What type of gun is it for? If it is APP that would be reason enough to avoid it. If you can't or don't want to shoot Blackhorn 209 I'd drop back to loose 777 or Pyrodex.
You can put new lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig. Anyone remember Black Canyon Powder? Same old crap, just 15-20 years earlier, then Clean Shot, American Pioneer Powder, Shockey's Gold, (Goex) Pinnacle, and now Black MZ. All of these are sugar based powders, and all related. They all look like kitty litter, just some are coarse, and others coarser.
There were others powders like Goex Clear Shot, Black Magnum, Black Mag'2, Black Mag'3, Black Mag'XP as well. Clear shot drew moisture drops as soon as you fired it. You wouldn't even need to dampen your patch to spit patch your barrel between shots. With the explosion of the MDM Plant, the Black Mag'XP series of powders is no more. This was a very energetic powder, and one of the better subs, but very hygroscopic.
The only Black Powder Substitutes that have and will stand the test of time are Pyrodex, Triple Se7en, and Blackhorn 209 so far.
If you cannot shoot Blackhorn 209, then Triple Se7en is the next best thing in substitutes. I would personally go back to Swiss Black Powder before shooting Pyrodex again. Pyrodex is the most corrosive muzzleloading propellant currently made, even more so than Black Powder IMO.
They all have their pros and cons, you just have to figure out what you and more importantly your rifle can live with.