It isn't the current leaders or the current parties that are the problem. It is the people that support them. They support them. There is no way for reason to prevail. ear
Agreed. President Obama is a product of what is wrong, or as another country put it, a republic can survive a fool, the question is how long can a country survive the multitude of fools who put him there.
I'm not afraid of President Obama, I am afraid of how someone like that got there. He is only a product of someone coming up through the system and never needing a real job, tax payer supported the entire way, and brings with him that mentality without any experience in much of anything except how to work the system. Add to that a willingness to hurt people to prove a political point, and you have what a large portion of the American people have become.
Refusing to have a budget for example is how many Americans want to live, so they elect like minded people, and you have no budget. Wanting money and a home without sacrificing yourself with hours of study and working crummy jobs for years to get there, and you elect people in congress who give out lots of "entitlements". Wanting to have sex whenever you want and not pay for the consequences of your actions, you elect people who will make others pay for your bad judgement with their money instead of yours. After a while you will not outvote that. People do not improve their morals and work ethics and drive for independence on their own, they will go to the grave that way, and their offspring will be the same. Sooner or later, it will be time to "crop" the herd, not sure how that will happen, but it eventually will happen I think. It's nature.
President Obama is not the threat, he's not even scary, heck to be honest nobody pays any attention to him much at all, you have entire states telling him they will do what they want and not pay attention to his fed laws, try to stop me. I don't think too many people are scared of Obama. Matter of fact, all the fed agencies are doing whatever they want regardless of him...the boss don't matter, let runs some guns into Me-he-co and have a parties in some other country on the tax payers dime. Just make sure you pay the gals it don't hit the news next time.