$17 trillion is a number, nothing more. A better way to measure the deficit is percentage of GDP. The highest it ever got was in 1945. The lowest it ever got was 1981, under Jimmie Carter.
Reagan inherited $900 billion of deficit from Carter. After 8 years of unfunded programs, something Republicans have a fondness for, the deficit hat tripled, to $2.7 trillion--- Reagan was the worst offender; Bush Sr. added another $1.5 trillion, because he had the S&L crisis, and, "It's a bad idea to balance the budget during a recession." [G. Bush, Sr.]
At $4.2 trillion, Clinton took office, then passed the 1993 Budgetary bill, raising the taxes on the rich back to Carter's levels: 39.6% No Republican supported it. They predicted the next Depression. Instead, we had 7 years' unprecedented economic growth. Clinton actually added another $1.5 trillion to the deficit, but the GDP was so high the budget was balanced.
Enter GW. In 2001 he dismissed a balanced budget as "bad policy," lowering taxes twice in 2 years, unfunded, with no spending cuts at all. These cuts did not pay for themselves. Again the debt rose. (By the way, the National Debt clock STOPPED during Clinton's last 4 years, and restarted in GW's first year.)
After starting two wars, and deregulating the mortgage banks, GW had doubled the debt again, without claiming the bill, which he left to Obama to add in to the deficit. Republicans have never admitted to their policies in running up the debt, but they KNOW it's the truth. When Obama recommended lowering taxes on the low and middle income citizens, the Bubs said "we can't afford the decrease in income." But, when it came to the rich, they protected the "job creators," which is Bubspeak for "really rich people."
In the 20 years from 1981 to 2009, while the Bubs controlled the House, they voted in 20 deficit budgets. There has not been a Republican President that made the debt LESS since Eisenhower, who had a 95% tax on the rich! In 2009, GW signed off on a budget with the largest deficit in history. That is what Obama inherited.
From 2003 to 2007, with the Bubs in control of the Senate, House, and White House, they all signed off on Medicare Part D (unfunded) and the Iraq War (unfunded.) When he was told that this would cause the deficit to skyrocket, Dick Cheney said, "Deficits don't matter."
Continuing to support the right on its economic policies to fix the economy is like betting the Generals are going to win the next Globetrotters game--- theoretically, it might happen. NOT!
The right has a proven history of promoting income inequality. In fact, the money worshipers do their best to see that the trend continues, and that more people become poor, and the poor get poorer as time goes on.