Was out today for rings and bases, the base I usually buy (Leupold Rifleman one piece) were out of stock, so I was sold a Weaver extended multislot (picatinny style) base. Once home I noticed the cross slots in the Weaver base are a little wider than the Leupold base. The rings I'm using are Leupold PRW, when I loosen the rings off and put them in a base slot there is a lot of play, as the cross slot lug on the ring is alot smaller than the base slot. Yes there is a little play with the Leupold base but, alot less. Why are the slot sizes on the bases different, and will it make any difference once the rings are tightened down to the base. One other question, does anyone use adhesive on any thing else besides the base screws when scope mounting. thanks for any help.