Author Topic: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.  (Read 4161 times)

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Offline Oldshooter

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2013, 06:33:12 PM »
The balanced approach IS working. Expand on it's momentum.we don't need a double dip recession.

Is spending a lot and taxing a lot a balanced approach?  I'm sorry but I cant buy what you are selling.
Yep both sides are ass clowns. But we are in the middle and suffering, one side defending his side is like saying I may be ugly but you dont look so good.
Sequestration may snap some folks out of their coma, I dont care who is to blame the spending has to stop or we sink. saying you are cutting spending when you are actually just cutting spending growth is a lie plain and simple
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"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

Offline scootrd

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2013, 06:57:12 PM »
The balanced approach IS working. Expand on it's momentum.we don't need a double dip recession.

Is spending a lot and taxing a lot a balanced approach?  I'm sorry but I cant buy what you are selling.
Yep both sides are ass clowns. But we are in the middle and suffering, one side defending his side is like saying I may be ugly but you dont look so good.
Sequestration may snap some folks out of their coma, I dont care who is to blame the spending has to stop or we sink. saying you are cutting spending when you are actually just cutting spending growth is a lie plain and simple

Austerity is not the answer.
Sequestration is a man made issue. All (Dems and Adult republicans) except far right agree it's just plain stupid.
So just vote not to implement and repeal, then come back to the table and do the job we sent you to Washington to do, target spending cuts, eliminate waste, institute true tax reform , close loopholes. In other word stop acting like children throwing tantrums and do the  job we are paying them for legislate effectively.

Next time round I'm voting out all incumbents irregardless of party, time to start over with people that are willing to work together rather than just point fingers at each other from opposite sides of the playground. 

Semper Fi
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2013, 08:39:35 PM »
The balanced approach IS working. Expand on it's momentum.we don't need a double dip recession.

Is spending a lot and taxing a lot a balanced approach?  I'm sorry but I cant buy what you are selling.
Yep both sides are ass clowns. But we are in the middle and suffering, one side defending his side is like saying I may be ugly but you dont look so good.
Sequestration may snap some folks out of their coma, I dont care who is to blame the spending has to stop or we sink. saying you are cutting spending when you are actually just cutting spending growth is a lie plain and simple

Austerity is not the answer.
Sequestration is a man made issue. All (Dems and Adult republicans) except far right agree it's just plain stupid.
So just vote not to implement and repeal, then come back to the table and do the job we sent you to Washington to do, target spending cuts, eliminate waste, institute true tax reform , close loopholes. In other word stop acting like children throwing tantrums and do the  job we are paying them for legislate effectively.

Next time round I'm voting out all incumbents irregardless of party, time to start over with people that are willing to work together rather than just point fingers at each other from opposite sides of the playground. 

Semper Fi

"Sequestration" Didn't he and Austerity run against each other at Churchill Downs? ;)
IMO, your last statement of not voting for any incumbent (IRREGARDLESS) of party affiliation makes more sense than anything previous said by all in this thread.We've been beating the dead horse called Dems vs Reps for a long, long time, and it gets us nowhere.

Get rid of them ALL. Elect new faces every election. I think most American voters like to lose, so they can moan , cry and blame the other guy for our problems.We hold the power of term limits, and don't use it ::)
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Offline rickt300

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2013, 03:28:38 AM »
One time: The only people who believe that Obama is responsible for the sequestration are the right wing radicals. The other two thirds of the country are going to put the blame in the lap of the Republican Party, whatever happens. Proceed as you will, into oblivion, but understand, the throat they are cutting is their own.
Another example of the leftist moron gap not able to grasp the truth! Why is it the left is so diametrically opposed to the truth? How did our country become such a nation of fools? Why does no one stand up to the leftist mainstream media and get them lined out on the truth? Even the Democrats know this was designed by Obama. Secondly it is a false premise to believe sequester is going to do any actual harm. 1.2 trillion over ten years, now that is funny! It needs to be 1.2 trillion per year. We are more than 16 trillion in the hole boys. That alone is enough to prove our government has failed and the players both left and right should be brought up on charges of treason for it.
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2013, 03:35:44 AM »
Churchill said" spending to get out of debt is like standing in a bucket and trying to lift yourself up by pulling on the handle.

You will get no argument from me we have to get spending under control. But the sequester is not the answer. At the time Boehner touted it as the solution to the problem.  Now he is running around saying it's the problem to the solution, And Ryan was telling everyone how great it was , now he is pointing a finger at Obama. ... well which is it? . These idiots on both side are bi-polar. They need to listen to the economists and use a scalpel and a balanced approach, not a hatchet and arbitrary cuts across the board.   

