From TM7;
" IG...I don't know IG exactly how it will turn out.....probably get worse before better, seems like Getstewart thinks FDR type recovery is not likely due to the decline of our people and civilization. Runaway inequality complicates the rebuilding of America as nobody thinks they're geting a fair and square deal.. Strange mainstream religious occult theories about future events also complicate the rebuilding of America, as if some dreadful fait accompli awaits wouldn't believe how many people believe that!."
I think the whole "inequality" argument is bogus. The so-called "poor" really do not have it too bad, compared to the "average" when I was a youngster. I believe these people are being stirred up by professional "poverty pimps". Many of these "poor" aren't even working ..and a portion of them don't even intend to work ! How can they expect to get beyond poor byu operating in that spirit?
I hasten to remind you of the facts I stated in my post #320.
personal observation to draw upon.
The "poor" are better off than they have ever been! Let me take you back to my own experience circa 1950, and compare it with the whining poor of today. Compare the following with today's "poor"..
The folks in my neighborhood;
1) Had no television, although almost all had a radio..usually just one.
2) About half had a telephone.. of course none had a cell phone, and none of the kids had their own phone.
3) Each family had a car or truck..Dad had a Model A truck, but walked to work in the winter (radiator alcohol was expensive and tended to evaporate)
4) About 75% had indoor plumbing..for the rest of us it was pump & carry every pail full.
5) "Going out to dinner" was about a 3 times a year event, and then only the parents.
6) Fresh vegetables..came from the garden..and were produced by family labor.
7) Meat came either from the barn or the woods..occasionally from the local butcher..who my Dad did the killing for.
By 1950 we had a most did, but until then vegetables were what mom canned..or the sauerkraut & pickles she put up.
9) No such thing as... food stamps, WIC, HEAP (we cut our own wood..or bought coal), or any of the other "lean on" programs; and the folks would have refused them if there were.
10) Clothing had patches, sometimes patches upon patches. We didn't need to buy jeans already half worn out. ..And when they were worn was HONEST wear.
I could go on but I would hope you realize, the "poor" are better off now than ever. With today's "safety net" (something that barely existed in 1950), almost nobody has a viable reason to stay "poor" unless they have taken on extra, unnecessary baggage; such as drink, dope, illegitimate child births, laziness or a criminal record.
Then again, today's "poor" are material wise, better off that we in our neighborhood (lower middle class), were in 1950..
Back then of course, most believed very much in God...and lived accordingly..
Now, tell me that the "poor" of today have it much tougher than the youngsters in my neighborhood did about 1946 to 1950..
Add to this, that Dad worked awfully hard..but with 10 youngsters and refusal to accept wasn't easy.
Having lived my young life under those conditions..can you expect me to shed tears for the "poor" who run around with I-pad phones , gold chains, Nike shoes, have 2-3 televisions and tons of electronics at home, pay no rent and get several hundred $$$ in food stamps every many other bennies they never pay for..
Yeah; hold the phone while I cry them a river!