Author Topic: Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove  (Read 976 times)

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Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove
« on: March 03, 2013, 05:55:35 AM »
I've done this before and haven't had a problem with swagged bullets moving as the loads were Cowboy velocities. Just thought I'd check with the other casters here. I'm getting back into casting after some years of being out of it. I load 4-5 different bullets in my 45 LC's as my guns seem to all like something different. My seating die is set up to where it just seats the bullet and then I do another step where I crimp them with a Lee Factory Crimp die. I just bought the Lee mold #90290 that puts out  a 230gr TC bullet that has the lube groove but not a crimp groove. I know it's better suited for the 45 ACP but figgured I could crimp on the band above the lube groove. Like I mentioned, these would be Cowboy loads so not a lot of recoil. The Lee FCD should make the brass bite into these air cooled wheel weight bullets enough to hold it in my way of thinking. Appreciate any thoughts on this.
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Offline Hairy Chest

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Re: Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2013, 06:27:06 AM »
Only the rifle style Lee FC will make a crimp groove and hold it.  Do you have a rifle style Lee FC, or does it have the knob on the top? 
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Re: Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2013, 06:36:18 AM »
It's got the knob. If the rifle style will do better I may have to own one. After posting this reply I looked at pics of the Lee FCD's and mine doesn't have the segmented collet at the top. It crimps bullets very well so I don't know if I'm looking at the right thing or not. Only bullets I ever had a problem with were the 250gr Hornady FTX bullets without a cannalure. Why Hornady doesn't put one on this bullet is a mystery to me. The lighter weights have them. My time with them was very short.
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Offline kynardsj

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Re: Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2013, 08:24:31 AM »
Since my last post I've spent some time on the Cast Boolits website. The guys there seem to agree that crimping the way I spoke of is fine as long as it's not in a tubular magazine and not in a heavy recoiling wheelgun. All of these will be Cowboy loads in my Vaquero.
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Re: Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2013, 10:37:15 AM »
Since my last post I've spent some time on the Cast Boolits website. The guys there seem to agree that crimping the way I spoke of is fine as long as it's not in a tubular magazine and not in a heavy recoiling wheelgun. All of these will be Cowboy loads in my Vaquero.

230 grain bullets with no neck tension in a Vaquero for cowboy action?  ???
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Offline kynardsj

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Re: Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2013, 10:55:43 AM »
The 230 gr TC wasn't my first choice of molds but choices are thin right now. Reviews on it say that most come out weighing around 240 gr. I don't shoot Cowboy Action, I just plan on loading these to those velocities. The case is full length sized, that's partially holding the bullet, and then the crimp will bite into the bullet above the lube groove. Nothing pushing down on the bullet and no heavy recoil. The 250 gr Magtech swagged bullets I got recently in a trade don't have a crimp groove, looking at other swagged bullets on the market they're the same way. Case tension and the crimp biting into the bullet is the only way I see to load those too.
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Re: Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2013, 12:58:54 AM »
correct answer.
Since my last post I've spent some time on the Cast Boolits website. The guys there seem to agree that crimping the way I spoke of is fine as long as it's not in a tubular magazine and not in a heavy recoiling wheelgun. All of these will be Cowboy loads in my Vaquero.
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Offline Hairy Chest

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Re: Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2013, 05:13:42 AM »
correct answer.
Since my last post I've spent some time on the Cast Boolits website. The guys there seem to agree that crimping the way I spoke of is fine as long as it's not in a tubular magazine and not in a heavy recoiling wheelgun. All of these will be Cowboy loads in my Vaquero.

That's what they shoot.  I prefer the more powerful loads for "cowboy action".   ;)
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Offline kynardsj

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Re: Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2013, 11:29:07 AM »
I'm starting to think the above thread was a moot point even though I appreciate the replies. The day I bought the Lee mold mentioned above the pickings were slim everywhere I looked on the internet. I took what I could get and make do with. Two days later a guy on Ebay put a new Lee mold up for a buy it now at a very fair price. I now have a #90358 255 gr RNFP mold headed my way with the nice crimp groove like all of those style bullets have. I'll just sell the new #90290 and get my money back for the one I wanted in the first place. 
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Re: Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2013, 10:28:41 AM »
Personally, I'd toss the Lee FCD, and for that particular bullet use a taper crimp die. The post-seating-sizing die has a tendency to swage the lead bullets and reslt in poor accuracy and leading. If you want to use a roll crimp, crimp over the shoulder. I would think if you tried to crimp into the top of the lube groove, it would have to go pretty deep to contact an metal to hold on to. Seated above the lube groove with a moderate taper crimp and the loads you suggest, you'll be fine...

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Re: Crimping Cast Bullets Without a Crimp Groove
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2013, 01:37:31 PM »
Ol' Elmer Kieth knew a thing or two about cast bullets, loading and shooting them.  If I remember correctly he crimped just above the shoulder of the ogive.
Me, I would do as mdi said....because I already have a taper crimp die.
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