Author Topic: Iran installing advanced centrifuges at nuke site.  (Read 625 times)

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Offline powderman

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Iran installing advanced centrifuges at nuke site.
« on: February 13, 2013, 03:29:36 AM »
    Iran says its installing advanced centrifuges at nuclear site  Published February 13, 2013
Associated Press    TEHRAN, Iran –  Iran's nuclear chief says his country has begun installing a new generation of uranium enrichment centrifuges at its main facility making nuclear fuel.
The announcement coincided with talks Wednesday with senior U.N. nuclear inspectors seeking to expand probes into suspected weapons-related tests. It also could add pressure to planned negotiations later this month between Iran and world powers.
The official IRNA news agency quotes Fereidoun Abbasi as saying that Iran began installing the new centrifuges at Natanz site in central Iran about a month ago. He says they only will be used to produce low-level enriched uranium.
But advanced centrifuges can vastly increase Iran's pace of enrichment, which the West fears could be eventually turned into warhead-grade material. Iran insists it wants nuclear fuel only for energy reactors and research.

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Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

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N koreas neighbors ready militaries after nuke test.
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 04:08:43 AM »
North Korea's neighbors ready militaries after nuclear test  Published February 13, 2013
Associated Press     
  •    Feb. 12, 2013: South Korean army soldiers patrol along barbed-wire fences at the Imjingak Pavilion, near the demilitarized zone of Panmunjom, in Paju, South Korea. (AP)
  SEOUL, South Korea –  North Korea's neighbors bolstered their military preparations and mobilized scientists Wednesday to determine whether Pyongyang's third nuclear test, conducted in defiance of U.N. warnings, was as successful as the North claimed.
The detonation was also the focus of global diplomatic maneuvers, with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry reaching out to counterparts in Seoul, Beijing and Tokyo. President Barack Obama used his State of the Union address to assure U.S. allies in the region and warn of "firm action."
"Provocations of the sort we saw last night will only isolate them further as we stand by our allies, strengthen our own missile defense and lead the world in taking firm action in response to these threats," Obama said.
The nuclear device detonated Tuesday at a remote underground site in the northeast is seen as a crucial step toward North Korea's goal of building a bomb small enough to be fitted on a missile capable of striking the United States.
North Korea said it tested a "smaller and light A-bomb, unlike the previous ones, yet with great explosive power." Still, just what happened in the test was unclear to outsiders.
Intelligence officials and analysts in Seoul raised the possibility of another nuclear test and of ballistic missile test-launches. North Korea's Foreign Ministry said the latest test was merely its "first response" to what it called U.S. threats and that Pyongyang will continue with unspecified "second and third measures of greater intensity" if Washington maintains its hostility.
South Korea has raised its military readiness alert level, and on Wednesday it used aircraft and ships, as well as specialists on the ground, to collect air samples to analyze possibly increased radiation from the test, according to the Defense Ministry. Japanese fighter jets were dispatched immediately after the test to collect atmospheric samples. Japan has also established monitoring posts, including one on its northwest coast, to collect similar data.
Underground nuclear tests often release radioactive elements into the atmosphere that can be analyzed to determine key details about the blast. One of the main points that intelligence officials want to know is whether the device was a plutonium bomb or one that used highly enriched uranium, which would be a first for North Korea.
In 2006 and 2009, North Korea is believed to have tested devices made of plutonium. But in 2010, Pyongyang revealed it was trying to enrich uranium, which would be a second source of nuclear bomb-making materials — a worrying development for the United States and its allies.
Generally, it takes about two days for such radioactive byproducts from the North's test site to reach South Korea, Defense Ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok said Wednesday.
South Korea also said Wednesday it has deployed cruise missiles with "world-class accuracy and destructive power" that are capable of hitting any target in North Korea at any time, and is speeding up the planned deployment of ballistic missiles.
Kim said Seoul believes North Korea made test preparations at two underground tunnels and may still be able to conduct another atomic test in the second unused tunnel.
In an emergency session, the U.N. Security Council unanimously said the test poses "a clear threat to international peace and security" and pledged further action.
It remains to be seen, however, whether China will sign on to any new, binding global sanctions. Beijing, Pyongyang's primary trading partner, has resisted measures that would cut off North Korea's economy completely.
The test was a defiant North Korean response to U.N. orders that it shut down its atomic activity or face more sanctions and international isolation. It will likely draw more sanctions from the United States and other countries at a time when North Korea is trying to rebuild its moribund economy and expand its engagement with the outside world.
The test "was neither a surprise nor an occasion for panic," said Robert Hathaway, director of the Woodrow Wilson Center's Asia program. "Nonetheless, this latest provocation clearly constitutes a serious challenge to U.S. and international efforts to block the North from acquiring a nuclear weapons arsenal."
Tuesday's test was North Korea's first since young leader Kim Jong Un took power over a country long estranged from the West. The test will likely be portrayed in North Korea as a strong move to defend the nation against foreign aggression, particularly from the U.S.
The U.N. Security Council recently punished North Korea for a rocket launch in December that the U.N. and Washington called a cover for a banned long-range missile test. Pyongyang said it was a peaceful launch of a satellite into space. In condemning that launch, the council demanded a stop to future launches and ordered North Korea to respect a ban on nuclear activity or face "significant action" by the U.N.
It wasn't immediately clear to outside experts whether the device exploded Tuesday was small enough to fit on a missile. A successful test would take North Korean scientists a step closer to building a nuclear warhead that could reach U.S. shores — seen as the ultimate goal of North Korea's nuclear program.
Uranium would be a worry because plutonium facilities are large and produce detectable radiation, making them easier for outsiders to find and monitor. However, uranium centrifuges can be hidden from satellites, drones and nuclear inspectors in caves, tunnels and other hard-to-reach places. Highly enriched uranium also is easier than plutonium to engineer into a weapon.
"North Korea will want to send a message that its nuclear and missile issues cannot be resolved with sanctions and that high-level talks with the U.S. are necessary," said Cheong Seong-chang, an analyst at the private Sejong Institute in South Korea, referring to the possibility of another nuclear or missile test.
Despite tensions, he predicted U.S.-North Korea diplomatic talks could occur later this year.
"The biggest U.S. concern is whether the North has made progress in its uranium enrichment program. It's a matter of nuclear proliferation. To resolve this, the U.S. cannot help but talk with North Korea," he said.

