Please excuse my general ignorance, have only ever mounted a few scopes in my life
not all of them good experiences LOL
What I have to mount is a good old El Paso Weaver K4. currently being rebuilt i might add
On this Handi rifle, I see three holes in the barrel/chamber area, with screws inserted.
Are these the tapped holes for a mount system ?
If so, what are the options for mounting?
I have seen pics of Handi's that the owenr has used a one piece steel plate, I assume it is dovetailed for rings. I understand that type overhangs over the barrel towards the front. Hmmmm.
Is there a 2 piece setup available, upon which see-thru rings may attach.
I have gone through every page of my Natchez catalog, and I dont see a direct, pictured/illustrated setup for NEF.
IOW, No warm fuzzy feelings LOL
thanks for any advice you can share.