ROSEWOOD Said: "Yep proof and I bet u could get it mounted for free. Of course the bad thing is some folks might attack u and threaten physical harm for killing it."
ROSEWOOD, you nailed it! A person killing one may very well end up in jail too. The animals belong to the state. Kill it and the burden of "proof" the person "shot it in self defense!" may be very hard to support. As the sheriff or conservation officer will say to the guy, "Tell it to the judge Sparky!"
There is a big difference between "believing" and "knowing".
Belief is existencial, like having faith in something you can't see or touch. Knowledge is from hard-copy experience.
I KNOW because I have seen. I know what I saw, in clear daylight. I have been interviewed by 2 examiners. The interview was 1.5 hours. These guys can smell a hoaxer a mile away.
Everything I stated in my previous post has been proven by science, The scientitict documentation is out there about dermal ridges & sweat pores. No, it cannot be faked. the detail is too painstaking. Yes, there is a guy who made a rubber cast of his own foot, soaked it in karosene until it swelled, then made a cast from a cast and kept doing it until he had 17 inch prints. Then he casr that in plaster. It was de-bunked right away. The ridges went the wrong way, the arch was present (BF is flat-footed), the heal was too narrow, the fat pad/coushion was too small and misplaced. All he had was a large, human foot cast. Fakes can be easily discounted, like the carved, wooden feet too.
The hair DNA clasisfication of "unknown primate" was done by a European lab. The issue w/ DNA is they need a control sample already on file. Science wants a body /carcass on the slab before they file DNA in the classification files.
The scientitict documentation is out there about dermal ridges, DNA & sweat pores. But you may not find it just sitting in front of a keyboard. You will have to dig a bit deeper.
Now, some arm-chair blogger say the evidence is "Fake!" or contaminated, etc. They have their theories and are welcome to them. Those of us who have seen, we KNOW.