Dear Guys,
I don't weld, so sorry if this is a dumb question. The Remington 760 has a troublesome mag release lever, because it only extends a short distance down from the receiver. Apparently, it takes two hands to actually operate it and remove the magazine. This problem was corrected in the model 7600 with a longer release lever.
But couldn't you just take the 760 release lever, and weld two or three bead bands on the butt end of it, to extend the lever? (I'm not sure whether this would be a Tac or Tig welder.) Then, just polish the sides of the lever, and the bottom of the lever, to even it out? (Using a file, you could then put a serrated edge on the bottom of the lever.)
I once saw a man using a Tig welder, and it only took him about 3 minutes to lay down a couple of fine seams on a piece of machinery.
The reason I ask is that there are alot of 760s out there in very nice shape, but who would want to struggle with the short release lever?
Thanks for all input.
Regards, Mannyrock