Hell corbanzo, the father went and got his pistol. He finished what the drunk started. If the drunk instead had been shootin his own pistol off next door, killed the two boys, and wounded the father, would it have been a bad thing for the father to cap him just because the drunk ran out of shells?
When the 82nd Airborne had my son in Afghanistan once, and Iraq twice, I was fully aware of the Westboro Baptist Church protesters. I had made up my mind that if God decided that it was time for my son to come home, Westboro best not show up for the funeral, or I would test the leaders dedication to his cause. You do not act a fool, and kill a man's children, and expect to live.
Anyone here in my hometown that knows me, knows that if you hurt one of my family while drunk, or being stupid, that 'hell is comin to breakfast". They also know that I'm honest and fair, and recognize an accident when I see one. You can wring this one till all the water is out, but neither your girl story, or the drunk driver, was an accident. It wasn't a mistake. It was a CHOICE TO VIOLATE THE LAW, and do what they selfishly wanted to do. And both incidents cost OTHERS their lives, and their family suffering. If that girl had suffered the consequences, she'd still be texting and driving. I mean why not? And the drunk would still be drinkin and driving.
I have a close family member that is a convicted felon for DWI. He still drinks and drives. He doesn't care about you. He does what he wants to do, after a half dozen wrecks, two of which almost killed him, and two others.
Some of you guys need to wake up and see reality.