Liberalism is a disease. This is all part of the dumbing down of America. Liberals have infested our school systems with their sicknes, present company INCLUDED. Start em out young, poison their minds. America, God, Christians, Israel, Jews, Guns, military, morals and family values, marriage, punishing criminals, ALL BAD.
Killing babies, pervert marriage, no morals or family values, criminal invaders, any lie or deed to stay in power, no ID to vote, our military, no God in schools or legal system, preferably America, supporting our enemies and those of Israel, kowtowing to criminal invaders, muslims, drug cartels, being PC at all times, etc, ALL GOOD. Thank a liberal today. POWDERMAN.
Fixed it for you brother.
Liberals are a disease, the result of the dumbing down of America. As youngsters they have been indoctrinated by our school systems poisoning their minds against America, God, Christians, Israel, Jews, Guns, military, morals and family values, marriage, and punishing criminals. ALL BAD.
Taught that Killing babies, perversion of marriage, loose or no morals, family values, criminal invaders, any lie or deed to stay in power, no ID to vote, our military, no God in schools or legal system, preferably America, supporting our enemies and those of Israel, kowtowing to criminal invaders, muslims, drug cartels, being PC at all times, etc, ALL GOOD.
Tank a liberal today.