The balanced approach IS working. I personally don't give a hoot who wants to take credit for it. It;s the correct approach , Expand on it's momentum.we don't need a double dip recession

Semper Fi
What balanced aproach? Point it out for me. Is it more taxing and more spending? Working? How can adding more than a trillion dollars a year to our debt be called working unless you really want our country to go under. Semper Fi yourself.
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2013, 04:39:47 AM »
No one is being fooled here.  When liberals say "balanced approach" that is nothing but a code word for increasing taxes.  Well, Osama got his tax increase on those evil rich folks who make over 200 k.  The thing is that he can't take yes for an answer and the Republican run House should have learned a long time ago that you can't make a deal with a snake.

The House has done its part and has passed a budget a long time ago.  The fact that Filthy Harry won't allow a vote on any budget tells the story.  He knows full well that there probably are enough renegade Dumycrat votes (those who don't want to explain to their constituents why they voted against a budget bill) to pass a budget bill.

As for the White House, they don't seem to be able to get their story straight.  Obama says that the speaker is responsible for the sequester, but the press secretary concedes that it was a plan that came from the White House (presidential advisers). 

I'm fine with the sequester; if that's what it takes to make cuts--so be it.  Yes, the snake and his complicit media will blame the Republicans, but that would be the case no matter what.  Even some of the lying left-wing journalists are having a hard time with some of the lies coming from the regime. 

Offline Oldshooter

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2013, 09:09:22 AM »
target spending cuts, eliminate waste, institute true tax reform , close loopholes.

Wow what a novel Idea!
wont fly though, they wont eliminate waste cause they would have to eliminate themselves.
obama has instituted tax reform. he wont raise taxes on people making less than 250k, 150k, 100k,..... well I guess you are right we need tax reform  ::)
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Offline jimster

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2013, 11:55:31 AM »
So just vote not to implement and repeal, then come back to the table and do the job we sent you to Washington to do, target spending cuts, eliminate waste, institute true tax reform , close loopholes.
First thing you should already know is the president and congress are like a bunch of school kids, they partied like crazy all these months knowing full well what would happen on "exam day"....nobody is going to the table to do anything, they haven't had a budget in almost 4 years, they will NOT stop spending ANYWHERE....they are all like crackheads, and Obama should be ashamed at the way he is acting, I know I am ashamed of him.
Obama wanted this...he is picking a fight over a few pennies, he also has the power to transfer money from worthless programs (there are a LOT of those) to anything worth while. He is using fear mongering hoping most the people are stupid...and I guess most are, he is our president.
We are talking so little money here, it's like two fat people pigging out at McDonald's and arguing over regular or diet coke. We are talking about a large bloated government that is out of control here. All of them are acting like fools with the president playing the lead fool role. Obama insults Americans by thinking we are that stupid. 
No...repealing a law they ALL put in place is NOT the answer...because they will not go to the table, and Obama will not give up a penny or government growth. Might as well let it happen. Obama said a long time ago this is a good thing anyways...maybe for once he should follow through on something. 
Can't believe this clown surrounds himself with "victims" in his blathering embarrassing to watch basically a spoiled colledge kid who never grew up try to be president of the U.S.  Never saw one person that could divide a country so much, purposely, not govern anything at all, and take no responsibility at all for anything.

Pray for a leader...we do not have one.

Offline Couger

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #38 on: February 21, 2013, 12:03:43 PM »
Quote from: RPRNY
Fact: the President and Congressional Democrats have failed to develop, propose and vote on a Budget, even during the two years that they controlled both Houses and the Executive.

Fact : The President promised to substantially reduce the National Deficit. He has substantially increased it. (was that his "plan" all along!!??)

Fact : Despite the mounting deficit, the President has repeatedly refused to take a leadership role in identifying spending cuts that would lead to meaningful deficit reduction. His goal has been and remains revenue increases to enable short term sustainability of current spending levels, also known as kicking the can down the street.

Fact : The President is responsible for the "sequester " deal and it is his responsibility to propose alternative cuts that would achieve the necessary deficit reduction levels in lieu of those contained in the sequester deal that he and his Party agreed to.

He will not. He has repeatedly failed to demonstrate any leadership. Boehner is blowhard in chief of the opposition Party. The President is Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive. It is his responsibility to Lead, not Organize. He cannot lead and he is failing this nation.

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Basically agree with this post, except I believe the Chicago THUG's intent is to deliberately destroy this country, - not at all by "accident!"  :(

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2013, 12:08:35 PM »
Pray for a leader...we do not have one.

