At times like these when the majority is so out of touch with the ideals that our founding fathers wanted to cherish forever, our system of government needs to be retaught to our dumbed down populus. WE DO NOT HAVE AND NEVER HAD A DEMOCRACY! A democracy is mob rule where a majority can at any given time demand to change our way of life. Our REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC is a balance between majority rule and MINORITY RIGHTS. These rights are forever granted in our constitution and bill of RIGHTS. We were never intended to be a country ruled by pols that can shift with the wind. Our constitution is the standard that must remain. I shutter to think what would happen if we were to have a constitutional convention because conservatives would get their butt kicked by angry mob of well organized and financed socialists. Granted, improvements could be made such as term limits and line item budget vetoes and a more realistic drawing of voting districts, but our basic framework is what made our country great once upon a time.