Author Topic: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.  (Read 4137 times)

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Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« on: February 20, 2013, 06:31:29 AM »
Boehner to Obama: You created spending cut crisis, you fix it  Published February 20, 2013      House Speaker John Boehner had a simple message Wednesday for President Obama after he used the bully pulpit to blame Republicans for the "meat cleaver" of looming spending cuts: You created it, you fix it.
"Having first proposed and demanded the sequester, it would make sense that the president lead the effort to replace it," Boehner wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.
The "sequester" is the Washington word for the $85 billion in 2013 spending cuts set to hit starting March 1, with more than $1 trillion in cuts on tap over the next decade. Boehner and Obama both agree that the federal budget needs that level of deficit reduction and more, but sharply disagree over how to achieve it. In the absence of any compromise, the set of indiscriminate cuts which would hit the military hardest are set to take hold in less than two weeks.
The president on Tuesday, surrounded by first responders who are among those who would see cutbacks, called on House Republicans to drop their resistance to tax increases and steer the country away from the budget "meat cleaver."
But Boehner reminded Obama that the automatic cut idea was originally proffered by the White House during the debt-ceiling talks of 2011. He said Congress "reluctantly accepted the president's demand" and claimed it's now up to Obama to find the escape hatch.
"So, as the president's outrage about the sequester grows in coming days, Republicans have a simple response: Mr. President, we agree that your sequester is bad policy. What spending are you willing to cut to replace it?" Boehner asked.
White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer rejected what he described as "revisionist history." The White House acknowledges the "sequester" came from their office, but argues that Congress was on board at the time. The original plan was to tee up cuts so Draconian that Congress would be compelled to strike a deal to replace them -- Congress, though, failed to do so.
While Boehner blames Democratic resistance to spending and entitlement cuts, Obama blames GOP resistance to closing tax loopholes.
"(Obama) is willing to make tough choices. Now it's time for the speaker to do the same. The speaker has yet to name one tax loophole he's willing to close. Not one," Pfeiffer said.
The back-and-forth was further evidence that the two sides are drifting further apart as the deadline nears, and that chances of a deal in the near-term are fading.
The president spoke Tuesday at the White House, urging Congress to come up with a short-term fix to cancel sweeping cuts to defense and other programs set to hit March 1.
"These cuts are not smart. They are not fair. They will hurt our economy. They will add hundreds of thousands of Americans to the unemployment rolls," Obama said. "This is not an abstraction -- people will lose their jobs."
The president ticked off a host of expected repercussions should the $85 billion in cuts for this year take effect. He said Border Patrol, emergency responders, FBI agents, airport controllers and others would all face cutbacks. He said teachers would be laid off by the thousands and America's military would be degraded.
But Congress is out for the week, effectively leaving one more workweek to reach a deal, or a stopgap, before the deadline.
Shortly before he spoke, Obama was also dealt a blunt warning by former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson, who co-chaired the president's deficit-reduction commission.
Simpson warned that Obama "will have a failed presidency" unless he deals "honestly" with entitlements, saying programs like Medicare and Social Security must be dealt with in order to get the country on a sustainable path. 
"If he wants to leave it alone and not deal with those two biggies, forget the rest of the stuff -- he'll have a failed presidency," Simpson told Fox News.
While Obama says opposition to tax hikes is holding up a deal, Republicans say Democrats' resistance to major changes to entitlements are a big part of the problem.
Simpson and Erskine Bowles, the former co-chairmen of the president's deficit-reduction commission who for years have been urging Washington to stop kicking the can, got in front of the president early Tuesday morning to push a plan of their own.
The two fiscal hawks pitched a plan to avert the looming spending cuts -- heavy cuts to defense and other programs that they describe as "abrupt" and "mindless" -- and instead enact a $2.4 trillion deficit reduction plan over 10 years.
A quarter would come from changes to health care spending, a quarter would come from closing tax loopholes and the rest would come from spending reductions including a stingier adjustment of Social Security's cost of living increases.
On tax reform, the plan presents a middle ground -- by using the savings from closing loopholes to both lower rates and bring down the deficit. By contrast, Obama has pushed to use that savings mostly to reduce the deficit, while Republicans have pushed to use it to bring down rates.

