BTW: Scoot..aren't you a teacher..or was that Guzzi? In either case, do you have a retirement plan, IRA or 401K? If so..then YOU ARE Wall what are you complaining about?
My complaints are with inequality in our tax codes.
My complaints are with "Too big to fail institutions" believing they are above the rules.
My complaints are with a rigged game that continues to place undo burden on the backs of others who have less financial resources to carry the weight yet have tried to do the right thing all their lives.
My complaints are with elected leaders who have forgotten they were elected to serve all Americans , who act like children protecting special interests and pick up their pails and shovels and move to opposite end of the beach because they are not willing to do the hard work come together and legislate.
My complaints are with decades of institutionalized policies implemented by bought and paid for politicians who line their political pockets through protecting folks like Dimon, and hedge fund wall streeters, and abusive corporate tax avoidance corps.
yes I am more well off then others , and yes I have made a comfortable nest egg off sound investments, and yes I have done so through discipline , hard work , and non-access to "special tax rules" only offered to top %ers. I have been truly blessed and literally thank God everyday. But my personal well being does not negate my responsibilities to others, if nothing else it affords me to be a more effective advocate. I have always remembered my blue collar roots , and where I came from, and the values instilled in me at a young age. and the difference between right and wrong.
What I am not is part of this "I got mine jack so the heck with everyone else crowd" I see and hear from so much nowadays. There are too many Sunday only Christians who pretend to be Pious within the walls of the congregation but word, deed and how they carry themselves in their communities prove different. If some here truly don't see (nor care to see) the decades of financial system inequalities that have favored the few over the many - then Flame away. water off a ducks back.
Semper Fi.