Indeed.  Absolutely correct!
Do we instead have a sabatour?  :o   ;)

Offline SwampThing762

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #40 on: February 22, 2013, 05:17:10 AM »
Quote from: RPRNY
Fact: the President and Congressional Democrats have failed to develop, propose and vote on a Budget, even during the two years that they controlled both Houses and the Executive.

Fact : The President promised to substantially reduce the National Deficit. He has substantially increased it. (was that his "plan" all along!!??)

Fact : Despite the mounting deficit, the President has repeatedly refused to take a leadership role in identifying spending cuts that would lead to meaningful deficit reduction. His goal has been and remains revenue increases to enable short term sustainability of current spending levels, also known as kicking the can down the street.

Fact : The President is responsible for the "sequester " deal and it is his responsibility to propose alternative cuts that would achieve the necessary deficit reduction levels in lieu of those contained in the sequester deal that he and his Party agreed to.

He will not. He has repeatedly failed to demonstrate any leadership. Boehner is blowhard in chief of the opposition Party. The President is Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive. It is his responsibility to Lead, not Organize. He cannot lead and he is failing this nation.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

Basically agree with this post, except I believe the Chicago THUG's intent is to deliberately destroy this country, - not at all by "accident!"  :(


I agree with everything you say.  He is out to destroy this nation.  He is using the welfare parasites, union thugs, and the Democratic Party as his willing co-conspirators.

For the GBO libs, destruction of America is the code translation from "fundamentally transform".   All of our resident liberals at GBO should be proud of themselves; they contributed to demise of a nation by aiding and abetting Obama the Destroyer.

We learned the true nature of Islam on 11 Sept 2001.

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #41 on: February 22, 2013, 06:48:30 AM »
In short and as blunt as I can be, The Republicans will cave again!
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Offline scootrd

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #42 on: February 22, 2013, 07:20:50 AM »
In short and as blunt as I can be, The Republicans will cave again!

They ALL ON BOTH SIDES need to cave.  Business leaders and economists have called on congress this week to end sequestration , go back to the table and work out a balanced deal. The economy is at a fragile recovery point. Sequestration WILL create a recession. Taking an arbitrary hatchet where a scalpel is needed to strategically   perform necessary surgery is just nuts.

 I don't think Americans quite understand how devastating this will be. Military contracts, bases , local military economies will all suffer ETC..ETC. They will get it when our grocery stores begin to look like Moscow because there are no inspectors to allow meats, milk etc to grocery store shelves. U.S. Transportation Secretary announced today they will be forced to close over 100 ATC towers which will disrupt air travel and on and on.

Business Leaders are informing congress this week stop the nonsense.

The Committee for Economic Development (CED is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, business-led public policy organization that delivers well-researched analysis and reasoned solutions to our nation's most critical issues.

They voted for it. Just vote to repeal it. Roll sleeves up and actually put the time and effort in to get it right by targeting spending cuts, waste, True tax reform , close loopholes.and allow our economy to continue it's slow climb up out of this mess.
In other words earn your Pay congress and administration.

This man made crisis is just dumb. I personally dont give a damn who's fault it is (it's all their fault) stop pointing fingers and acting like congressional children.

Semper Fi
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #43 on: February 22, 2013, 08:38:17 AM »
Quote from: scootrd
..... this man made crisis is just dumb. I personally dont give a damn who's fault it is (it's all their fault) stop pointing fingers and acting like congressional children ......

more like congressional traitors!

they certainly don't act like any kind of 'statesmen!'  and sure as heck not 'patriots.'  :'(

Offline ironglow

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #44 on: February 22, 2013, 09:16:38 AM »
  SDequestration...the president's plan..  Here his press secretary says so!
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #45 on: February 22, 2013, 10:32:15 AM »
Scootrd - what we need is a hatchet, not a scalpel. If you and the President are willing to use the hatchet to chop other parts of the budget, by all means, let it be so. But this talk of scalpel is the problem. Chunks of less than $5 Trillion are useless window dressing. That is what you and the President cant seem to grasp. Having failed to apply the scalpel at all in four years - instead feeding the cancer with deficit spending - we now require radical measures. The sky wont fall. The end of days wont come. It will be inconvenient. And that is what scares the President and leadership of both Parties most : the sequester will show that even radical cuts are viable.

