Very typical, folks see more profit and take advantage of circumstance that cause shortages/rampant buying, the biggest advantage they can gain for the almighty buck their only guide. Doesn't matter they bought the item at a fair price before the panic buying/shortage, even for items not in shortage, greed just kicks in. Was the same with the long running reloading component shortage a while back... greed, rampant greed to levels I hadn't seen in over 50 years of reloading. SR primers for $200/1K for example when before the shortage maybe $30. I had way more than enough components, same as I have always had more than enough firearms, so I don't cater to blatant greed nor ever buy from those sellers again that did so after it runs its course. I have an early Ruger 77PL 270Win I bought new and used for a few years in the 70's/early 80's. Probably has less than 50-60 rounds fired in it. I haven't used it since, never will again, but would it make it HONEST to sell it for the current greedy trends now. My ethics don't allow it, the almighty buck doesn't run my life like it does with so many others.
Best is to weather out this crap if you can IMO, it will subside or end eventually depending on how the political BS goes.