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Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

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Re: Iran installing advanced centrifuges at nuke site.
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 09:48:56 AM »
How do we know? Can it be proven? What does it matter?

Offline briarpatch

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Re: Iran installing advanced centrifuges at nuke site.
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 06:16:23 PM »
How do we know? Can it be proven? What does it matter?
 Hard to know, but follow the dots and money.  Alot of info saying PRNK got nuke technology stolen from us by a certain ally and sold to them by way of South Africa....Yep, it does matter.

Do you mean someone will do something about it? Not should but will?

Offline Anna

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Re: Iran installing advanced centrifuges at nuke site.
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2013, 02:06:43 AM »
How do we know? Can it be proven? What does it matter?
 Hard to know, but follow the dots and money.  Alot of info saying PRNK got nuke technology stolen from us by a certain ally and sold to them by way of South Africa....Yep, it does matter.

The enrichment technology that Iran now has that's this advanced came from a Dutch company.
A company that also has a large operation in this country and in this state.
As well as plants in the Netherlands,Germany,and the UK.
Take note that company was innocent of any and all involvement in this act of treason.
It was a disgruntled employee scientist that worked for this company and wasn't even from its US
operations. But this is the reason the NRC has tightened its regulations on this industry. Here in this
country with security personnel that are now trained and armed on a tactical level.

Out of respect for this fine company I will not name them and have an unwarranted dog pile start
up as a result . It shouldn't be to hard for anyone who wants to know to find this information elsewhere. They are a huge employer here in NM and have brought this state a lot of opertunitys
for the family's that work there and the towns nearby. This is the truth, this company admits this
as well when asked . Please dont make a circus out of this just to make it look like you know.
Because you don't , and be careful it is a very touchy subject and any black eyes to this company
in the past have not been well recived by our government.

Once more for good measure!They were innocent and a great company to work for.The employment
of there own people and the hundreds of contractors from all over this country have got to be respected. Just for some forum chit chat or prying into their affairs could land you a visit from the
Feds in this .It has with others in the past because the path is still being investigated.
This company acted quickly and decisively when it found out this had happened. But it was an
international incident and Iran did not end up getting all the info it was after.