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Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2013, 06:49:07 AM »
One time: The only people who believe that Obama is responsible for the sequestration are the right wing radicals. The other two thirds of the country are going to put the blame in the lap of the Republican Party, whatever happens. Proceed as you will, into oblivion, but understand, the throat they are cutting is their own.
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

Offline OldSchoolRanger

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2013, 07:07:34 AM »
One time: The only people who believe that Obama is responsible for the sequestration are the right wing radicals. The other two thirds of the country are going to put the blame in the lap of the Republican Party, whatever happens. Proceed as you will, into oblivion, but understand, the throat they are cutting is their own.
The only people that believe what you wrote are people that still believe in fairy tales.  The "sequester" was Barry's idea, and he signed it into law.  Still don't believe your boy is responsible? ::)

Regarding your comment that the "other two thirds of the country are going to put the blame in the lap of the Republican Party, whatever happens." Doesn't think much about the intelligence of Americans.  Anybody that has half a brain won't agree with your analysis.
"You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." - Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When you allow a lie to go unchallenged, it becomes the truth.

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2013, 08:09:09 AM »
The last time the consertives caved in they were still thrown under the bus. Best they stick to their guns and not give in. Let the chips fall where they may. Once they give in they have no leverage .
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Offline scootrd

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2013, 12:05:16 PM »
Seems a bit disingenuous to call it the "Presidents Plan". The republicans voted in sequestration .It was the republican party that carried the votes. The problem with votes  -  they are recorded. Kinda appears in direct conflict with republicans now calling it the presidents sequestor. It was the republican party that carried the votes 2-1.

The House passed the Budget Control Act on August 1, 2011 by a vote of 269–161.
174 Republicans and 95 Democrats voted for it
66 Republicans and 95 Democrats voted against it.

The Senate passed the Act on August 2, 2011 by a vote of 74–26.
6 Democrats and 19 Republicans voted against it

additionally , Boehner went on all taking shows . Meet the press the following Sunday after the vote boasting the republicans got 98% of what they wanted . while Obama stated "Is this the deal I would have preferred? No. But this compromise does make a serious down payment on the deficit reduction we need, and gives each party a strong incentive to get a balanced plan done before the end of the year.

Now Boehner past presentation foils he used in meetings have recently surfaced and are making the news circuit showing the republicans taking credit for pushing for sequestration back at that time.

IMHO , it takes two sides to cut a deal. The idea was the deal would be so bad , both parties would be forced to work together. Appears the plan didn't work.

All sides are at fault.
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2013, 12:49:09 PM »
I'd tend to put a little more blame on the guy who's spent more time golfing with Tiger Woods than working with people on the budget...

Offline RPRNY

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2013, 01:20:47 PM »
Fact: the President and Congressional Democrats have failed to develop, propose and vote on a Budget, even during the two years that they controlled both Houses and the Executive.

Fact : The President promised to substantially reduce the National Deficit. He has substantially increased it.

Fact : Despite the mounting deficit, the President has repeatedly refused to take a leadership role in identifying spending cuts that would lead to meaningful deficit reduction. His goal has been and remains revenue increases to enable short term sustainability of current spending levels, also known as kicking the can down the street.

Fact : The President is responsible for the "sequester " deal and it is his responsibility to propose alternative cuts that would achieve the necessary deficit reduction levels in lieu of those contained in the sequester deal that he and his Party agreed to.

He will not. He has repeatedly failed to demonstrate any leadership. Boehner is blowhard in chief of the opposition Party. The President is Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive. It is his responsibility to Lead, not Organize. He cannot lead and he is failing this nation.

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2013, 01:25:20 PM »
He said teachers would be laid off by the thousands

More lies from obama.  What teachers are federal employees?
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Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2013, 01:52:14 PM »
So, ask yourselves, will most people blame Obama, with about 50% approval, or will they blame the righty controlled Congress, with approval rating in the single digits?  ;D

FACT: the President promised to lower the national deficit IF Congress would go along with the majority of his plan. They didn't; in fact, they haven't gone along with his plans in general, at all.

FACT: SOMEBODY'S taxes are going to go up--- it's either yours and mine, or the top2%.

FACT: the sequestor was the Bubs' proposal; he signed it to finalize the previous deal. He is guilty of trusting the righty radicals. My complaints of Obama so far is that he keeps expecting them to play fair.

FACT: he cannot lead if they won't follow.

FACT: many schools are only open because of federal funding. Since righty radicals fear education, that's why that's part of the sequester.

