't care for them...
I allow myself to have whole wheat bread and pasta but most of the other stuff I just quit eating...
I have gained about 15 pounds back but frankly I haven't started walking on a regular basis yet...I need to do that and I will also add, my strength and stamina is better than before...
Good Luck!!! It's like quitting smoking, you can do it when you decide, not when the wife or family says you should...

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2013, 05:30:37 AM »
saw my Dr. yesterday, numbers are better, she moved me from "pre" to "elevated"
Lost another lb. since yesterday. I think the tsp. of ground green coffee beans are doing it. :)

Offline Conan The Librarian

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2013, 05:42:13 AM »
I'm finding the information here to be very enlightening. Thanks for sharing.
One thing I don't understand is cutting out things like potatoes, rice, and bread from the diet. We need a certain amount of energy from our food, and traditionally these starches have been used to provide that energy, because we don't get that much energy from meat or fat.
If you stop eating things like that, how do you meet your caloric needs for survival?

Offline jhm

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2013, 06:40:41 AM »
     Conan I believe it is cutting back that is the key, I still eat potatoes, rice, beans, etc. however I have CUT way back on the volume and frequency, I eat a lot of Coliflower, Brockley, Brussel sprouts, and Asperagus, have a 30+ yr. old Asperagus bed in my own yard love the stuff in the spring, the regular dinner of a baked potato with rice & beans on the side and a large Marbled steak are over for me.  Jim

Offline guzzijohn

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2013, 06:43:52 AM »
Just got back a bit ago from my doctor's office. The appointment was to go over the test results and give me recommendations. The good news is that I was just over the suggested limits. My BP and cholesterol are fine. But I was told that if I continue on my present course that I WILL develop diabetes, might be six months or ten years from now but it will happen. No radical diet change was suggested but to do the best I can to to eat a more favorable diet. I was told the best thing by far I can do is to loose 15-20 pounds minimum and start regular exercise. Think I can do those things. Thanks for all the input and support from you all.


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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2013, 07:04:50 AM »
that's great ,
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline flintlock

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2013, 11:13:42 AM »
I'm finding the information here to be very enlightening. Thanks for sharing.
One thing I don't understand is cutting out things like potatoes, rice, and bread from the diet. We need a certain amount of energy from our food, and traditionally these starches have been used to provide that energy, because we don't get that much energy from meat or fat.
If you stop eating things like that, how do you meet your caloric needs for survival?

Potatoes, rice, bread and pasta all are high in carbs (sugar)...So when you eat french fries you are eating fried sugar...That's how I think of them now and simply don't eat them...
Trust me, you will not starve yourself to death....I'm 6ft 5 and at my peak was 262 pounds...I went down to 235 and now run around 248 or so...I'm trying to get back down to 240...I've been eating a low carb diet for almost 3 years now...I was very strict the first 3 months and do allow myself to celebrate from time to time but frankly I don't crave sweets anymore...
Also...As far as diet...Daniel Boone travelled to Kentucky in 1769, was there for 2 years...What did he eat??? He surely didn't starve...
Also...I do a mix of raw almonds, walnuts and pecans...I also buy fruit, cantalope, corn, watermelon, strawberries...The list can go on and on...It is much better to have these snacks on hand than ice cream, cookies, doughnuts, potatoe chips, etc...Since the wife and I are empty nesters we don't keep snacks anymore...
Finally...I found many of my local restaurants will help if you are on a low carb diet...There are ways to eat out and still eat healthy...

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2013, 02:36:53 PM »
Some here have mentioned weight lifting, to help ward off diabetes. In a study it showed lifting weights alone can reduce your risk by a third. For men that weight trained for at least 150 minutes per week. Combining aerobic exercise with weight training reduced risks in men by 60%. There are many other benefits from weight training and aerobic exercise, besides reducing the risk of diabetes. One big benefit from weight training is that muscle burns calories while you are at rest. It also boosts your metabolism, so you can eat more. ;D
It doesn't cost a lot to train with weights, nor do you have to join a gym. Buy some different weighted dumb bells, maybe a bar and some plates, and lift at home. A bench is nice to have also. You don't really need a trainer either. There is a bunch of information on the internet for training with weights.
I have found I enjoy lifting weights more than aerobic exercise. It is very tough to get started on an exercise program, but after a couple weeks it becomes easier, and you just might like it.     
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Offline guzzijohn

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2013, 03:24:37 AM »

Have been riding the stationary bike for 20 minutes at a time for four days now, that first five minutes is still a bitch and then things sort of go numb. Also walked a bit on Saturday and Sunday. I am looking for a basic weight set. Mixing skim milk and 1% 50/50 and drinking less milk. Have only had one small dab of mashed potatoes and just a bit more pasta. General food portions have been about reduced by about a 1/3. Have increased fruits about double and veggies, maybe 50%. I'm a trying on those veggies. For the most part have pretty well avoided fried foods. Cut drinking by about 2/3s so far.'s a start!

Offline Conan The Librarian

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2013, 04:33:41 AM »
Great posts! Very informative. There are good words to live by here. Looks like GuzziJohn will have it under control soon.

Offline gstewart44

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2013, 05:20:36 AM »
My wife has diabetes and I am at the borderline.   We both love potatoes but cannot enjoy them like we used to.    however my wife found a recipe for Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes that tastes just like the real thing.   She Steams up a couple of heads of Cauliflower til they are supersoft then mashes them with the potato masher.  Add in a little cheese and seasonings and it comes out like mashed potatoes.   
Also- instead of pasta she cooks spaghetti squash and shreds the insides....looks like a big mound of pasta that I can then put my homemade sauce on.   
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Offline blind ear

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2013, 02:56:05 PM »
Guzzie, be careful with the fruits, they are sweet because they contain sugar. As far as DM goes it is the same as white sugar or starch. ear
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everyone hears but very few see. (I can't see either, I'm not on the corporate board making rules that sound exactly the opposite of what they mean, plus loopholes) ear
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Offline gene_225

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Re: pre diabetes
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2023, 02:53:45 AM »
I'll agree with shootall. Take a class, get a meter, and figure out what works for you.  I've had Type II for about 8 years.  After the frustration of not being able to figure out what to do, I took a class Kaiser offered, got a meter and started paying attention what worked for me.  What works for my wife isn't the same as what works for me.  Point is you have to work with your body not someone elses.  Good luck. gene

This was my post ten years ago. After adding ten years to how old I was then, I now have to take Metformin and the wife insulin. But I did manage to stay off med's for a while. It was worth the effort. Also lost access to this account hence the new name. Kind of fun reading these old posts ànd even replying to some of them.
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