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Offline Oldshooter

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #46 on: February 22, 2013, 10:56:15 AM »
Quote from: scootrd
..... this man made crisis is just dumb. I personally dont give a damn who's fault it is (it's all their fault) stop pointing fingers and acting like congressional children ......

more like congressional traitors!

they certainly don't act like any kind of 'statesmen!'  and sure as heck not 'patriots.'  :'(

Read this and said you can say that again.  Sooo...............
Quote from: scootrd
..... this man made crisis is just dumb. I personally dont give a damn who's fault it is (it's all their fault) stop pointing fingers and acting like congressional children ......

more like congressional traitors!

they certainly don't act like any kind of 'statesmen!'  and sure as heck not 'patriots.'  :'(
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #47 on: February 23, 2013, 09:46:47 AM »
OK, let's presume they take those cuts off. How long do you think it would take for Congress to come up with something useful? Just by looking at their recent past performance I'd say NEVER. So use the hatchet.
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #48 on: February 23, 2013, 10:35:44 AM »
This is all silliness.  The government will still spend MORE with sequestration this year, than they did last.  My salary has been frozen for some time, and my bills have been increasing.  So be it, it's to be dealt with.
1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years is piddling change.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #49 on: February 24, 2013, 08:49:40 AM »
This is all silliness.  The government will still spend MORE with sequestration this year, than they did last.  My salary has been frozen for some time, and my bills have been increasing.  So be it, it's to be dealt with.
1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years is piddling change.
   The reduction would only be a bit over 2% of the budget.  Don't tell me the Endowment for the Arts, Endowment for the Humanities, Dept of Education, DEC, EPA, IRS, DOT and a hundred other agencies including free cell-phones, WIC, Planned Parenthood, cost of implementing anti-2nd amendment policy, Obamacare and "environmental studies" (by lying universities)...
        ...Can't reduce their expenditures by at least 10%?
     Mechanic:  "Molon Labe "   I like that ..It reminds me of the Texicans, when they fought for their independence!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #50 on: February 26, 2013, 06:19:55 AM »
This is all silliness.  The government will still spend MORE with sequestration this year, than they did last.  My salary has been frozen for some time, and my bills have been increasing.  So be it, it's to be dealt with.
1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years is piddling change.
   The reduction would only be a bit over 2% of the budget.  Don't tell me the Endowment for the Arts, Endowment for the Humanities, Dept of Education, DEC, EPA, IRS, DOT and a hundred other agencies including free cell-phones, WIC, Planned Parenthood, cost of implementing anti-2nd amendment policy, Obamacare and "environmental studies" (by lying universities)...
        ...Can't reduce their expenditures by at least 10%?
     Mechanic:  "Molon Labe "   I like that ..It reminds me of the Texicans, when they fought for their independence!
The largest cuts will be defense , IE : Private sector contracts , private company employees , GS folks , defense contractors, military bases , military economies will be hit especially hard etc..

Republicans and Dems alike know how stupid 700, 000 job losses  will be (Which by the way when all the math is said and done will cost the taxpayer more than avoiding the hatchet cuts and doing the necessary harder work of intelligently targeting waste , ending inefficient programs, implement tax reforms etc..) Hatchet cuts that do not target specific root causes are just dumb.

Dumb for our economy , dumb for business.

If you ran a company that had 2 prosperous divisions and one ailing division would you institute hatchet 20% cuts across all divisions that endanger the profitability of the two thriving divisions , or do the necessary harder work of targeting reforms to boost profitability within just the ailing division?.

your answer is the difference between true leadership and inept management. True leaders make the tough choices. inept managers just throw spaghetti against the wall hoping some will stick because they lack the knowledge and skills to comprehensibly deal with the true root causes.

Our legislators are acting like inept corporate managers, not leaders.

Semper Fi

"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #51 on: February 26, 2013, 09:24:17 AM »
If you ran a company that had 2 prosperous divisions and one ailing division would you institute hatchet 20% cuts across all divisions that endanger the profitability of the two thriving divisions , or do the necessary harder work of targeting reforms to boost profitability within just the ailing division?.

Very poor analogy.  First off, there are no divisions of the government that are profitable.  Secondly, the 20% figure is extremely disingenuous.  If they are spending MORE this year than last, there are NO real cuts.  Re-read mechanic's last post.
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #52 on: February 26, 2013, 10:23:51 AM »
If you play checkers and ever play "give them away " then you understand how the govt. works  ;)
 BTW how does one fix a budget that MUST reflect an increase underr the law  even if it is not needed ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #53 on: February 26, 2013, 11:36:55 AM »
Lets hatchet Medicaid —not by reducing underlying health care costs, but simply by shifting those costs to the poorest of the poor so those well off can retain their 15% tax status.