We'll see. The right has not exactly been batting 1000 in their estimation of the reaction by the general public...  ;D
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

Offline Anna

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2013, 02:06:56 PM »
Thank goodness he can't lead because they won't follow ! We would be in even worse shape if they
did . Oh praise Obama the lord of all Bull Dung. May he heap his stench upon us so we shall know
the essence of his omni present existence .
For he is one with the road apple and sheep fear the path he walks . As they know they are already
in the proper position to recive his blessings . Baaaah

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2013, 02:29:38 PM »
You can't stop the man from doing ANYTHING, then complain that he didn't do it. Well, you can, but nobody's fooled.  ;)
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2013, 02:32:14 PM »
So, ask yourselves, will most people blame Obama, with about 50% approval, or will they blame the righty controlled Congress, with approval rating in the single digits?

Laugh it up.  When the parasites and libs (sorry, that was probably redundant) stop receiving their goodies from uncle obamy, you may just see that their loyalty is as weak as their IQ's and work ethics.
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2013, 02:57:42 PM »
In 2011 Obama warned the Republicans not to welch on the sequestration deal, any attemt to change it would be vetoed by him.........
Now he wants to turn it around......yes the rebub's in large # voted for it, but it was HIS idea.
When the real numbers are explored, even WITH sequestration, we will still spend MORE than we did last year.
86 bill. in cuts is about a dollar to a man that makes 100k.
All smoke and mirrors.
If they would allow defense to determine WHERE to make cuts, they should be able to do so without serious harm...same is true of other depts. of gov.
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Offline Anna

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2013, 04:02:43 PM »
So, ask yourselves, will most people blame Obama, with about 50% approval, or will they blame the righty controlled Congress, with approval rating in the single digits?

Laugh it up.  When the parasites and libs (sorry, that was probably redundant) stop receiving their goodies from uncle obamy, you may just see that their loyalty is as weak as their IQ's and work ethics.

It isn't funny Casull. My parades only reflect how rediculous the liberal mindset is .
Retarded dogs is more like it . Have you ever looked at the hard core liberal women ?
There faces are so drawn up in hate and condensation they look like prunes left out in the sun during
a very hot day . Mummified remains of a party that has to lie and cheat to stay in power .

Offline RPRNY

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2013, 04:14:07 PM »
Chungdo - I know "its all Bush's fault " but given that the President and his Party controlled the Executive AND both houses of Congress for two years your complaints about Congress not following him ring hollow. Where was the leadership then? Where was a Budget?  Where were the tax increases you so desperately want? The President wants tax increases now when a Republican majority in the House won't give them but when his Party controlled House and Senate there was no talk of tax increases. When he wanted to raise the debt ceiling, he was happy to extend the Bush tax cuts. I can't understand the Liberals who keep backing this guy. He lies to them just as much as he lies to the Right. Where was his Liberalism when he had the power to push his agenda through Congress?  No leadership. No substance. No plan. Just populism and lies.

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2013, 04:14:53 PM »
It isn't funny Casull.

No, Anna, it's not funny.  The libs will get a jolt of reality when the people finally wake up out of their stupor.
Retarded dogs is more like it .

That's pretty accurate.  The comparison would have to be to RETARDED dogs, because a dog with normal intelligence knows not to bite the hand that feeds it (at least mine do).
Aim small, miss small!!!

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2013, 04:38:47 PM »
First let me state that obama has not produced a budjet since his first ignoration.
Second we must understand that the fourth branch of government enables obama like a bad mother enables her young drug addict.
We have the judicial branch, the executive branch, the legislative branch and the fourth most important branch the Media branch, Sure it was his Idea, and sure he said any attempts to change or dilute the sequestration would be vetoed, but the fourth branch will not bring him to account because they are up to their necks in his stink and wont say it!
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2013, 04:40:27 PM »
So, ask yourselves, will most people blame Obama, with about 50% approval, or will they blame the righty controlled Congress, with approval rating in the single digits?

Laugh it up.  When the parasites and libs (sorry, that was probably redundant) stop receiving their goodies from uncle obamy, you may just see that their loyalty is as weak as their IQ's and work ethics.

It isn't funny Casull. My parades only reflect how rediculous the liberal mindset is .
Retarded dogs is more like it . Have you ever looked at the hard core liberal women ?
There faces are so drawn up in hate and condensation they look like prunes left out in the sun during
a very hot day . Mummified remains of a party that has to lie and cheat to stay in power .
  Right on Anna;
  There is a remarkable difference between liberal and conservative women..must be all that pent up hate, anger and anal retention..  ..take a look!   ;)
   BTW:  I just had to add a couple ladies which somehow missed being included in the video; I  provided a couple of each:
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2013, 04:49:51 PM »
 I'd just like to see the republicans finally grow a spine, they have tried to friendly up to the snake time and time again, hopefully they've realized that the country is at stake and that they're giving away our birthrights. I don't trust Boehner even slightly, he'll start bawling and fold,, done it before and I'm afraid he'll do it again. I have every hope that some fiscal resposibility and liberal shock comes outta this but looking back,  statistically speaking, prepare to somehow get screwed again.  ???
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Offline Oldshooter

