7 mags are fickle in my experience, so I understand what you mean there. However to me, reloading, once you get into it is every bit as fun as shooting, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. Depending on the age and condition of the rifles you load for it can be easy or very frustrating. I don't have any experience with the 38-55, i've always wanted one, but i have spent a couple years fighting with a 32-20 revolver. You don't really have to trim cases until they just get way off, and especially light plinking loads for those calibers, are easier. You can get a powder thrower that you can set to throw a charge of about the right volume every time, or just get a set of powder dippers, find out which one holds the right amount for your load and use that to dip it out. There's really no way to get around lubing and sizing cases but you can out ways to do it quicker as you go along. And with those mostly straight walled cases you'll have to bell the mouths for the bullets to fit. 30 or 40 rounds in an hour is around what i get, faster with a progressive press but they're more expensive. It's a good size initial investment, but with those calibers especially it'll pay for itself. If you always got a migraine though, it may be that the smell of nitrocellulose is a trigger for that. But i find it all enjoyable.
Best of luck