But a lot of NRC regs now reflect the corrective measures from this all across the board in the
nuclear industry in this country. Examples: Entry to this plant is tighter than an airport screening.
No cell phones with cameras are allowed . No access to the critical cascade/centrifuge area is
allowed without an extensive background check . And even being late on a credit card payment
can have that clearance denied . The thinking here is that if your under a lot of stress because of
bad credit then your susceptible to a bribe. This is not a put down of this company please don't        make it that way ! There are a lot of enrichment company's operating here in the US it could have
happened to anyone.

Nor is it a reflection of how efficient our own NRC is . like I said it wasn't a result of anything that
happened here but it still happened. It may have been better to just sit back and allow people to
continue to get it wrong. Yes a lot of other things were involved so go ahead and go on about that.

Offline Victor3

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Re: Iran installing advanced centrifuges at nuke site.
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2013, 02:11:50 AM »
How do we know? Can it be proven? What does it matter?
 Hard to know, but follow the dots and money.  Alot of info saying PRNK got nuke technology stolen from us by a certain ally and sold to them by way of South Africa....Yep, it does matter.

Do you mean someone will do something about it? Not should but will?

 Hopefully something will be done. Remember that recently, "someone" introduced a virus into computers regulating the RPM of Iran's nuclear centrifuges that changed it without them knowing it for a good while.

 Probably won't be a "fool me twice, shame on me" thing though...
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly, one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."

Sherlock Holmes

Offline Anna

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Re: Iran installing advanced centrifuges at nuke site.
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2013, 02:29:31 AM »
Don't blame this on the US ! It wasn't from us that it was stolen. We don't even know from which
plant it was stolen from that's still hush hush.
The American plant was still under construction at the time this happened and can only be mentioned
by association and not the deed itself .
It was originated by a bad apple who received large amounts of cash for his treason.
Not much is mentioned about him anymore. And with Israel now on the receiving end of Iran's
threats one can only imagine what happened to this guy .       
I bet he is sleeping with the fishes .

Offline Mike in Virginia

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Re: Iran installing advanced centrifuges at nuke site.
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2013, 02:44:25 AM »
It's past the time for the U.S. to take action.  Some advise doing nothing, that it's not our business, but I think a nuclear Iran is in bad need of vaporization.  If we still had Bush, it would have already happened.  I also think N. Korea should be taken out as well.  If either country uses a nuke, we will be in the game anyway.  I think an early strike would not only terminate the threats, but also cause the othere rogue nations to take notice and understand who's on top.  The sad news is that the current regime doesn't want to offend his global neighbors.  If lives must be lost (and they must), it ought to be Iran's and N. Korea's, not ours.   

Offline briarpatch

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Re: Iran installing advanced centrifuges at nuke site.
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2013, 06:55:55 AM »
Those who believe that major world events result from planning are laughed at for believing in the" conspiracy theory of history." Of course, no one in this modern day and age really
believes in the conspiracy theory of history — except those who have taken the time to
study the subject. When you think about it, there are really only two theories of history.
Either things happen by accident neither planned nor caused by anybody, or they happen
because they are planned and somebody causes them to happen. In reality, it is the
accidental theory of history preached in the unhallowed Halls of Ivy which should be
ridiculed. Otherwise, why does every recent administration make the same mistakes as
the previous ones? Why do they repeat the errors of the past which produce inflation,
depressions and war? Why does our State Department "stumble" from one Communistaiding
"blunder" to another? If you believe it is all an accident or the result of mysterious
and unexplainable tides of history, you will be regarded as an "intellectual" who
understands that we live in a complex world. If you believe that something like 32,496
consecutive coincidences over the past forty years stretches the law of averages a bit, you
are a kook!  Gary Allen

Offline Victor3

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Re: Iran installing advanced centrifuges at nuke site.
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2013, 01:19:31 AM »
"All you need is love....(Bump-a-dump-a-bump).... All you need is love..... Love..... Love is all you need...",p0,d2
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly, one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."

Sherlock Holmes

Offline powderman

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Re: Iran installing advanced centrifuges at nuke site.
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2013, 11:59:27 AM »
Miss ANNA. Israel supplied BOTH iran and iraq during their war. Never giving either side enough to win, just enough to prolong it. I reckon they figured the more the killed of each other, the less for them to have to fight later. Pretty smart. POWDERMAN.  ;) ;)
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.