haven't made any of any kind for a while.
we don't get enough meat like we used
to when we could go on cull hunts. now,
what were free cull hunts are now called
"day hunts" and go for several hundred
making jerky, i never cooked it and sliced
thin as possible and then cut into pinky finger
sized pieces and it got a cider vinegar and water
bath while i fixed marinade. i used to scratch
make it, but that got tiresome when we had
a bunch of meat. the local store had allegro
brand marinade, so that's what i started using.
meat stays in vineg. for 15 minutes or so, then
in the marinade for several hours. i have some
dehydrator/driers so that's what i use. racks and
insides get washed with fresh cider vinegar/water
then a layer of meat, wash a rack, install, layer
of meat, etc. i've never cooked any jerky.
sausage i can't help you on. one of the main
ingredients is morton's tender quick, and i haven't
seen that in a while anywhere. the last batch
i made was with lem brand summer sausage
pre-packaged spice and cure, and it worked great.
goes into soaked natural cases (what i use- i
guess colegen cases would work) and gets rinsed
and sits in refrig. or cool place to set up, then
smoked low for a few hours.
if you buy lem stuff, it comes with instructions.
one of the better companies i've dealt with,
and they have everything you need.
legg's old plantation is one of the better breakfast
sausage seasonings i've used.
jerky could be done in a low oven as stated earlier.
i make meatloaf the same regardless of what
it looked like living. minced onion-minced bell
pepper- italian bread crumbs- egg- black pepper-
salt- tomato sauce- ketchup- ketchup on top-
cook- eat- smile
good luck