I don't understand why you felt the need to go off on me about my opinion of unions when we were discussing wolves. We just had a long thread on that subject and to put it mildly, we didn't all agree!
It was a good, and spirited, discussion, but there's no point in re-hashing the same thing over and over - it won't accomplish anything.
As far as the wolf situation goes - the people who have to actually live with them and try to deal with the problems happen to live in a sparsely populated area (read that low voter numbers). Now, if there were wolf problems in a densely populated urban area (high voter numbers) the politicians would be clamoring to resolve the problem.
If the people in Lansing want to pressure their lawmakers to make it legal for us up here to control the wolves in our yards then I'll quit suggesting we dump some on them to deal with! I'm not one who wants to eradicate all wolves, but we do need some reasonable control of the population.
One last thing. When we slam LANSING we're not referring to the populace, it's just a metaphor for GOVERNMENT. It's a lot easier than saying "Disengaged lawmakers in the state capitol"!!!