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2013, 04:50:00 PM »
There is a remarkable difference between liberal and conservative women..must be all that pent up hate, anger and anal retention.. 
Very nice IG ! but then came the dems and now I wont be able to sleep until I watch something to get my mind off of those frightfull Dems. but michele did look prouder than she ever was before barack was running for office.  :o
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

Offline JonnyReb

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2013, 04:51:14 PM »
So, ask yourselves, will most people blame Obama, with about 50% approval, or will they blame the righty controlled Congress, with approval rating in the single digits?

Laugh it up.  When the parasites and libs (sorry, that was probably redundant) stop receiving their goodies from uncle obamy, you may just see that their loyalty is as weak as their IQ's and work ethics.

It isn't funny Casull. My parades only reflect how rediculous the liberal mindset is .
Retarded dogs is more like it . Have you ever looked at the hard core liberal women ?
There faces are so drawn up in hate and condensation they look like prunes left out in the sun during
a very hot day . Mummified remains of a party that has to lie and cheat to stay in power .
  Right on Anna;
  There is a remarkable difference between liberal and conservative women..must be all that pent up hate, anger and anal retention..  ..take a look!   ;)

Active trader until 9-11-14 GB

Offline OldSchoolRanger

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2013, 05:15:16 PM »
So, ask yourselves, will most people blame Obama, with about 50% approval, or will they blame the righty controlled Congress, with approval rating in the single digits?  ;D

Can you explain to me how Congress is "righty" controlled, when the Senate is controlled by the Dummycrats?

FACT: the President promised to lower the national deficit IF Congress would go along with the majority of his plan. They didn't; in fact, they haven't gone along with his plans in general, at all.

Fact: Barry has promised a lot of things, but he hasn't kept a lot of his promises.   So why would Congress which is currently evenly divided between a Democrat controlled Senate and a Republican controlled House of Representatives even go along with any of his plans?  If even the Democrat controlled Senate won't go along with his plans, why would a Republican controlled House even consider going along with his plans?

FACT: SOMEBODY'S taxes are going to go up--- it's either yours and mine, or the top2%.

In case you haven't noticed it, all our taxes just went up.  Look at your take home pay.  Unless your one of those non tax paying vermin, who are gaming the system.

FACT: the sequestor was the Bubs' proposal; he signed it to finalize the previous deal. He is guilty of trusting the righty radicals. My complaints of Obama so far is that he keeps expecting them to play fair.

If your saying that "Bub's" is Barry, your correct.  He signed it into law, so the "sequester" belongs to him.  Too bad he can't blame W for this one. ::) Barry thought he could have it both ways, lie to the Republicans to get the sequester, then rely on them to give in to him to get him out of being blamed.

FACT: he cannot lead if they won't follow.

People won't follow idiots! Maybe you should keep that in mind.

FACT: many schools are only open because of federal funding. Since righty radicals fear education, that's why that's part of the sequester.

Fact many schools are wasting federal funds using tax payer money for lots of things that aren't related to education.  Guess they're going to have to give up on tax payer funded trips to Puerto Rico for "education conferences".

BTW what happened to your "One time:"?  It seems like you have a lot more to say than "one time". 
"You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." - Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When you allow a lie to go unchallenged, it becomes the truth.

My quandary, I personally, don't think I have enough Handi's but, I know I have more Handi's than I really need or should have.

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2013, 05:30:08 PM »

Fact : The President promised to substantially reduce the National Deficit. He has substantially increased it.

Actual fact is , under Obama Admin the U.S. budget deficit has shrunk by over $200 billion and has reached a 4 year low. Additionally total government employment — federal plus state and local — has fallen significantly under President Obama after rising significantly under last 4 administrations. the spike in chart which was the only time Govt employment was higher than Bush was temp census takers. The spike occurs during every Presidental admins.

Fact: the President and Congressional Democrats have failed to develop, propose and vote on a Budget, even during the two years that they controlled both Houses and the Executive.

Actual fact is the Dems in the house are now the minority. Just as your  position is not to blame previous administration for racking up two wars on a credit card in increasing our debt and instead directing inheirated debt responsibilities on present administration. Then one can not blame previous house majorities for present majority shortfalls.  Cant have it both ways (at least no without hypocrisy).