Lets hatchet meals on wheels program for seniors and disabled shut-ins so corporations can keep their corporate jet loopholes, and Big oil corporate welfare subsidies flowing.

Lets hatchet Social Security no matter the average recipient only receives 24K a year , so we can keep in place carried interest loopholes for wall street hedge fund elites for tax avoidance forcing the rest of us to pick up the tab.

True tax reform and elimination of wasteful spending to create efficiencies is the answer. But these bought off politicians would rather line their own pockets and blindly slash and burn than attack and correct the true underlying Root causes.

So much for the party who claim to walk within Christ's grace.
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #54 on: February 26, 2013, 11:50:22 AM »
Scootr, overtures have been made to the senate and Obama to apportion  these cuts, to no avail.
They create these "imminent disasters" in order to get their way...their way?  More spending, more tax's.
With the AUTOMATIC increases built into Fed. spending, they will still spend MORE than last year.  There is no reason for anyone to suffer. This isn't an actual cut, just a cut in the rate of increase.  If our government can't find a way to live on the same money, or even more for a year or two it's toast anyway.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline magooch

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #55 on: February 27, 2013, 04:42:43 AM »
Osama was very adamant that he would veto any attempt to reverse the sequester, so if he wants something different, let him propose something that the House and Senate will agree with.  In stead, he prefers to dither and rally and do anything, but his job.

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Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #56 on: February 28, 2013, 07:24:55 AM »
Ben nailed it. Scootrd attempts to promote the panic line of the Administration (and focus on defense spending because Liberals imagine this is a red flag to the raging Republican bull). But that doesn't work outside the rarified political air of the Beltway. We are real people and can do basic math. The sequester level "cuts" are only scary to the (both) Party aristocracy in DC and their minions. As Ben notes, the sequester isn't even a cut, just a decline in the rate of increased spending. Your meals on wheels, Medicaid, etc, will be worth nothing, along with the US Dollar when the weight of debt brings U S to our knees. Meanwhile, your lot fiddles while Rome burns.
[spoof]The Handi-Rifle is a highly matrixed, vintage tactical shooting platform allowing operators high interchangeability, extended caliber diversity, and a wide choice of range related optical solutions suited to the demands of their tactical operating environments.  ;) [/spoof]

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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #57 on: February 28, 2013, 05:18:32 PM »
What really Irks me is the fact that the MEDIA are willing accomplices in all this. Like everything else they enjoy scaring the hell out of the sheeple with the "omigod the sky is falling bs"  And dont you think the liar in chief dont know this and is using it to promote his agenda and apply pressure.
  What ever happened to guys like the two reporters that sacked Nixon. Woodward and "whats his name". I hear Woodward is saying the president is lying and he is being shouted down by the "fourth" branch of gooberment.
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Re: Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #58 on: February 28, 2013, 08:21:00 PM »
Ben nailed it. Scootrd attempts to promote the panic line of the Administration (and focus on defense spending because Liberals imagine this is a red flag to the raging Republican bull).

I focus on defense not to tout anyone's party line agenda but because I come from a military family with a very long lineage of serving. The cuts disproportionately affect defense contracts (and threaten our security) our military bases and surrounding military town economies. I've lived there. I've served there, and these cuts will be devastating for these areas. Over 40% of the cuts are directly aimed within the defense umbrella and they do not have the Authority to target the defense cuts , its a cut across all areas within defense.

Before you go round accusing a person of why they have a personal opinion and have taken a particular position on a subject
why don't you just ask the person directly rather than project your own personal false and accusatory assumptions.

They Sequestration is stupid and is not an effective approach to getting this countries fiscal house in order.

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Offline RPRNY

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Boehner tells hussein, you created it, you fix it.
« Reply #59 on: March 01, 2013, 01:24:30 AM »
Scootrd, then reserve your outrage for a President who has failed, utterly, to fix it. I don't happen to believe that the defense spending reductions will have anything like " devastating " impact. It is a scare tactic to push the Republicans to cave, as they are wont to do. These are reductions in spending , not cuts. If the reductions are so devastating, the President could propose equal number alternatives. 2.5% reduction in the increase is not "drastic" or "devastating" and if the Dems could produce a budget (failure) they could move money from the National Endowment for the Promotion of Transgenderim  Among Whales to cover it.
[spoof]The Handi-Rifle is a highly matrixed, vintage tactical shooting platform allowing operators high interchangeability, extended caliber diversity, and a wide choice of range related optical solutions suited to the demands of their tactical operating environments.  ;) [/spoof]