By George I think that you got it, George G.! Thanks to all three of you. I also thought the words were "of war", and figured it probable that the word preceding them was an abbreviation for secretary, but I didn't get the first word. Now the GG points it out I can plainly see the l - i - k -e. I think the last word is his abbreviation for arrangement (argt.), it's also used at the end of the first sentence. The Secretary of War at this time was Henry Dearborn.
Nothing here really helps with my real curiosity though. I've read that Henry Foxall not only ran a foundry, but that he was also probably personally responsible for the design of certain mortars and cannons.
Cannonmn, or anyone else: have you ever seen any documentation about this, or do you hold any beliefs about it. I just wonder if it's plausible to think that Henry Dearborn would place an order with Mr. Foxall for (let's say) an "experimental" 9-pdr, but leave the design of the piece entirely in the hands of H. Foxall?