Fact : Despite the mounting deficit, the President has repeatedly refused to take a leadership role in identifying spending cuts that would lead to meaningful deficit reduction. His goal has been and remains revenue increases to enable short term sustainability of current spending levels, also known as kicking the can down the street.

Actual fact is
The administration has already released their deficit reduction plan and American Jobs Act and the .
proposals put forth by Administration (which embraces a balanced approach) is agreed upon by the majority of reputable economists.

Fact : The President is responsible for the "sequester " deal and it is his responsibility to propose alternative cuts that would achieve the necessary deficit reduction levels in lieu of those contained in the sequester deal that he and his Party agreed to.

He will not. He has repeatedly failed to demonstrate any leadership. Boehner is blowhard in chief of the opposition Party. The President is Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive. It is his responsibility to Lead, not Organize. He cannot lead and he is failing this nation.

Actual fact is  - Obama has already agreed to spending reductions of about $1.5 trillion over the next ten years. If you count the interest, the savings is actually $1.7 trillion. so they are half way there to meet the 4 trillion target.

With regards to sequester See my previous post.

"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2013, 05:37:52 PM »
The BS flag flies again did ya see it. 15 yrds and loss of credability  That big red national debt number.... it was 14 something 4 years ago.
There has been no such spending cuts. the cuts are less spending increases in other words they wont cut nothing they will however reduce amount of spending increase.
Kinda like the guy that doesnt buy a refridgerator saying he saved $1700.00 by not buying it
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2013, 05:49:46 PM »

The difficulty with some supported positions is they do not equate eliminating waste as a "cut".
 If you eliminate waste you lessen unnecessary spending.

Deficit to Shrink Below $1 Trillion, U.S. Agency Predicts 
Brian Faler - Feb 6, 2013 12:00 AM ET                 

 The federal budget deficit will total $845 billion this year, the first time in five that the gap between taxes and spending will be less than $1 trillion.
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2013, 05:54:02 PM »
incase you missed it earlier
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2013, 05:56:50 PM »
The federal budget deficit will total $845 billion this year, the first time in five that the gap between taxes and spending will be less than $1 trillion.

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     First time in five, huh.  I'm sure everyone noticed that this will be obamy's 5th year in office.  You are toooooo much.
Aim small, miss small!!!

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #27 on: February 20, 2013, 06:02:20 PM »
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     First time in five, huh.  I'm sure everyone noticed that this will be obamy's 5th year in office.  You are toooooo much.

So your point is ?
This administration inherited unprecedented debt. what you think you just wave a magic wand and in 1 year poof it's gone. What I think is pissing off the far right is the balanced approach supported by majority of economist is working, and the Austerity measures being proposed by the extremist right of republican party will put us back in the recession stone age.

Just look towards Europe. 

Perhaps Bloomberg business is too leftie content in your opinion to point too??

Here just for your benefit -

Here's a quick excerpt Just for you

The government has run annual deficits for more than a decade. Obama's presidency has coincided with four straight $1 trillion-plus deficits.
The gaps reached a record $1.41 trillion in budget year 2009, which began four months before Obama took office. That deficit was due largely to the worst recession since the Great Depression. Tax revenue plummeted. And the government spent more on stimulus programs. The budget gaps in 2010 and 2011 were slightly lower than the 2009 deficit as a gradually strengthening economy generated more tax revenue.
President George W. Bush also ran annual deficits through most of his two terms in office after he won approval for broad tax cuts and launched wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The last time the government ran an annual surplus was in 2001.
Semper Fi
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2013, 06:10:02 PM »
yea kinda like Reagan put us back into recession after the carter fiasco which so resembles this one.
Seems this country does not read history books. The Secretary of treasury under FDR said "had we not spent so much the depression would not have lasted so long.
Churchill said" spending to get out of debt is like standing in a bucket and trying to lift yourself up by pulling on the handle.
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

Offline scootrd

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2013, 06:22:34 PM »
Churchill said" spending to get out of debt is like standing in a bucket and trying to lift yourself up by pulling on the handle.

You will get no argument from me we have to get spending under control. But the sequester is not the answer. At the time Boehner touted it as the solution to the problem.  Now he is running around saying it's the problem to the solution, And Ryan was telling everyone how great it was , now he is pointing a finger at Obama. ... well which is it? . These idiots on both side are bi-polar. They need to listen to the economists and use a scalpel and a balanced approach, not a hatchet and arbitrary cuts across the board.   

The balanced approach IS working. I personally don't give a hoot who wants to take credit for it. It;s the correct approach , Expand on it's momentum.we don't need a double dip recession

Semper Fi
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant